Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A picture of Harris begins to emerge

 Fact check: Photo does not show drunk Kamala Harris throwing up in bushes and staggering around | Reuters

As Kamala Harris masks her radicalism, AOC’s speech showed Democrats’ true face     . . ."Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took the stage at the Democratic National Convention a little after 9:30 p.m. Monday, smack dab in the middle of primetime.

President Joe Biden, meanwhile, was relegated to a speaking slot outside of the coveted broadcast window nearly two hours later.

"The striking contrast of their scheduling said a lot — not just about Biden’s and AOC’s personal trajectories, but about the ideological course of the Democratic Party.

"In the days since Vice President Kamala Harris replaced Biden as the Democrats’ presidential nominee, we’ve seen a concerted effort to recast Harris as the kind of candidate that moderates can unreservedly pull the lever for."

In a bold move, the Trump campaign created a website for Harris, displaying her public policy platform.   . . ."Since Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to inform voters of her public policy points, the Trump campaign saved her the trouble and released the information for her, Fox News Digital reports.

"'In a bold move, the Trump campaign created a website for Harris, displaying her public policy platform.

“Kamala Harris has yet to tell voters what her policies are, so we thought we’d help them out. Kamala Harris wants to open the borders, raise taxes, and free criminals,” a Trump campaign national press secretary told the outlet regarding the website.

"Called, the website was launched on Wednesday morning, as the Democratic National Convention (DNC) kicked off its third day. Once viewers click on the website, they are greeted with three images of the vice president laughing with a caption that reads, “Kamala Harris’ dangerous policies are nothing to laugh about.”

"The website lists nine platforms that the Harris campaign is running, which include that she fought “to set murderers free,” desires to “abolish the border,” wants to “eliminate private health insurance” and seeks to give illegal immigrants Social Security and Medicare." . . .

I was a captive of Hamas. After I was freed, I was imprisoned by online trolls.

 Agam Goldstein-Almog  I was among the Oct. 7 hostages. I dreamed of freedom, and hoped the world would embrace us.  Via American Jewish Committee

But then these people happened: I have watched as the movement in the West for a Gaza cease-fire sometimes devolves into full-throated support for Hamas and the hounding of Jews in public spaces. I’m sure my kidnappers still hate me, but when American students call for “intifada” or chant in praise of Hamas terrorists “Al-Qassam, you make us proud,” I’m reminded that many other people do, too.

"Growing up in Kibbutz Kfar Aza next to Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip meant a childhood that could be interrupted at any moment by sirens warning of a Hamas rocket attack. Sibling fights or quiet nights were instantly turned into a scramble for the nearest safe room. Hamas took control of Gaza a few months before I was born in 2007, so living in its shadow is all I have ever known.

"Having 15 seconds to run to safety might not be a common theme in childhood nostalgia, but

I convinced myself that it had made me stronger than kids from the comfortable Tel Aviv bubble."

Agam Goldstein-Almog

"Then came Oct. 7. Hamas terrorists charged into our home, shooting my father, Nadav, and sister, Yam, in a furious ecstasy of hate. I was dragged out of the house together with my mother and two younger brothers and forced into a car to Gaza. I see my father’s fading eyes when I close mine at night.

"Arriving in Gaza, the car was surrounded by a mob, mostly people who appeared to be about my own age, 17, or younger. They smiled and laughed as I wept.In Judaism, there is a tradition that baseless hatred — hatred divorced from all reason — is what led to the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70. I now know what it means to be hated baselessly — for all that I am and all I am not.

"My Hamas guards hated me for being Jewish, so I was coerced into reciting Islamic prayers and made to wear a hijab. I was forbidden from mourning my father and sister, and often ordered to look down at the ground. Six female hostages I met in a tunnel told me about men with guns who came into their shower rooms and touched their bodies." . . .

"Now a dangerous escalation in the war that began on Oct. 7 may loom, involving an Iranian regime that has long promised to wipe Israel off the map. Theirs is the same hatred that killed my father and sister. The same hatred that poisons too many campuses and too much of social media."

Emphasis mine. TD. See also: Hamas and their useful idiots in the streets and on the stage in Chicago

Hamas and their useful idiots in the streets and on the stage in Chicago

 "Father, Child Tied Together, Burnt Alive" | What We Saw At Israel's Foreign Media Briefing | Hamas   "Barkha Dutt in Israel: At Israel's National Medical Forensic Center, examiners are working around the clock to identify as many of the 1,400 bodies of Hamas victims as they can.

