Saturday, August 31, 2024

MSNBC's Attempt to Engender Sympathy for Kamala Harris on the Basis of Race Backfires When Mixed-Race Voter Delivers Brutal Response

  The Gateway Pundit  . . ."We got three major international crises going on and someone applying to be commander-in-chief. As a woman, I want to see you do more than appeal to giggling and having a girl moment on stage.' ”

"Liberal MSNBC’s attempt to engender sympathy for Kamala Harris based on skin color backfired spectacularly this morning after a brutal response from a mixed-race voter.

"The network gathered a panel of mixed-race voters to discuss their thoughts on the Presidential race. During the segment, the ‘journalist’ asked the voters whether they felt a “kinship” with Harris because she is multiracial (Harris is part Black and part Asian) like them.

"But she got more than she bargained for when one of the voters said no and went on to rip Harris’ poor leadership qualities, particularly when the world was blowing up.

"She then twisted the knife by blasting Harris for her tendency to laugh at inappropriate times. As The Gateway Pundit readers know, Harris has a horrendous habit of cackling when nervous or unsure of herself." . . .  (Emphasis in the original)

Fast Food Chain Closing Six Locations in California Due to New Minimum Wage Law

  TFPP Wire

The real question is: will this trend of closures continue, or will businesses find a way to adapt to government mandated higher costs? 

 Big Lots will lose many locations too

"Shake Shack is shutting down nine locations across the U.S., with six of those closures happening in California.

"The burger chain announced this move in a recent SEC filing, stating these spots weren’t expected to turn a profit anytime soon.

"This decision comes as California’s fast-food scene faces big changes.

"The state recently bumped up the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 an hour.

"While Shake Shack didn’t directly point to this wage hike as the reason for the closures, it’s worth noting that other chains like Rubio’s and Blaze Pizza have also closed up shop in the Golden State lately.

"Running a fast-food joint in California isn’t easy. Rent has always been high, and now labor costs are through the roof. It’s a tough mix that’s putting the squeeze on many businesses.

"But not everyone sees doom and gloom." . . .

Democrats Rule: California City Is a 'Train Wreck': Drug Addicts Wreak Havoc, Fueling Violent Crime

You want Kamala Harris and the Democrats she would select to run this nation?

 TFPP Wire    "San Francisco, once a shining beacon of innovation and culture on the West Coast, has become the epitome of what happens when liberal policies run amok.

"The city’s struggles with rampant drug use, homelessness, and crime have reached a boiling point, leaving residents and businesses alike wondering how things got so bad.

"At the heart of San Francisco’s troubles lies a decade of misguided leadership. Brian Claypool, a criminal defense attorney and owner of the Claypool Law Firm, doesn’t mince words when describing the situation.

“ 'San Francisco is a train wreck because of a combination of a couple of things; the left wing, radical Democratic leadership over the past 10 years,” he told Fox News Digital. “You have mayors who are very liberal, prosecutors who don’t prosecute offenders and the no-bail system.”

"The turning point for San Francisco came in 2014 with the passage of Proposition 47. This ill-conceived legislation reclassified several felonies as misdemeanors, including shoplifting under $950 and drug possession. The effects were immediate and devastating.

“ 'Proposition 47 was a major contributor to crime, not only in San Francisco, but across the state,” Claypool explained. “Because you had previously convicted felons who were not deemed dangerous. For example, fentanyl would have been classified as a dangerous drug before Prop 47 was passed, but Prop 47 forced the criminal court system to reclassify these drug addicts as a misdemeanor offense.”

"The result? More addicts on the streets, fueling a vicious cycle of homelessness and crime. With little fear of consequences, the homeless population has become increasingly brazen in committing robberies and violent acts." . . .  

California Insanity: State Senate And Assembly Pass Law Requiring Hiring of Illegal Alien Students | The Gateway Pundit  "California has cemented itself as a cultural Marxist haven by passing a law in the Senate and state assembly requiring public universities statewide to hire illegals.
"Now, it’s up to the infamous Governor Newsom to stop or sign off on this bill, AB 2586, according to Campus Reform.
"Noted president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, calls it what it is: criminal." . . .

