Sunday, June 19, 2016

Trump is running as Trump. Surprise!

Charles Krauthammer  . . . "Six weeks into Donald Trump’s general election campaign, Republicans are discovering that he indeed intends to run as Donald Trump. He has boasted that he could turn “presidential” — respectful, respectable, reticent, reserved bordering on boring — at will. Apparently, he can’t.
GOP leaders who fell in line behind Trump after he clinched the nomination expected, or at least hoped, that he would prove malleable, willing to adjust his more extreme positions and tactics to suit a broader electorate.
"Two problems. First, impulse control: Trump says what he actually feels, whatever comes into his head at any moment. Second, a certain logic: Trump won the primaries Sinatra-style, his way — against the odds, the experts and the conventional rules. So why change now? “You win the pennant,” Trump explained, “and now you’re in the World Series — you gonna change?' ”. . . 
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Down the Memory Hole: In 2008 Obama campaign booted 3 newspapers off his campaign plane

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Thomas Lifson  "The mainstream media have been hysterical this week in their response to Donald Trump’s revocation of the Washington Post’s campaign press credentials in response to coverage and headlines so unfair that the paper went back and changed them.  Yet those same media outlets remained silent in 2008 when the Obama presidential campaign booted 3 major newspapers that had been writing unfavorably about the campaign off its press plane. Joe Concha of Mediaite remembers what happened 8 years ago, and contrasts the media response in the two instances:
The year was 2008. The candidate had a big lead in the polls going into election day. And in a preview of how petulant he would be act as Commander-in-Chief as it pertains to his treatment of the press, Barack Obama decided he didn’t like what three newspapers were writing about him, so he kicked its reporters off his campaign plane

Here are some non PC words you had better avoid as the truth often upsets!

The Real Politically Incorrect WebRing 

 "Please use the PC alternative...."

AliveTemporarily metabolically abled.
BaldFollicularly challenged
Body OdourNon discretionary fragrance
Broken HomeDysfunctional family
CaretakerSite Engineer
ClumsyUniquely coordinated
CriminalBehaviourally challenged
DeadLiving impaired
DishonestEthically disoriented
DrunkChemically inconvenienced
DustmanSanitation Engineer
FailAchieve a deficiency
FairyPetite airborne humanoid with mystical powers
FatHorizontally challenged
Foreign FoodEthnic cuisine
GhettoEconomically disadvantaged area
GirlfriendUnpaid sex worker
GossipSpeedy transmission of near-factual information
HousewifeDomestic Engineer
IgnorantKnowledge-based non-possessor
Illegal AliensUndocumented Immigrants
JailerCustodial Artist
JungleRain Forest
LateRescheduled arrival time
LazyMotivationally deficient
LumberjackTree Murderer
Natural DisasterGlobal Warming occurrence
ProstituteSex worker
Sex changeGender reassignment
ShortVertically challenged
ShyConversationally selective
SpendthriftNegative saver
TalkativeAbundantly verbal
TallVertically enhanced
Trailer ParkMobile Home community
TrampHomeless person
UglyCosmetically different
UnemployedInvoluntarily leisured
VagrantNonspecifically destinationed individual
White TrashWhite Trash
WorstLeast best
WrongDifferently logical
Conclusion: Political correctness changes our language to reflect left wing ideas.

'Why not Texit?': Texas nationalists look to the Brexit vote for inspiration

The Guardian

Texas secession

. . . "Culturally, too, we are a long way from Europe. Heck, we are even a long way from Dallas. But the referendum matters deeply to Miller and like-minded Texans. As the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, which wants Texas to secede from the United States, he is hoping for a Leave vote that he believes will ripple all the way from Austria to Austin.
“ 'There are a lot of people asking, if Brexit why not Texit?” he says. “I do talk with some folks over there on a pretty regular basis that are involved in Ukip and the Conservative party.”
"The night before we met, Miller addressed a local Tea Party group, drawing parallels between Brexit and Texit, which the TNM is pushing as a hashtag. In Miller’s telling, Britain’s relationship with Europe was a marriage of convenience between ill-suited partners that has become stormy and ripe for divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences, with too much sovereignty ceded to an ineffective central bureaucracy and too much hard-earned money sent elsewhere." . . .

