Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Construct of the White Working-Class Zombies

Victor Davis Hanson  "One of the strangest transformations in the era of Obama has been the overt and often gratuitous stereotyping of 
so-called white people — most often the white working classes who have become constructed into veritable unthinking and unrecognizable zombies. For progressives especially these were not the sympathetic old foundation of the Democratic party, who were once romanticized as the “people” pitted against the industrialists and the bluestockings, but rather have become monstrous caricatures of all sorts of incorrect race/class/and gender behavior and speech.". . . 

Taliban Watch Presidential Debate From Secret Location, Appear To Back Hillary Clinton, Say Trump Is “Non-Serious”…

Hillary is the choice of the Taliban.

Weasel Zippers

706x410q70pakistani taliban (1)

"Secret location = Cave.
"Via NBC News:
Taliban leaders tuned into Monday night’s debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from a secret location in Afghanistan, a spokesman for the militant group told NBC News.
“We were very interested in watching,” said Zabihullah Mujahid.
The spokesman added that “Trump … [says] anything that comes to his tongue” and branded the Republican candidate as “non-serious.”
He said the militant group’s leadership had hoped that Afghanistan would feature more prominently in the discussion.

Celebrate Diversity! ABC’s “Modern Family” To Feature First “Transgender Child” Actor On TV…

Weasel Zippers


"How progressive."
LOS ANGELES — This Wednesday’s “Modern Family” will include the first openly transgender child actor on TV.
In the upcoming episode — entitled “A Stereotypical Day” — parents Cameron “Cam” (Eric Stonestreet) and Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) permit their daughter Lily (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) to have her transgender friend Tom over for a play-date.
Both parents are filled with pride that they have done well in raising an accepting and open-minded child. But that pride quickly diminishes when Lily insults her friend, which they use as a teachable moment.
Lily’s playmate Tom will be played by 8-year-old transgender actor Jackson Millarker.
Modern Family’s “A Stereotypical Day” will air on Wednesday at 9/8c on ABC.

Debate Questions In Advance

Image result for hillary laughing in debate photos

Overpasses For America  "The first presidential debate was held and Hillary Clinton was proclaimed the winner by the media. Indeed Clinton was able to turn in a strong debate performance, but did she do so fairly? Multiple reports and leaked information from inside the Clinton camp claim that the Clinton campaign was given the entire set of debate questions an entire week before the actual debate.

"Earlier last week an NBC intern was seen hand delivering a package to Clinton’s campaign headquarters, according to sources. The package was not given to secretarial staff, as would normally happen, but the intern was instead ushered into the personal office of Clinton campaign manager Robert Mook. Members of the Clinton press corps from several media organizations were in attendance at the time, and a reporter from Fox News recognized the intern, but said he was initially confused because the NBC intern was dressed like a Fed Ex employee.
Image result for hillary laughing in debate photos
"The reporter from Fox questioned campaign staff about the intern, but campaign staff at first claimed ignorance and then claimed that it was just a Fed Ex employee who had already left. No reporters present who had seen the intern dressed as a Fed Ex employee go into Mook’s office saw him leave by the same front entrance. The Fox reporter who recognized the intern also immediately looked outside of the campaign headquarters and noted that there were no Fed Ex vehicles parked outside.

"Clinton seemed to have scripted responses ready for every question she was asked at the first debate. She had facts and numbers memorized for specific questions that it is very doubtful she would have had without being furnished the questions beforehand. The entire mainstream media has specifically been trying to portray Trump as a racist and a poor candidate. By furnishing Clinton with the debate questions NBC certainly hoped to make Clinton appear much more knowledgeable and competent than Trump. And though it is unlikely that anyone will be able to conclusively prove that Clinton was given the debate questions, it seems both logical and likely."

'Was Lester Holt auditioning for Hillary's press secretary?' NBC moderator is criticized for Clinton bias by failing to ask about her emails or Benghazi

A Little Help Please!
UK Daily Mail  "Twitter has gone after moderator Lester Holt after Monday night's debate
    Lester Holt has received a barrage of criticism on social media for his performance as debate moderator on Monday night

  • "Social media attacked NBC News anchor for going easy on Hillary Clinton 

  • "They said Trump was asked tougher questions that had a bias

  • "Trump's campaign didn't immediately criticize Holt for his performance

  • "One infographic showed Holt interrupted Trump 30 times, Clinton only 19 

"Others noted she wasn't asked about Benghazi, her emails or foundation." 