Douglas Murray rips into The View over ‘softball’ Kamala interview

Sky News Australia 
"Author Douglas Murray has ripped into The View after the program’s “softball” interview with Kamala Harris earlier this year where the Vice President shared her views on the border. “How can I describe The View to non-Americans? It’s like Britain’s ‘Loose Women’ but less cerebral,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “It’s a very unfunny funny light daytime show' "

"In a video released to social media, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) excoriates President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on the third anniversary of the "botched" Afghanistan withdrawal."

Dana Bash Seems Different When She Interviews a Republican...


 The Dana Bash/Kamala Harris interview sure seemed a lot different from the Dana Bash/JD Vance interview. Hmmm…

“And if you’re too weak to do a one-on-one interview with a person that was so soft. You know, I know Dana. She’s always, you know, always nasty,” said Trump who’d previously remarked on the “fair” treatment he’d received during the June debate with President Joe Biden.”She was so nice to the Democrats. It’s much easier to be a Democrat, but we don’t agree on their policies because their policies will destroy our nation. So we can’t do that. We can’t do that. But, it was a very weak interview from the standpoint of CNN. I think CNN should be ashamed of themselves.”

"Kamala Harris was asked a specific question about what she would do on Day 1 if elected as POTUS."  Frank Luntz  — Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) August 30, 2024

CNN's Dana Bash blasted over Kamala Harris exclusive interview (  

Rescued hostage reveals cruel final days of fellow captive; Arie Zalmanovicz, 86, was denied proper medical care.

 Israel Hayom -

 . . ."The footage depicts the 85-year-old being transported on a motorcycle, flanked by his captors, while surrounded by dozens of cheering Gazans attempting to approach and strike him." 

Anti-Israel activists block Jewish students from walking down a street near 
Columbia University, February 2, 2024. Hamas everywhere.

"Rescued hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi on Thursday shed light on his time in Hamas captivity and the tragic death of another captive, Arie Zalmanovicz, 86, from Kibbutz Nir Oz.

"According to Alkadi, Zalmanovicz, whose death in captivity was confirmed in December by Israeli authorities, was alongside him until his last moments and may have died because Hamas terrorists denied him proper care.

"On Wednesday, it was reported that Alkadi, following his rescue, recounted seeing a deceased hostage beside him during their captivity. Zalmanovicz, a founding member of Nir Oz, was the oldest hostage held by Hamas. He leaves behind two sons and five grandchildren.

"Nir Oz issued a statement following the news, blaming the Hamas captors of deliberately denying Zalmanovicz essential medicine.

"“About two weeks ago, a chilling video was released documenting the moments of our friend Arie Zalmanovicz’s abduction from his home. Today, we learned of Farhan Alkadi’s testimony, who was rescued from captivity. He reported seeing Arie dying beside him after being denied necessary medication and medical treatment. This account completes the painful picture for us, revealing the hellish moments Arie endured from his abduction to his tragic end. It serves as a disturbing firsthand testimony of what the remaining hostages in Gaza are experiencing.”. . .

Son says Aryeh Zalmanovich, 86, 'was murdered' in Gaza hospital next to Farhan al-Qadi | The Times of Israel

  . . ."Boaz said hostages “are being murdered over time,” not only by being shot by their captors. They’re not eating [properly]. They’re not getting medicine.”

“Dad was old and sick, though still independent. But he was murdered in that way… by torment of the body and mind,” Boaz said. “That was what had most troubled us from the moment we were told Dad was dead, and the short description I got from Farhan only underlined this.” . . .

I just feel the need for this song in honor of the people of Israel. TD  Days of Elijah

Friday, August 30, 2024

“What most alarms me isn’t how the Democratic Party conducts its internal affairs, or runs it candidates." Why RFK left the Democrats

 What the Kennedys want - William Lippincott 

"To RFK Jr., I don’t know what to say.  I would ask where he thinks the despotic behavior of the DNC comes from." . . . 

