Friday, October 28, 2016

New Emails in Clinton Case Came From Devices Once Used by Anthony Weiner

NY Times

"Emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server were found after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices once shared by Anthony D. Weiner and his estranged wife, Huma Abedin, a top aide to Mrs. Clinton, federal law enforcement officials said Friday. 

"The F.B.I. is investigating illicit text messages that Mr. Weiner, a former Democratic congressman from New York, sent to a 15­ year­ old girl in North Carolina. The bureau told Congress on Friday that it had uncovered new emails related to the Clinton case — one federal official said they numbered in the thousands — potentially reigniting an issue that has weighed on the presidential campaign and offering a lifeline to Donald J. Trump less than two weeks before the election." . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Sex and emails: private server investigation reopened after new evidence surfaces in Anthony Weiner case  
. . . "The devices were seized as part of the FBI’s investigation into allegations that Weiner had sent text messages to a minor in North Carolina, allegedly requesting “nudity.' ” . . .

This post alone should have made the top story on the evening news: Clearly marked classified info sent through nonsecure system
From the Huma-Hillary emails: . . . "The exchange from Blumenthal to Clinton concerned the “disastrous nature” of an Obama trip to Germany, charging the U.S. was “totally out of the loop in Berlin – no ambassador,” resulting in the expectation that “Germans and Russians will now cut their own separate deals on energy, regional security, etc.' ” . . .
This also shows the Obama legacy of foreign policy ineptitude, unaided by the Secretary of State.

Today the polls closed up when Hillary dropped.

Many unprintable comments on Anthony Danger

. . . "If this new investigation were actually to be the thing that brings down Hillary Clinton, the irony would be too funny to ignore. She is running a campaign, attacking Trump for false allegations of sexual misconduct, while she is married to a serial rapist. Making it that much more ironic is the fact that her top aide Abedin is married to Anthony Weiner, another sexual predator." . . . 

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Too bad Mr. Obama won't be around to gladly pardon Hillary, if necessary  "In all, he's now shortened the sentences of 872 inmates during his presidency, more than any president since Woodrow Wilson."

In order to bring the sentences down to those imposed under today's more lenient laws. Don't ask me about commutations of offenders like this one:
  • Carolyn Yvonne Butler – San Antonio, TX
Offense:  Armed bank robbery (three counts); using a firearm during a crime of violence (three counts) (Western District of Texas.

FBI Reopens Hillary Clinton Email Probe

CNN: Clinton Campaign Had No WiFi on Plane, Was ‘Stunned’ by News of FBI Investigation  . . . "News broke shortly after 1 p.m. ET that FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress announcing that the agency was reviewing newly discovered emails tied regarding the Clinton case. The investigation appeared to have been closed in the summer when the government elected not to prosecute her for potential mishandling of classified information, although Comey said she was “extremely careless.”
"Clinton is speaking Friday afternoon at a campaign event in Cedar Rapids and later doing a rally in Des Moines. Iowa is one of the tightest states in the election race between her and Donald Trump."
CNN report:

Fox News report:

MSNBC report:

The Visual Guide to Disputing Media Polling

"Do not allow the media to steal this election without a fight."  Seth Keshel
American Thinker  . . . The purpose of this article is to prove that the media is either lying to massively impact motivation or turnout for Trump or has absolutely no idea what the actual score is.  The media don't care if I know what they are doing with their nonstop analysis of new "chaos" within the Trump campaign.  They are playing this sad song for the record number of independent voters who appear to be requesting ballots or voting early in battlegrounds across America." . . .
. . . 
" . . .However, record primary turnout, DemExit (the refusal of Sanders supporters to support Clinton), minority and independent support levels, and finally the constant torrent of scandals do not support electorate predictions more favorable to Democrats than Obama received.  With all of that said, I feel that this map is not a reach in the least:

Seth Keshel, former Army captain and Afghanistan veteran, is a district captain for the Convention of States Project – Texas.

An essential guide to the Wikileaks revelations on Hillary

Thomas Lifson  "Clarice Feldman tipped me off to what looks like a great resource, a website that organizers the vast flood of data from Wikileaks and other sources such as the FBI documents,  and focuses on the crucial issues. It is an anonymous piece of work, and the site is titled It states at top:

This website is not owned by or affiliated with WikiLeaks. It was made entirely for free by an American citizen who is sick of government corruption and the lack of accountability and justice in our country. The goal of this website is to open the eyes of the American public to the corruption that is Hillary Clinton. This list will be updated every day with new leaks until the election….

. . . "Unquestionably, the site seems to make all the worst assumptions. As an honest prosecutor investigating public corruption ought to do while uncovering evidence and testing out those assumptions.

"I have yet to explore it in depth, but what I have seen so far indictes that this is a valuable organizer of the Wikileaks data, and I hope it is updated continually."

" *Any one who pulls the lever for Mrs. Clinton takes responsibility . . . for all the blatant corruption that will follow."

*Kimberly Strassel: Grifters-in-Chief; The Clintons don’t draw lines between their ‘charity’ and personal enrichment.  "In an election season that has been full of surprises, let’s hope the electorate understands that there is at least one thing of which it can be certain: A Hillary Clinton presidency will be built, from the ground up, on self-dealing, crony favors, and an utter disregard for the law.