"In a press briefing, Dr. Chen Kugel, the director of Israel's National Center of Forensic Medicine, explained how Hamas unleashed horror on innocent civilians.
" 'I don't know if we will be able to take DNA from these samples because they are very charred,” he said. " 'Some of the victims were not shot as no metal fragments were discovered in their bodies, but they were burned. It's like a crematorium.”

Kibbutz life for Israelis and death by Palestinians "He showed one example of two people whose bodies were discovered together in a burned-out safe room. “This is an adult with a child. The adult was hugging the child, and a metal wire might have been used to tie the two bodies together. They were burned like this," Kugel told reporters."

Kamala Harris Would Be Disastrous for the Middle East Especially if she tries to please those scarf people chanting "death to America!" and "Death to Israel!"outside the DNC.

"With Donald Trump and Kamala Harris functionally tied in the polls, it is high time to ask: What would a Harris foreign policy look like?

"First, let’s dismiss the idea that Harris has little foreign policy experience and, therefore, will likely rely heavily on veterans of the Biden, Obama, and Clinton administrations. This view is comforting to the alumni of previous Democratic administrations and suggests continuity. It is also convenient for partisans and pundits on both sides of the Blue-Red divide, allowing them to defend or attack Harris based on the Biden record." . . .

. . ."America’s allies already see the signs. Zelensky has sent Ukrainian forces into Russia itself. It will need Russian territory to trade away in any Harris-convened “peace conference” with Russia. Israel’s focus on total victory in Gaza and, perhaps, in Lebanon is with the tacit understanding that it may lose access to U.S. weapons and intelligence in a Harris administration. The world is becoming more dangerous as allies position themselves for America’s departure. They know that Afghanistan, Cambodia, and South Vietnam were allies once and do not wish to share their fate." (Emphasis mine, TD)

Damning impeachment report shows why Dems were desperate to get rid of corrupt Biden

Andrew C. McCarthy

"Democrats will open their convention with a celebration of President Biden, the candidate for whom they nigh-unanimously voted in primaries only to jettison as unelectable as November beckoned.

"What better time, then, to remind the public of why Biden was thrown under the proverbial bus?

"That’s the thinking of House Republicans, who’ve released a final report on their long-running probe of the Biden family business — i.e., the lucrative sale of Biden’s political influence to agents of corrupt and anti-American regimes.

"It’s two extremes of reckoning the Biden record.

"The Democratic encomia will be as cynical as their bookend project (to be executed Tuesday through Thursday): the transmogrification of Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, from unpopular speaker of word salads to America’s progressive sweetheart.

"Of course, Biden and his record are the last things Democrats want to remind the country of; they are doing this Chicago farewell because it’s the price he and his family — his “Biden Brand” collaborators — demanded before he would step aside." . . .

Satire from the Babylon Bee

. . ."Following his keynote speech on Monday night, Biden was ushered off of the stage and quickly discarded with other used-up and unwanted items, where he was later discovered by a group of homeless men looking for food.

" 'Hey, is that the president?" one of the filthy vagrants reportedly asked after seeing Biden's legs protruding from the dumpster. "I'd know that shuffling movement anywhere. My friends and I rushed over to help him out of the dumpster, and sure enough, it was Joe Biden. I guess the Democrats finally decided they had gotten what they wanted and didn't need him anymore.' " . . .

Fake promises and fake anger; ‘Filled with fury’: Douglas Murray calls out Joe Biden’s ‘fake’ anger

‘Bizarre performance’: Douglas Murray analyses Biden’s DNC address 


"Author Douglas Murray has analysed President Joe Biden’s “bizarre” performance at the Democratic National Convention.

“So angry, so sort of filled with fury which I just can't help thinking looks completely put on. I have to say, it just looks completely staged and fake to me, that performance,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “It is as if he's trying to show there's life in the old guy yet.”

Angry President Biden spins more lies! PLUS, fact-checking the DNC with Trey Gowdy | Will Cain Show | Fox News Video

Biden's vitriol lends itself to parody from the Babylon Bee: 'Choose Joy!' Bellows Angry Old Man . . ."The crowd of Democrat delegates and supporters showered Biden with applause and adulation as he continued his tirade in the name of joy. "We need to bring this country together by eradicating all these MAGA people!" he yelled. "Donald Trump and all of his… all of the… these folks in the hats. Bad folks. We've got to put targets on all of them if we want to have a future of joy. Let's show Donald Trump that we are the ones with… we have the… electrical power! Harbinzarfingammut!" . . .

