Thursday, August 1, 2024

Kibbutz Be'eri printing works back in business despite October 7 massacre

The people of Israel build, plant, and beautify; the invaders of October only kill and destroy.

Kibbutz Be'eri printing works back in business despite October 7 massacre - YouTube This article posts only excerpts; the link has much more text and photos.

"Kibbutz Be'eri printing works back in business despite October 7 massacre. Yigal Shitrit, CEO of 'Messer'- Be'eri print subsidiary opens it back up."

 The Be'eri Printing Press: Israel's Print Shop (  " When Levi Zrodinski (Zorea) made Aliyah to the Land of Israel from Ukraine in 1925, he could not have imagined that his vision and initiative would be realized in a kibbutz in the Negev. He couldn’t have foreseen how this small kibbutz would become a printing giant in Israel over time, turning into one of the most advanced print shops in the world.

"Levi, an enthusiastic Zionist, entrepreneur and industrialist, settled in the city of Haifa and established a successful print shop there. His idealistic and daring 18-year-old son, Lazar Zorea, was one of the group of pioneers who founded Kibbutz Be’eri." . . .

Be’eri Printers in the 1950s was located in the Kibbutz’s first stone structure (center). On the right – the granary. On the left, the water tower with the menorah designed by Lazar Zorea in the kibbutz’s early days. From Yigal Zorea’s blog ‘Lines and Dots’ (Kavim VeNekudot) (Hebrew)

Read the full story of this remarkable business, its community, and the people of Kibbutz Be'eri who built it all.  Israel's Print Shop

It is a pleasure to give these people a commercial in the hope that perhaps some business will come to them as a result. TD

"We all hope that Be’eri Printers, which is already up and running, can once again embody the pioneering spirit at the heart of the dear community of Be’eri. This enterprise can be the vanguard of efforts to rebuild all of the kibbutzim, towns and cities of the Gaza border region. They will rise, like a phoenix, from the ashes.

"You can support Be’eri Printers by ordering stickers, or by ordering pictures and picture albums from the “albume” website, a Be’eri Printers project. You can also visit the PIX website, another product of Be’eri Printers, where you can find different kinds of stamps, envelopes, stickers, signs, and more."

One has to wonder fearfully about the young Gaza boy who called his mother to brag that he killed ten Jewish people with his bare hands had been counting some employees of the print shop among his murders. TD

The Bamster and The Boss

Said the guy who has a fanboy relationship with the self-loving Barack Obama: 

Barack Obama & Bruce Springsteen Talk Reparations On New Spotify Podcast (

Open the comments and see Springsteen and Obama are not universally admired and respected by all. TD
Dude had to damn near Beg Obama to say that he supported #REPARTIONS for #ADOS. At this point I still have lost all the respect that I had for Obama and his wife Michelle.

 Obama is full of it. He should have said more and done more when he was in power. He feels more comfortable saying it now because so many others are saying it. He is pathetic.

 I'm done with the worshipping of this man. He's not our friend. Goodbye!

Much of the positive comments come from those speaking good things about reparations. TD 

NEW Video Cops Engaging Trump Shooter, Spotted 90 MIN Prior

 NEW Video Cops Engaging Trump Shooter, Spotted 90 MIN Prior - YouTube

"Jeff Ostroff examines NEW video evidence of the police engaging the shooter at Donald Trump's assassination attempt in Butler, PA. You will also see screenshot text messages alerting fellow officers from police assigned to the building overlooking the shooting scene as officers first spot the shooter 90 minutes before the shooting, which is a lot earlier than the previous 60 minutes we have been told up until now. You'll also see segments from ABS's exclusive interview on GMA with the local Beaver County swatt officers who spotted and photographed the shooter, sparking the intense search for him on the grounds of the AGR building.

"You'll see an analysis of the site where the attempted assassination of Donald Trump Occurred. Witness video, photos, and expert testimony will provide additional info." . . .

WATCH: "NEW Evidence: How Trump Shooter Got On Roof":    • NEW Evidence: How Trump Shooter Got O...  

WATCH: “Local SWAT team speaks out for 1st time on Trump assassination attempt”    • Local SWAT team speaks out for 1st ti...  

WATCH: "Trump Rally - Butler, PA. 07/13/24. Extended Cut" By Dayve Stewert RealDJStew724

Donald Trump’s popularity is rising with some Americans. Here are 3 reasons why.


In 2020: Warnock’s election reminds us that Black churches are vital to Democratic success - The Washington Post   "A hugely successful get-out-the vote effort, especially the mobilization of Black voters, will deliver Raphael Warnock to the U.S. Senate when he is sworn in this week. The role of the Black church in his election has been much remarked upon — and is the result of years of organizing strategy.