Tom Stiglich

"RFK Jr. made big news last week when he suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump.  There is a meaningful backdrop to this epiphany, as the DNC has been creative and highly driven to block RFK Jr.’s quest for the presidency.

Is this messy sideshow indicative of what Dems mean by “our Democracy”?  How about Kamala Harris’s smoke-filled-room appointment as Democrat nominee for president after Joe Biden’s wheelchair was pushed over the edge?  Never mind.

The juiciest substory is the Kennedy family’s expression of disappointment.

“We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride,” a statement signed by five of the former third-party presidential candidate’s siblings said.

"The family added, “We believe in Harris and Walz.”

"All right — just another political squabble over a family gathering.  But wait a minute: how well do the Kennedy aspirations line up with the Democrat campaign?  Let’s parse the letter and find out." . . .

RFK, Jr. Denounces Totalitarianism That Drove Him Out Of Democratic Party (

. . .“It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden. Then, when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden, the same, shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor also without an election they installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate. My uncle and my father both relished debate. They prided themselves on their capacity go toe-to-toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas. They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party presidential nominee who, like Vice President Harris, has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days. This is profoundly undemocratic.”

"And another:

“What most alarms me isn’t how the Democratic Party conducts its internal affairs, or runs it candidates. What alarms me is the resort to censorship and media control, and the weaponization of the federal agencies. When a U.S. President colludes with or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech, it is an attack on our most sacred right of free expression, and that’s the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest.” . . .

Kamala Harris Gives Disqualifying Answer When Asked About Defense of 'Biden's Capacity to Serve'

Sister Toldjah  "Of all the questions Vice President Kamala Harris could have been asked during her CNN interview, the one I wanted to hear the answer to the most - and the one I figured wouldn't get asked - was on the subject of her staunch defense of President Joe Biden after his disastrous June debate performance." . . .

. . ."Throughout all the calls in July from Democrats for Biden to withdraw from the race, including the infamous moment where former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to say she supported Biden staying in it, Harris never wavered publicly on her support of Biden while out on the campaign trail, often minimizing his debate performance as just one bad night that was best overlooked because Orange Man Bad.

"On Thursday, she had a chance to pivot, to maybe be more upfront and honest about her defenses of Biden since the debate performance that was the catalyst for shaming him into withdrawing.

"She didn't and she wasn't. Instead, the Democratic presidential nominee who watched the same debate performance we did, who had stood by Biden's side for three and a half years and was no doubt witness to a lot more troubling moments than we were when we saw him out in public, said she had no regrets whatsoever. 

. . .  "There are a lot of reasons why Kamala Harris does not deserve to be president, but perhaps the most important one is her unwillingness to level with the American people about Joe Biden's health. She could have done it in a way that showed respect to her boss but that still got the point across and didn't make her look like a complete shill and tool.

"But she didn't. And my guess is that because in doing so she would have exposed her own complicity in the sham and troublesome cover-up. 

"Kamala Harris will always put personal ambition and politics ahead of country. If the American people didn't learn anything else about her from the CNN interview, let's hope they learned that much." 

RealityBites by Broc Smith

‘Joke of a network’: CNN blasted for Kamala Harris ‘puff piece’ montage - YouTube    "Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton has slammed CNN for endorsing Kamala Harris with a “puff piece” montage before airing its exclusive interview with the Democrat candidate."

Teenage Son of Democratic Official Busted for Alleged Hate Crime. Family dinner table discussion?

  Jeff Charles – RedState

"A teenager arrested on August 23 for vandalizing an elementary school with racist slurs and swastikas has been identified as the son of a local Democratic Party official.

"The 15-year-old son of Marquetta Brown, a Democratic National Convention delegate and San Diego Democratic Party Central Committee Member, is being charged for defacing school property on at least three occasions, according to reporter Amy Reichert.

"While it is customary to conceal the identity of a minor in an investigation, “This information is now public because a restraining order has been filed in San Diego Superior Court against the 15 year old and it was granted by a judge for 2 years,” Reichert explained." . . .