"This isn’t a guess. It is spelled out, in black and white, in the latest bombshell revelation from WikiLeaks. It comes in the form of a memo written in 2011 by longtime Clinton errand boy Doug Band,who for years worked simultaneously at the Clinton Foundation and at the head of his lucrative consulting business, Teneo." . . .

And here are "journalists" who happily fit into the category above:
Wikileaks Shows Every Reporter on Hillary’s Payroll  . . . "Podesta sent an invitation for 63 reporters to have an off-the-record dinner at his mansion. This dinner is where they would talk strategy on how to defeat the American people. Take a look at the copy of the original email." . . .
Wikileaks Shows Every Reporter on Hillary's Payroll
Hat tip to John Paul Curnutt; Madras, OR

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Ponchatoula, Louisiana: A quiet alternative way of life!

Ponchatoula, LA; An American town
"Ponchatoula is located along Interstate 55 and Highway 22, a position that puts it an equal distance between New Orleans and Baton Rouge.In the early 1900s, Ponchatoula was one of only two ways to get to New Orleans by land, giving it the title of "Gateway to New Orleans.' "
"Ponchatoula is home to many artists covering many disciplines, musicians, authors, artists, photographers, poets, singers. Whether here by birth or choice Ponchatoula provides a creative environment."

The Easter Bonnet Stroll

Ten best restaurants in town. Naturally you can get a po-boy.

Then there are their Antique Trade Days

The History of Ponchatoula  "Ponchatoula was established in 1820 and Incorporated February 12, 1861 in the Parish of Livingston during the period that Louisiana was an independent nation. Ponchatoula, originally a logging camp, had no name and only one road connected it with Wadesboro, the river shipping point. Virgin pine, cypress, and oak trees were cut and hauled by ox teams to Wadesboro, there hand-hewn into pickets, shingles, barrel staves, sills, and mast poles for sailing vessels. The hand finished product was sold in New Orleans on the lake docks. The road that connected the logging camp with Wadesboro was part of the Old Spanish Trail from Florida. The trail followed the high ground around lake Pontchartrain through the logging camp to Springfield - one branch going to Baton Rouge, the other to Natchez, Mississippi. The Natchez branch was known as King's Highway."
. . .
"Several men were killed in the fray between the Union Army and Southern defenders and were buried where the Vinyard(sp?) Mill now stands, but later moved to Chalmette Cemetery in New Orleans, . . .

". . .  Union Soldiers went to slave quarters and told [the slaves] to go to New Orleans and they would be sent North to freedom . . ."

Battle of Ponchatoula
"The account below is of Colonel Edward Bacon of the 6th Michigan Infantry at the Battle of Ponchatoula (March 24-26, 1863). 

Louisiana Regiments in the Confederate Army.

The River for which the USS Ponchatoula AO-146 is named after
"Ponchatoula, a Native-American word for "falling hair", used to describe the "Spanish Moss" hanging from oak trees. Ponchatoula is best known for it's Strawberry Festival held yearly in April. Fresh sweet Louisiana Strawberrys picked fresh from the vines and sold at roadside stands.

Collateral Damage: Forgotten Casualties of the Left's War on Coal

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is one of the most oppressive and unchecked agencies in Washington, D.C. With a clear directive from the White House to advance Obama’s “green” agenda, the EPA has used every bit of its muscle to harass and bully individuals, towns, and entire industries.
"And no one in the national media thinks this is a story worth telling." . . .
. . . 
"Through the crowdfunding site Kickstarter, we are hoping to raise $15,000 in the next 28 days to make sure this story is told. All donations will go toward completing the production and marketing of this short documentary. If we raise enough money, we will take "Collateral Damage" on the road and screen it in towns across coal country.

"As they always do, the media are trying and bury this story, because it doesn't align with their political agenda. Your donations will ensure the people whose lives have been destroyed by reckless policy decisions have a chance to tell their story. You can give them a voice."
Hat tip to Ron Gonshorowski

Column: It’s not the ‘locker room’ talk. It’s the ‘Lock her up’ talk.

Charles Krauthammer  
Wasn’t presidential overreach one of the major charges against Obama by the anti-establishment GOP candidates? Wasn’t the animating spirit of the entire tea party movement the restoration of constitutional limits and restraints?
. . . "That Trump crashed because of a sex-talk tape is odd. It should have been a surprise to no one. His views on women have been on open display for years. And he’d offered a dazzling array of other reasons for disqualification: habitual mendacity, pathological narcissism, profound ignorance and an astonishing dearth of basic human empathy.

"To which list Trump added in the second debate, and it had nothing to do with sex. It was his threat, if elected, to put Hillary Clinton in jail.
"After appointing a special prosecutor, of course. The niceties must be observed. First, a fair trial, then a proper hanging. The day after the debate at a rally in Pennsylvania, Trump responded to chants of “lock her up,” with “Lock her up is right.” Two days later, he told a rally in Lakeland, Florida, “She has to go to jail.' ” . . .