"For generations, a critical part of Democrats’ efforts to get Black voters to the polls has been appeals via the Black church, one of the strongest pillars of the African American community." ...

Black men shift slightly toward Trump in record numbers, polls show (   

In 2016, when the nominee was Hillary Clinton, Black men dropped further to 82 percent while Black women’s support for Clinton remained high at 94 percent. Biden came close to matching that this year, garnering the support of 91 percent of Black women.

Trump launches group to build Black support at Detroit church event    "Former President Donald Trump’s campaign launched its Black voter coalition group Saturday, the clearest effort yet by Trump to target a voting bloc that has overwhelmingly supported Democrats in past elections but has been unusually open to Trump in public polling." . . .

Donald Trump’s popularity is rising with some Americans. Here are 3 reasons why. - Vox    "Something confounding is happening in America: Donald Trump, once the least liked presidential officeholder and reviled by nearly two-thirds of the country by the time he left office, is getting more popular.

"For the loyal Vox reader, that statement may be hard to believe. Yes, the twice-impeached, multiply indicted former president is still generally disliked: The latest New York Times/Siena poll places his favorability rating at a “weak” 44 percent. But that’s still higher than his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, who is viewed favorably by just 38 percent of registered voters. As views of Biden have been getting more negative, views of Trump have also been getting more positive.

"Across multiple kinds of polling and public opinion surveys, Trump’s favorability appears to have stabilized at a higher place than three years ago. Views of Trump have been modestly improving for most Americans and have actually increased significantly among Black and Latino Americans, younger voters, and working-class people." . . .

Who wins and who loses after Hamas's Haniyeh's assassination?

The Soros family will not like this: GrrrGraphics

Settling All Family Business? | Power Line  "Lots of observers are remarking on social media that Israel’s strikes against Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut and Hamas commander Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran resemble the climactic scene in The Godfather when Michael Corleone “settled all family business” with the simultaneous assassinations of his mob rivals.

"It’s looking like a more apt analogy this afternoon with breaking news reports that a senior Iranian commander has been killed in Damascus. Asianet news reports: . . ."

Israel strikes twice  "The Obama/Biden team administration is doing its best to protect Hezbollah from retaliation by Israel for its murder of 12 Druze children in the rocket attack on Majdal Shams over the weekend. Obsma/Biden seeks to preserve both Hamas and Hezbollah as Iranian assets. See, for example, this current Reuters story.

"Israel struck back yesterday with a pinpoint attack that killed Fuad Shukr in a suburb of Beirut (according to FDD’s Mark Dubowitz, on a visit to his mistress). The IDF attributes responsibility for the Majdal Shams attack as well as the killing of numerous Israelis and others in years past to Shukr. Shukr was Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah’s military adviser and right-hand man.

"A limerick awaits: There once was a terrorist named Shukr…

"In fact, the United States had its own claim on Shukr. The Department of State had a $5 million reward out for information on Shukr. See the State Department Rewards for Justice Post on Shukr here (“Shukr played a central role in the October 23, 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps Barracks in Beirut which killed 241 U.S. military personnel and wounded 128 others”). Israel could put in for the reward but I’m sure it would be satisfied with a congratulatory message that will not be forthcoming." . . .

For some reason, the NBC News story on Shukr’s termination omits our own interest in Shukr. In its rolling coverage of the strike, CNN links to the State State Department Rewards for Justice post on Shukr. The New York Times only vaguely allows that Shukr “was said to be a close adviser to the group’s leader and someone wanted by the U.S. government for his role in a 1983 bombing attack that killed roughly 300 American and French soldiers in Beirut.”

Who wins and who loses after Hamas's Haniyeh's assassination? - The Jerusalem Post   . . ."The Biden administration: President Joe Biden has seen his outspoken support for Israel tested during the war in Gaza, as he has pressed for limiting civilian casualties while still providing arms to Israel and defending the prosecution of the war. For months, critics of the administration have seen the Biden administration as complicit in Gaza’s mounting death toll. Haniyeh’s assassination, by contrast, puts administration officials in a relatively comfortable position: Israel achieved a key objective in a war Biden is backing without civilian casualties. U.S. officials say they are working to prevent a broader war but stand by Israel’s right to defend itself." . . .