Five Times Lester Holt Shilled for Hillary Clinton at First Debate

Lester Holt shows he doesn’t know the meaning of ‘impartial’  . . . "So Holt’s questions were fair game, but it’s not the case that Clinton has nothing to be embarrassed about either. Holt might have questioned her about, for instance, the role she played in arranging the sale of American uranium assets to Russia after Clinton and her foundation accepted large checks from shady intermediaries. He might have noted that she was chided by the FBI for her reckless mishandling of classified information, or that she put sensitive national security information on a server, less secure than Gmail, that could easily be hacked by the Russians. He could have asked her whether she could be trusted about her health given that she apparently wasn’t going to tell the public she had pneumonia until she collapsed on 9/11 (and even then stonewalled for hours)."

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Discussions on the first Trump-Hillary debate

Joseph Farah on Trump performance: 'This is not what I wanted to see' . . . "On top of that, she should be in prison. She should have been indicted for violations of espionage and national security laws. The only reason she wasn’t is because of her place of dishonor in the political establishment. Her shield against prosecution was the fact that she was the leading Democrat seeking the presidency. She used her office as secretary of state to shake down foreigners and corporations for contributions to the Clinton Foundation." . . . 
"And how on earth did Trump allow himself to spend most of the night on defense?"
Michael Moore said "Donald Trump “won” and “we all lost.' ”  What?

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Under "What debate is he talking about?:
ANALYSIS: On Second Thought, Yeah The Debate Was Kind Of Rigged — But That Actually Helps Trump [VIDEO]
"Here are the four perceived-hit questions Holt asked of Trump:" . . .

From John Hinderaker: For those who didn’t watch my live commentary on tonight’s debate–that would be most of you!–here are my thoughts.  . . . "Those who think America is in decline, our political class is corrupt and incompetent, and we need a change will not be motivated to vote for Mrs. Clinton. On the contrary, however inept he may have been at times, Trump did make it clear that he is the voice for change in the race. That may be a lot more important than “winning.' ”

Obama loyalists say Donald Trump showed racism, did worse than Sarah Palin in debate

Debate grades: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump pass, Lester Holt fails
"Mr. Holt was anything but moderate. Mr. Trump got the most pointed questions all night, on racist stop-and-frisk, birtherism, his tax returns, Mrs. Clinton’s “stamina” and being the first woman president. Mrs. Clinton’s email server? Not so much. FBI investigation? Nada. Pay for play allegations with the Clinton Foundation? Not worth it. Nearly all ofMr. Holt’s follow-up questions were directed at Mr. Trump, not Mrs. Clinton. Most of his interruptions were of Mr. Trump. Lesson learned? Going after the referees paid off. Mrs. Clinton’s team signaled they wanted a “fact-checked” debate that would pound Mr. Trump, and they got it."

Why Trump decided not to bring up Monica Lewinsky at debate  “ 'I didn’t feel comfortable doing it with Chelsea in the room. I think Chelsea is a fine young lady,' ”  There's Hillary's human shield from now on.

NY Post debates itself:  How Trump won over a bar full of undecideds and Democrats
John Podhoretz: Trump’s debate incompetence a slap in the face to his supporters

USA Today: Trump pulled off presidential  . . . "Donald Trump did not self-destruct, he did not make foolish statements (whether you agree with him or not), he gave as well as he got. And despite Clinton’s numerous mocking remarks to the contrary, he came off as presidential. And that’s a fact."

What worked for Trump in the primaries failed him against Clinton

From Israel: The Great Debate of 2016 – Hillary the slugger, Trump the gentleman   . . . "But he may have won on personality. He was never smug or condescending. She was. It was obvious that each came out with a different plan; his was to be the gentleman, hers was to go after him by use of mockery. So she brought up his several failures in business and his failure to produce his tax returns.

"She also scored on the birther business and some real estate controversy going back to 1972, which proved that she and her team had done their homework.

"Trump, it seemed, was winging it, and in so doing, to this voter he seemed more genuine and more likeable. He also seemed unwilling to tangle and rumble."
Better the first debate than the last. Does anybody recall Obama sleeping through his second debate with Romney?
Coached by Joe Biden?

Blue Bloods Gives New Perspective to Police Shootings

MRC  "The series opener of CBS’s police drama, Blue Bloods, gave a perspective on officer-involved shootings often overlooked in the current media climate: the police officer’s. The episode, “The Greater Good,” opens with the District Attorney Robert Lewis (Michael Imperioli) reopening an investigation into Danny Reagan’s (Donnie Wahlberg) shooting of an unarmed serial killer. The serial killer’s family has released new evidence in the form of phone recordings, and Lewis is chomping at the bit to assemble a new grand jury." . . .