There’s no hiding Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ incompetence "It’s time to put to bed the debate over whether it was intention or incompetence that forced Joe Biden’s convention speech into a slot well past prime time.

"All the evidence points to intent." . . .

 10 Lies Leftists Tell You    . . ."Perhaps this seems true to all the millionaire actors, athletes, newscasters, entertainers, and academics so fond of smooching Democrat derrières.  But for those of you like me, who have to pay bills and balance checkbooks, this is not the best of times, but the worst.  I mean, Burger Kings are going out of business.  Dollar Stores have had to come up with a new name since almost everything costs more than a dollar these days.  Personal credit debt is at a record high, not to mention our astronomic national debt.  How can anyone tell this particular lie without covering the smirk on his face?

"It’s perhaps life’s greatest challenge to personally embrace truth and reject falsehoods.  I’ve struggled with that challenge, but at least I’ve made an effort.

"Not so for the people peddling the lies listed above."

Michelle Obama Plays Race Card Against Trump: ‘Threatened’ by Successful Black People   . . ."Gone was the speaker who told Democrats in 2016, “When they go low, we go high.”

"Instead, there was this, on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris: . . ."

Like Joy Reid of MSNBC, if Michelle cannot find racism under every rock she will manufacture it. TD

Joe Biden data strikes again: ‘500,000 EV stations’ built under his command
Employment numbers, the inflation rate, illegal alien entries since January 20, 2021, “best economy ever” indicators, “500,000” charging stations built… Joe Biden (false) data strikes again.

Real men could save Hollywoke from the witches producing movies such as ‘Snow White.’ But why should they bother?

 The American Spectator:    

The whole industry is committed to going down with the Message — that anything men can do, women can do better.

"It’s too late to save Hollywood. The men who built it and guided cinema through the entire twentieth century foolishly gave the reins to a spoiled, weak, ideologically brainwashed generation in the twenty-first. Which became easy prey for the coven of feminist witches that despoiled the motion picture art.

"Like everything they touch and could never create, these misandrous hags left the screen trade an ugly, shrieking, haunted house. But to ensure victory, they had to corrupt the first name in traditionalist family fare, Walt Disney, into a perverse grotesquery, devoid of all beauty, innocence, and child appeal. 

"Last year, I was one of many conservative journalists who mocked the woke live-action remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs then in production. Walt Disney’s risky first feature film — an animated tour de force — made his little studio the top player in wholesome entertainment.

"The classic film enchanted little girls for almost 90 years by beautifully capturing their desire for companionable fantasy — talking animal friends; beauty — “the fairest of them all”; premarital romance — Prince Charming; and maternal responsibility — the seven dwarfs.

"The remake, Snow White, dispensed with all these eternal virtues, initially including the other titular characters. Intimidated by little person actor Peter Dinklage — who benefitted careerwise from his diminutive height (Game of ThronesAvengers: Infinity War) before disparaging midget casting post him — Snow White producers disemployed seven dwarf actors to favor a ridiculous septet of mostly minority normal-size performers.

"Photos of the group of “magical beings” cavorting through the English countryside provoked international derision, including mine.

"Then came the infamous interview with obnoxiously smug starlet Rachel Zegler trashing the original film and the inspirational fairy tale for their non-woke dynamic. “She’s not going to be saved by the Prince,” Zegler insisted. “And she’s not going to be dreaming about true love. She’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be.”

"These remarks and dumber ones by Zegler offended generations of young girls, their mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers who loved the movie and dreamt about true love, and that one day their Prince would come, and for many of them, he did or will." . . .

Full article...

Victor Davis Hanson: Why would Kamala Harris brag about this?

"The fact that this woman Harris has got to this point in government is frightening that people voted for this. This is not the America that I grew up in."

Megyn Kelly Goes Scorched EARTH Fact-Checking AOC for Claiming Kamala Grew Up 'Middle Class'

 Twitchy   "We knew Democrats would be working really really really hard to sell Kamala Harris this week and full disclosure, we expected them to push some of the craziest and most blatant lies imaginable HOWEVER, we're never really quite prepared to watch AOC talk about, well, anything.

"There is just so much this broad gets wrong we can only assume it's on purpose.

"Surely no one is this stupid, even on the Left, right?


"For example, Sandy thought people would believe her WHOPPER about Kamala Harris growing up middle class. Most kids in the middle class don't have a professor at Berkeley for a parent. Megyn Kelly was good enough to drop this short but definitely NOT sweet fact on AOC's empty head."