. . ."And here are six people, places and ideas that stand to lose out" . . .  "Israeli hostages and a deal to release them: As recently as a few days ago, U.S. and Israeli officials indicated that they were close to a deal that could see Israeli hostages in Gaza released in exchange for a cessation of hostilities. Haniyeh was negotiating on Hamas’ side; his death seems likely to undercut continuing talks around the more than 100 Israeli hostages who remain in Gaza, of whom dozens are thought to be alive. “How is David safer now?” one hostage family member asked on social media, even as she called Haniyeh “a monster of terror.” But some hostage families praised the killing, saying they hoped it would increase pressure on Hamas to make concessions. U.S. and Israeli officials say they do not want to abandon the negotiations, though John Kirby, Biden’s National Security Council spokesman, said, “Reports coming out of the region certainly don’t make it less complicated.” . . .

Biden unveils radical Supreme Court overhaul fearing Trump return

 Biden unveils radical Supreme Court overhaul fearing Trump return  

"On Monday, President Biden revealed a controversial and radical plan to overhaul the Supreme Court, aiming to limit former President Trump's powers should he return to office. The proposal includes term limits, a binding code of conduct for justices, and an amendment targeting presidential immunity from prosecution.

Toon added by TD

Key Details:

Biden's plan includes term limits for justices, a binding code of conduct, and an amendment to restrict presidential immunity.

The proposal targets the Supreme Court's decision granting broad immunity to presidents, highlighting concerns over Trump's potential return.

Biden demands justices disclose gifts, avoid political activities, and recuse themselves from cases with conflicts of interest.

Diving Deeper:  "Biden's proposal, outlined in a Monday op-ed in the Washington Post, includes three main changes to the court, which he describes as "mired in a crisis of ethics." These changes include term limits for justices, a binding code of conduct, and a significant amendment aimed at ensuring that no president is above the law. The president's plan appears to be a direct response to the court's recent 6-3 decision granting broad immunity to presidents for crimes committed while in office.

"This nation was founded on a simple yet profound principle: No one is above the law. Not the president of the United States. Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. No one," Biden wrote. He criticized the Supreme Court's decision, arguing it leaves virtually no limits on presidential actions except those self-imposed by the president.

"Expressing clear concern over Trump potentially returning to office, Biden wrote, "If a future president incites a violent mob to storm the Capitol and stop the peaceful transfer of power—like we saw on Jan. 6th, 2021—there may be no legal consequences."  . . .

Joe Biden will announce a plan for term limits on Supreme Court justices this week. In other words, a career politician wants to set term limits on another branch of government because the Court hasn't ruled in his favor. The irony!  Lance Gooden

‘Punch Hurt Too Much’: Female Boxer Forfeits Match Against Male Boxer After 46 Seconds

 Mary Chastain (

Pictured here: Referee, a woman, and a he who must be called a "she". TD

"Good fight! Now let's go shower and dress"

"Why did I choose to die on this hill? I have two teenage females very close to me, if you catch my drift. I don’t talk about my personal life much but this just might push me over the edge.

"The IOC allowed two male boxers to compete in the female category.

"One of those males, Algerian Imane Khelif, destroyed Italian Angela Carini after 46 seconds.

"Why? The answer is simple: KHELIF IS A MALE. The International Boxing Association found Khelif to have XY chromosomes, making him a male.

"Khelif’s chromosome and testosterone tests got him disqualified from the Women’s World Boxing Championships last year.

"Carini forfeited after 46 seconds after two punches to the head.

"FFS, there is a reason why sports are split into male and female categories.

"Will it finally take a literally beaten-up female to open everyone’s eyes?" . . .

I assume Algeria does not require Khelif to wear hijab. 

New Video of Trump's Assassin on the Roof Provides Another Unnerving Development


"Now, new footage clearly shows Trump’s would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, on the rooftop moments before he opened fire. No Secret Service member saw this person?"

Full article here.

Parody: A counterfeit Kamala Harris ad is comedy gold

 D. Parker - American Thinker   "Heres an ad parody that simply destroys the un-Democratic party’s first ad with undeniable humor.

"A masterful sendup of Counterfeit Kamala’s first ad is out on YouTube, and it’s comedy gold. 

"Get a load:"

. . . "The current media contest is going to be a ‘David and Goliath’ or Rebels against the Empire in terms of the early Star Wars trilogy.  Most amusingly, Counterfeit Kamala is going to be the left’s biggest liability.  There is so much material to work with, even if she is over-produced, the previous cringe will be her undoing.  Not to mention that the Un-democratic party’s Kremlin coup shows they are complete frauds – which only makes for more fodder in the funnies.

"This is one of those videos you’re going to want to share everywhere."

How Kamala Climbed the Peaks of DEI (Ann Coulter)

. . .True, Harris had called Biden a racist in the first debate, which would be a deal-killer in any other circumstance. But on the plus side, she was black and she was a woman. The search was over!