"After every police shooting, Monday morning quarterbacks are quick to hyper-analyze every moment. While proper investigations should be allowed to proceed, and wayward police officers must be held accountable for their actions, what’s often lost in the aftermath is the tense nature of the shooting and the split-second decisions officers are required to make. There is no pause button for real life, no instant replay. Officers must trust their instincts."

"The answer, clearly, was yes as we later learn the grand jury has chosen not to indict.  Meanwhile, as Danny Reagan is testifying about his shooting, series lead and Police Commissioner Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) is struggling with his own dilemma. The mother of a young academy trainee whose father was killed in the line of duty is desperate to have Frank fail her only son and keep him from following in his father’s footsteps.

“ 'Nobody likes cops anymore,” she explains before leaving, furious that Frank won’t stop her son from becoming a police officer and convinced his decision has signed her son’s death warrant. The scene is an emotionally charged reminder that police put their lives on the line every day, and they don’t always come home at night." . . .

La, la, la, I can't hear you!

Consensus is that Hillary won the night

UK Daily Mail  Read more at the link.
The Democratic candidate even got in on the fun herself - posting a gif that showed her smiling while Trump raged 

Analysis: Trump Opens Strong, Then Takes the Bait and Blows Opportunities   . . . "Various quasi-scientific "flash" polls (distinct from unscientific online polls) show a Clinton win of varying degrees, with a CNN focus group of undecided voters in Florida also breaking hard for her.  Video of Luntz's CBS focus group is HERE.  Also, Team Trump's spin doesn't seem terribly enthusiastic."

Mika Despondent Over Debate: Hillary ‘Amazing’ But Trump Will Win More Voters  . . . " Hillary was obviously the more prepared, but on a gut level Trump connected with many Americans. He also avoided two major pitfalls: he never got too nasty with Hillary, and though he’s obviously not as knowledgeable on the details, he never got caught out on any embarrassing factual mistake." . . .

One Twitter user asked Trump to probe Clinton on when she'll start 'respecting the law'

. . . "Trump started better than he finished; he may be in better shape if the audience size declined over the course of the night. But on issue after issue, it was one missed opportunity after another." . . .

. . ."He needs to do better next time and he needs to mount some lethal ads that expose Hillary for who she is; a nasty piece of work who will intentionally take this country further down the road to Marxist socialism than Obama already has. Not only will she sell us out to the highest bidder, she will be sure to make money on the deal. Trump is the good guy; she is a future nightmare if elected. If she becomes President, the United States will be unrecognizable as the country founded in 1789 by a group of brilliant, selfless men who debated for thirteen years and wrote the finest document ever written."

Debate: Trump did well, despite a big obstacle  . . . "Overall, Trump did well, but every Republican candidate has to debate the Democratic candidate and the moderator." 

IRS: Obama’s Potent Weapon in War Against Dissent

Legal Insurrection


"I recently noted that President Obama’s climate change edict for our national security strategists shows that he does not take warfare against American opponents seriously.

"However, the President takes citizen opposition very seriously. For example, he is unleashing one of his most potent tools against Americans opting out of purchasing Obamacare.

"Over 20 million Americans opted to pay a penalty rather that purchase health insurance. So, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has just sent them a formal letter suggesting they make a different choice." . . .

Monday, September 26, 2016

Remember this when watching the debate; sear it into your memory.

Lectured-to by Hillary about Islam

“ 'Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.' ”

"Remember that line when you vote on November 8th."

Americans Don’t Buy Snowden the Hero

Max Boot
"If President Obama were to pardon Snowden on his way out of office, as so many on the left want, he will be doing great harm to his legacy and, even more important, to the ability of the U.S. intelligence community to keep us safe." 
Edward Snowden

. . . "More information on the damage that Snowden did is readily available in open-source reporting, which makes clear that much of what Snowden revealed had nothing to do with protecting the privacy of American citizens. As Jack Goldsmith, former assistant attorney general, noted: “To take just a few of hundreds of examples, why did his oath to the Constitution justify disclosure that NSA had developed MonsterMind, a program to respond to cyber attacks automatically; or that it had set up data centers in China to insert malware into Chinese computers and had penetrated Huawei in China; or that it was spying (with details about how) in many other foreign nations, on Bin Laden associate Hassam Ghul’s wife, on the UN Secretary General, or on the Islamic State; or that it cooperates with intelligence services in Sweden and Norway to spy on Russia; and so on, and so on.' ” . . .