On the Hillarymedia

Hillary Corruption

Daily Caller: Giuliani Uses MSNBC Host As A Punching Bag — ‘If You Think That’s Ethical, You Should Find A New Job  . . . “ 'Your station is completely left wing and totally anti-Trump and totally anti-Republican with one or two exceptions,” Giuliani stated. “I’m one of the few Republicans that will come on here because we don’t think we get anywhere near fair treatment on this station." . . .

The Megyn Kelly eight-minute interview with Newt Gingrich was riveting. For me, it also was the last straw.  . . . "The drive-by media were thrilled with the Roger Ailes story.  In their best hopes, the Murdoch Kids would turn Papa Rupert's Fox News into another CNN.  At the least, the drive-bys were hoping that "Superstars" Megyn Kelly and Greta – and Hannity and O'Reilly – would quit, killing Fox's dominance and relegating it to MSNBC irrelevance. " . . .

Hillary Clinton Claims Mexican Food Is Her Favorite On Univision Show  . . . "Hillary Clinton’s final push as Election Day nears features an aggressive attempt to lock down the crucial vote Latino, including by claiming that her favorite food is Mexican and that her granddaughter is already learning Spanish.
“ 'I think it would be Mexican food,” Clinton told the Univision Show “El Gordo y La Flaca” (translation: “The Fat Man & The Thin Lady”).

"In an article this year for “Thrillist,” detailing her favorite restaurants in the state of the New York, Clinton listed Rao’s (Italian), Northern Lights Creamery (gelato ice cream), Lange’s Little Store (sandwiches), Charlie The Butcher’s (meat) and others.
"But she didn’t list a single Mexican establishment."
HOW THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN PLAYS THE PRESS   . . . "It’s an interesting strategy: enlisting journalists to “shame” other journalists into not reporting the news."
UK Reporter Calls CNN “Clinton News Network – Your Coverage Is Totally Biased”  "CNN host: That’s CNN, you’re calling us the Clinton News Network.

Katie Hopkins: That’s exactly correct.CNN host: Why?…Katie Hopkins: I will say having sat in the Republican convention and having watched your coverage, it is completely biased. And I think Trump is doing a great job. And I think what we saw from him today over… You’ll also find polls that find 70% of individuals find Clinton to be utterly distasteful. I find her abhorrent to look at. Her little smile there does nothing for me.

Lessons from the Highway of Death

"The 99 is emblematic of a state in psychological and material decline."
Image result for california highway 99 pictures

Victor Davis Hanson  "California State Route 99 is the north-south highway that cuts through the great Central Valley. And it has changed little since the mid-1960s. 

"A half-century ago, when the state population was about 18 million — not nearly 40 million as it is today — the 99 used to be a high-speed, four-lane marvel. It was a crown jewel in California’s cutting-edge freeway system. 

"Not now. 

"The 99 was recently ranked by ValuePenguin (a private consumer research organization) as the deadliest major highway in the nation. Locals who live along its 400-plus miles often go to bed after seeing lurid TV news reports of nocturnal multi-car accidents. Then they wake up to Central Valley radio accounts of morning carnage on the 99." . . .

. . . "The 99 also reminds the nation of California’s unique lessons about how to ruin a paradise: The more taxes are raised, the worse public service often becomes." . . .  Read more

Image result for california highway 99 pictures
Photos added by TD

WikiLeaks: What Hillary's Closest Aides And Allies Really Think Of Her

John Podesta, center, and Neera Tanden, right, walk with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on Capitol Hill on July 15, 2013. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/Newscom)
John Podesta, center, and Neera Tanden, right, walk with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on Capitol Hill on July 15, 2013

"Clinton Email Scandal: As the emails continue to tumble out, one thing has become awfully clear: It's a near full-time job cleaning up Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's messes, as even her closest aides angrily admit. And remember, these are her most loyal friends, aides and allies.

"When it comes to covering up the truth, Richard M. Nixon has nothing on Hillary R. Clinton. Clinton's aides and allies seemingly do little else than cover up for Hillary's misconduct, malfeasance and incompetence — in a way that has glaringly come to light as a result of the WikiLeaks trove.

"Here are just a few recent examples:" . . . Hat tip to Lucianne

Berkeley student protesters blockade whites, yet Obama admin silent

Legal Insurrection
"Obama’s Double Standard About Racial Harassment on Campus"


. . . "As Fox News noted, the protesters were “harassing white students trying to study, barring their path across a key bridge while allowing students of color safe passage. The protest, which began last Friday, blocked Berkeley’s Sather Gate, disrupted studying students in the Student Union.”

"The Obama administration has said nothing about this, even though it has often taken note of far more trivial racial matters that concern minorities, such as Halloween costumes that allegedly “appropriate” non-white cultures. After Yale protesters sought the removal of a lecturer who defended harmless Halloween costumes such as a “blonde ­haired child’s wanting to be Mulan for a day,” and “spat on” people attending a free-speech conference, “White House press secretary Josh Earnest . . . praised the protesters.”

"When white fraternity members at the University of Oklahoma were caught on video engaged in a vile racist chant, and were expelled by University President David Boren, “The White House responded” within less than a day, “praising David Boren’s actions.' ” . . .