AOC: “Kamala Harris is from the middle class.” Ummm… her dad was a prof at Stanford & her mom was a biomedical scientist PhDat Berkeley

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Biden's Former Chief of Staff Admits Kamala Harris Vice Presidency Was a Failure

Bob Hoge RedState 

The long article is mostly deferential and complimentary to the vice president, but one can’t help but come away with one key takeaway: they’re trying to sell us a failed vice president as the next commander-in-chief. What could go wrong?

Jennifer Van Laar

"It’s not until you're somewhat deep into yet another mainstream media puff piece of Kamala Harris that you come across a rather startling admission by Joe Biden’s former chief of staff, Ron Klain. He basically admits that the Democrats’ nominee for president failed in her VP gig.

"The New York Times headline Sunday certainly might make you think that Harris had mastered the intricacies of the job: “A Vice Presidential Learning Curve: How Kamala Harris Picked Her Shots,” it reads. But after first describing how Harris was “deliberate and disciplined” despite the many pitfalls she faced as the first female vice president, the Times finally got to the point (emphasis mine):

[Klain] …acknowledged that she [Harris] was not always well served by the White House. “We were all united behind the idea she should be successful. We just didn’t find the path to do it,” he said.

“People really liked her,” Mr. Klain added. “There’s a lot of enthusiasm for her. And I don’t think we did a good enough job of selling her.”

"Frankly, that assessment makes all three of them—Klain, Biden, and Harris—look incompetent. Political commentator and Fox News pundit Steve Hilton took note:

My Fellow American Jews: Kamala Harris' Democratic Party Is No Party for Us

 Lee Zeldin Opinion  

Days after she took over her party's nomination, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a Joint Address to Congress. Instead of doing her duty and presiding over the Senate Chambers, she chose to visit with a college sorority. 

"The Democrat Party's failure to address the rising tide of antisemitism within its ranks has reached a dangerous tipping point, and Vice President and Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris' actions are emboldening those who hate Jews.

"Since the October 7 massacre, countless radicals within the Democrats' base have taken to the streets. They use Hamas's attack as their rallying cry. They wave the flags of terror organizations on our streets, chant "Death to America" on our soil, and block Jewish students from academic facilities on our college campuses.

"Through silence at times and blatant pandering at others, Kamala Harris is choosing to be led by these people. Meanwhile, her flip-flopping on positions across the board is giving the nation whiplash. Suddenly, Harris wants to accept zero responsibility for the border failures under her watch. She is making believe she isn't on video pushing a fracking ban, and is ridiculously trying to recast President Trump's proposed elimination of tax on tips as her own.

"One area Harris refuses to change course on is her pandering to far-Left Jew haters in her party. After successfully executing her palace coup, ousting the sitting President at the top of the Democrat ticket, and disenfranchising 14 million Democrat voters in the process, Harris could have sent a resounding message to her party faithful that she will no longer tolerate the Hamas sympathizers in their ranks. Instead, every action she has taken since becoming the presumptive Democrat nominee has sent a chilling reminder to Jewish voters across the country that we are not safe under Democrat rule." . . .

Look Who's Really Behind Pro-Palestinian Protests at the DNC   . . ."Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) and CODEPINK also play significant roles. Both groups amplify harmful antisemitic tropes, masking their bigotry under the guise of political activism. JVP, for instance, refers to itself as the "Jewish wing" of the Palestinian solidarity movement and exploits its "Jewish" identity as a shield against criticism. CODEPINK, meanwhile, has engaged in campaigns that depict Israel and its supporters in deeply negative, dehumanizing ways, further contributing to the spread of antisemitism. In the aftermath of the brutal Hamas massacre in October 2023, CODEPINK referred to the "resistance of Palestinians," highlighting their alignment with extremist ideologies and their complicity in spreading hate and division." . . .   "Outside two cars, there was also two young ladies, naked from the waist down," Shmael told CBS News. "One of the victims was gunshot down in the lower part of her body." - CBS News   If Codepink is anti violence, why not condemn Hamas and Oct 7th?

Opinion | Why I Can’t Stop Writing About Oct. 7 - The New York Times 

"A few weeks ago, my mother was watching footage of a Jewish student being taunted and mobbed by anti-Israel demonstrators at Harvard after he tried to film them. “I was born in hiding,” she told me. “I don’t want to die in hiding.'  ” . . .