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The American leadership who protect us from Jihadis

How Obama’s failed leadership is literally killing us  "Attacks can only be stopped by a competent commander in chief"

They Don't Want Your AR-15: They Want Everything  . . . "It doesn’t matter that banning the AR-15 would have zero effect on what was done, or what the next jihad assault will do. All that matters is that murders create political capital and useful propaganda that influence useful idiots to press Congress to act against the Constitution. And they do. For shame." . . .

Group Behind #ShootBack Posters Says Gay Community Can't Protect Families if Elected Officials Disarm Them

. . . "The #ShootBack hashtag on the gay rainbow flag with the pro-gun Gadsden symbol was clearly a provocative response to Sunday's attack on the gay nightclub in Orlando where 49 people were killed. There has been much speculation about who was responsible for the street art, but no one has come forward to claim responsibility ... until now." . . .

The problem with this administration isn’t just them not using the term, “radical Islam”. These people don’t even believe jihadis when they say they want to kill us for Allah.   . . . "The guy said he was going to kill people for Allah and he was out buying bulk ammo and body armor, or trying to. His Facebook page was filled with jihadi-this and jihadi-that.
"These loons believe a 220 lb. guy with a  crew cut who says he’s a woman and they believe a woman who says she’s a man, but they don’t believe a guy who says he’s jihadi and he’s going to kill people." . . .

We Need More Islamophobia, Not Less

ObamaAccuracy in Media  "The media say President Obama is good at sharing condolences with victims of terrorism. It would be better for him to apologize to the victims and their families. He should start by saying, “I’m sorry that my FBI failed to stop this radical Islamic killer. I bear responsibility for this failure of intelligence.” 

"Orlando is where we really need an Obama apology tour to begin. In the past, he has apologized to foreigners for American foreign policy. Now he needs to apologize to Americans for allowing a foreign ideology to flourish in the United States, one which he has refused to name and condemn.
"On Tuesday, when he rejected a ban on Muslim immigration, Obama said, “The Orlando killer, one of the San Bernardino killers, the Fort Hood killer—they were all U.S. citizens.” What was his point? That the Muslim refugees are not a threat but their children are? Is that supposed to be reassuring? Does it make sense to import more Muslims and let them raise children as Americans who then assume the foreign identity of the jihadists who want to kill us? Is that somehow acceptable? Doesn’t that increase the odds of having more killers on American soil?" . . .

Obama mourns and keeps moving


. . . "One day after the president made a somber visit to Orlando, the first family was on vacation here Friday.
"The three-day family trip to national parks in Carlsbad, N.M., and Yosemite, Calif., was planned long before the tragic attack that killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando last weekend. Timed to the 100th anniversary of the creation of the national park system, the excursion had a policy component: aiming to draw attention to the conservation of federal lands and protecting the environment.
"But regardless of the motivation for the trip, the timing — a day after Obama had laid flowers at a memorial to the shooting victims in Orlando — made for a sharp juxtaposition at a time of intensified debate over national security and terrorism." . . . 

If this president says it, it must be true

How Bad Can 'Politically Correct' get?

The couple did not have enough money to fly home together so they had to part ways. Mrs O'Keefe was left devastated while her husband had to get home to Perth from Indonesia

Richard F. Miniter   "A man flicks a cigarette butt off a P&O cruise ship and is thrown off the ship, leaving his wife to travel onwards alone sobbing in her room. Huh? 
 (Man is kicked off a P&O cruise after flicking a cigarette butt off the side 'without thinking' - leaving his wife on board alone after they had saved up for their dream trip for a year)

"The first time I crossed the Pacific (23 days to Okinawa) was on Naval MSTS with 3000 other Marines on board, most of whom were smoking topside all the time and all of whom had their cigarette butts swept over the side into the ocean every two hours. Indeed, I can still here that voice over the ship’s horn “sweepers man your brooms…” 
"But that was then and this is now and today a single cigarette butt can be defined as a crime by the PC police. Not the empty plastic spring water bottles you see bobbing around which the better people drink from, or the psychotropic drugs you can detect in the ocean fifty miles off Beverly Hills, not to mention Rio's "Crap Line" which encompasses the Olympic sailing venue forcing competitors to do their best not to get that water in in their mouths. But a single accidental cigarette butt! 
"And so 57-year-old Mark O'Keefe, a man of limited means who saved up for this holiday, and who apologized profusely for a thoughtless moment, was frog-marched ashore in Bali without an any way to get home. The former Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company -- P&O -- had a long proud history serving its customers dating from the nineteenth century, but now as P&O Cruises owned by Carnival, their primary interest seems to be making common cause with the PC mob."