Luckily for Harris, Joe found her to be -- as he said about Barack Obama in 2007 -- "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking [gal].

Kevin O'Leary of Shark Tank Says He is Already Hearing From Democrats Who Have 'Buyer's Remorse' Over Kamala Harris and Lack of a Party Primary (VIDEO)   . . ."O'Leary warned about what could happen when someone with no skills gets into power.

" 'I ask everybody to look north to Canada. When a young Justin Trudeau swept in, nobody cared about his executional skills or what he'd ever done or anything."

" 'They just thought he was the it guy. Look at the country now it's, it's wiped out it because it turns out the guy had no executional skills." " 'It would be important to leave aside the politics and ask what has Kamala Harris actually done, actually achieved?' " . . .

Kamala Harris' Minnesota Bail Fund

 Harris' backing of bail fund during George Floyd protests dampens Trump 'prosecutor' campaign pitch | Fox News 

EXCLUSIVE: New Trump Rally Video Scorches Kamala For Pushing Dangerous Minnesota Bail Fund (

Trump's ANTI-KAMALA Ad: Minnesota Freedom Fund

Trump has criticized Harris for her support of the Minnesota Freedom Fund, alleging that the fund's release of violent criminals led to increased public harm. Accessed at Donald J Trump, Kamala's Minnesota Freedom Fund . . . 

Elise Stefanik Lets Loose On Kamala Harris Over 'Failed Far-Left Open Border Agenda' (

Why Has the Biden Administration Donated Close to One Billion Dollars in "Aid" to Hamas since the October 7 Massacre?

 Gatestone Institute  

The US has donated close to a billion dollars of taxpayer money to Gaza, ruled by the officially designated terrorist group, Hamas, in the eight months following October 7, 2023. On that day, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Iranian proxies that invaded southern Israel, carrying out this act of war on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran. There, they brutally murdered 1,200 people, raped and mutilated women and children, burned children to death in front of their parents, and abducted more than 250 people into Gaza. 

  • Since October 7.... the total of US taxpayer funds donated to Gaza as a reward since the massacre on October 7 to $896 million, or close to a billion dollars.

  • A lawsuit, brought in December 2022 and updated in March 2024, by Rep. Ronny Jackson and victims of terror attacks in Israel, alleges that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken "knowingly and unlawfully" provided more than $1.5 billion in aid to Gaza and the West Bank since taking office. Biden and Blinken have "known for years" that the US aid is providing "material support" for Hamas' "tunnels, rockets, weapon procurement, and command and control infrastructure," among other terror structures, the lawsuit stated.

  • The Biden administration has sought to have the case dismissed twice but failed. On June 28, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas ruled that the lawsuit can proceed, and that there is evidence the Biden administration continued awarding taxpayer cash to UNRWA even after Congress blocked funding to that group due to its support for Hamas's military infrastructure.

  • In short, the Biden administration has donated less to Sudan and DRC Congo combined, where a total of nearly 50 million people face starvation, than to Gaza, where 2 million people face no such thing. What is going on? And where is Congress?

  • According to FBI director Christopher Wray, "the actions of Hamas and its allies will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven't seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate years ago." Iran, officially labeled the world's leading sponsor of state terrorism by the 2023 US annual Terrorism Report, calls the US "the Great Satan" and continues to vow "Death to America."

  • Blinken casually announced in a July 19 interview that Iran had reduced the time it would need to create sufficient fissile material for a nuclear weapon "to one to two weeks." He then went on to gaslight the audience by claiming that the Biden administration has been "maximizing pressure on Iran across the board."

  • Why is the Biden administration, under the pretense of "humanitarian aid," drowning these terrorist enemies of America in US taxpayer money? And what, if anything, is Congress going to do about it?

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

After Meeting With Kamala Harris, Benjamin Netanyahu Goes Scorched Earth

  Bonchie – RedState  . . ."Israel knows that Harris will seek to appease Iran and preserve Hamas rule in Gaza no matter how much she tries to ride the fence. The time to act is now when Joe Biden is completely AWOL and America has no real president. Harris would no doubt be even less helpful than Biden has been, and Israel knows that. 

"With Haniyeh out of the picture, Sinwar is the big fish left to take out. Doing so would represent a death blow to Hamas. Israel clearly fears what a Harris administration would do to prevent that and they are taking action now. The expectation is that things will get hotter from here, especially if Iran retaliates."

RealityBites by Broc Smith

Lyndsey Fifield on X: "Clip of how Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Saleh al-Arouri celebrated while watching October 7th clips. Israel turned both of them to chunky salsa 🥰" / X