Where are you Little Joe?

 Silvio Canto, Jr. - American Thinker  

Furthermore, there is an appearances problem.  He is not just laying on the beach.  He looks like he’s checked out, and that’s why we are asking who is running the country.

"According to what we hear, President Biden is on the beach.  Can’t blame him because that Delaware coast is nice this time of the year, and every president needs a summer breeze to recharge the batteries.  Reagan went to the ranch; George W. chopped a few trees.

"So what’s wrong with Mr. Biden enjoying a little time off?  Nothing, except that he is always on vacation these days.

"Where is our president?  He is on the beach.  Who is running the country?   That’s the real question because that man on the beach does not look very engaged.

"This is from Katie Pavlich:

President Joe Biden left a week long California vacation Monday and headed back to the East Coast. His destination wasn’t Washington D.C. or the White House. Instead, he’s back in Delaware for an additional two weeks at the beach. His schedule remains blank after receiving the ‘president’s daily brief.’

The call time for reporters in Rehoboth, where Biden is staying in his beach house, was pushed to 11 am Tuesday morning. . . .

"Another day in the life of Joe.  He naps and the world goes on.

"Biden’s apologists will say that the nuclear briefcase and cell phone are nearby.  Yes, they are but who is running the country?  What happens if the Secretary of Defense is on the phone because missiles are on the way or because China invaded Taiwan, or that those aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean are in action.  Does anybody know?  That’s what worries many of us." . . .

"Tim Walz as the “emotional support candidate” for Kamala Harris during her interview with CNN."

"CNN anchor Dana Bash actually asked some decent questions, but what really struck me about the interview was that Kamala Harris, more often than not, avoided answering most of the questions, and Bash didn't seem to be concerned with getting an actual answer." . . .  Matt Margolis– PJ Media

Morning Greatness: Kamala-Flip Flops on Fracking in Softball CNN Interview › American Greatness (

Kamala Harris goes all in on fracking in testy interview exchange - POLITICO

"Vice President Kamala Harris vowed to make economic affordability the first priority of her presidency, defended her shifting positions on several key policies, and pledged continued support to Israel during a CNN interview on Thursday that marked the first extended sit-down of her candidacy.

"Harris, during the interview, offered a vigorous defense of her record as part of the Biden administration and hinted at expansive ambitions if elected in November. The interview took on increasing importance in recent days as Harris had not engaged in a lengthy back-and-forth with reporters since President Joe Biden left the ticket and endorsed her over a month ago.

"Harris didn’t create new problems for herself with a gaffe but she largely resisted offering much in the way of policy specifics, seeking instead to contrast her “new way forward” with attacks on GOP nominee Donald Trump over his temperament and most divisive policies." . . .

Trump-Vance Campaign Rolls Out Brutal New Ad Using This Line From Harris' CNN Interview (   

. . ."I just saw Comrade Kamala Harris’ answer to a very weakly-phrased question, a question that was put in more as a matter of defense than curiosity, but her answer rambled incoherently, and declared her 'values haven’t changed,'" Trump said. "On that I agree, her values haven’t changed - The Border is going to remain open, not closed, there will be Free Healthcare for Illegal Aliens, Sanctuary Cities, No Cash Bail, Gun Confiscation, Zero Fracking, a Ban on Gasoline-Powered Cars, Private Healthcare will be abolished, a 70-80% tax rate will be put in place, and she will Defund the Police. America will become a WASTELAND!" . . .
.: VP Harris keeps saying “my values haven’t changed” while not explaining why her positions have changed.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Douglas Murray rips into The View over ‘softball’ Kamala interview

Sky News Australia - YouTube

"Author Douglas Murray has ripped into The View after the program’s “softball” interview with Kamala Harris earlier this year where the Vice President shared her views on the border. "“How can I describe The View to non-Americans? It’s like Britain’s ‘Loose Women’ but less cerebral,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi. " 'It’s a very unfunny funny light daytime show.”