Why the Orlando Victims were Defenseless

American Thinker  . . . "What if, Mr. President, residents of Orlando and San Bernardino hadn’t been so intimidated by the fear of being called racists, a consequence of you and your administration’s political correctness, that they said something when they saw something? As Fox News reported, a Sen Bernardino woman observed preparations for the attack but said nothing:
 A California woman reportedly noticed “suspicious activity” at a house connected one of the Muslim terrorists in the San Bernardino massacre but did want “profile” him, amid questions about how family members and others could have overlooked the stockpile of ammunition and explosives left behind in his home.

. . . "Yet President Obama said nothing about the dangers of political correctness to the Orlando families. Overlooked in the news coverage of the Orlando and San Bernardino shootings was the Oregon massacre that wasn’t at Clackamas Town Center Mall in December of 2012. As Investor’s Business Daily noted, fortune placed a good guy with a gun at the same place a bad guy with a gun planned a massacre:" . . .

"Disarming the law-abiding to prevent such killings is like trying to fight drunk driving by making it harder for sober drivers to get driver’s licenses. We don’t need more gun-free zones populated with unarmed targets. We do need more people able to defend themselves.
"There was no such person at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, but there was one at Clackamas, Oregon. Let us draw our lesson, Mr. President, from that."

Gun control laws either do not work or do not help

Even though I'm still sickened by images of the Sandy Hook carnage, I fear the conclusion I am forced to draw Is discussed below, TD


From the Dec, 2012 Tunnel Wall:  Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control    Here, two respected writers discuss the case against taking away individual firearms from Americans. Yes, it is true that if guns did not exist everywhere in this nation those little children in Sandy Hook would be living right now and I only wish that were the case. But it is not and there are violent people out there in their thousands and they are armed; willing and lusting to watch innocent people die in bunches by their hands. How, exactly do you gun-control advocates plan to remove those weapons from their blood-thirsty hands?

I will honestly look for a reasoned argument FOR gun control that contains effective means for keeping us safe from those who carry weapons illegally and are willing to do us harm. Cartoons showing crazed, wild-eyed gun owners don't wash.

As yet, I have seen only politically correct, emotional responses to the issue that have no value other than simply making a politician look as if they are doing something. TD

"Gun sales are sky-rocketing, as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and pretty much everyone else in charge of America says two things: they can’t or won’t protect Americans from Muslim terrorists, but they want to take away the most effective tool for law-abiding Americans to protect themselves."

Gun Shop Owner Warned FBI Weeks Before Orlando Terrorist Attacked
"The FBI knew about this guy and did nothing. According to this former FBI assistant director, it’s because the White House is handcuffing the FBI."   

The Bizarro Morality of America’s Gun-Control Debate   . . . "The gun-control debate is a Bizarro World unto itself, one where activists, writers, and politicians — operating with an attitude of absolute moral superiority — operate according to their own “bizarro code” with three main tenets: Make up history, propose ineffective remedies, and mock proven solutions." . . .
. . . that all good people should respond to a mass shooting by supporting legislation that wouldn’t have prevented that mass shooting.
I will support these laws because I am sensitive and, well, just a really, really nice guy.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Ted Cruz Blasts Democrat ‘Political Gamesmanship’ in Wake of Orlando Terror Attack


Chris Pandolfo  “ 'This week played out all too predictably.” Cruz said. He blasted Democrats for shifting to gun-control and in particular characterized Senator Chris Murphy’s (F, 8%) filibuster as “a political show on the Senate floor.”

“ 'This is political distraction; this is political gamesmanship.” Cruz said. “And I think the American people find it ridiculous … this is not a gun-control issue. This is a terrorism issue.”

“ 'You don’t defeat terrorism by taking away guns,” he added later, “you defeat terrorism by using guns.”

Fighting Terror with Stupidity   . . . "Over and over again, news outlets uncritically reported on the “common-sense” effort to implement more stringent background checks and get rid of automatic weapons, AR-15s, and other “assault” weapons. Well, automatic weapons — i.e., machine guns — are already essentially banned for civilians. And the weapon used in Orlando wasn’t an assault weapon or an AR-15. As for background checks, they already exist." Jonah Goldberg