Sunday, March 16, 2014

'Democracy is dead': 'Fanatical' missing airliner pilot pictured wearing political slogan T-shirt


  • Police investigate data from home flight simulator of captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53
  • Investigators speak of his 'obsessive' support for opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim   
  • Police officers fear Ibrahim being jailed could have left Shah profoundly upset
  • Flight MH370 disappeared more than a week ago with 239 people on board
  • Despite a huge multinational search effort, no signs of the plane or a crash have been found
  • Malaysian Prime Minister said yesterday that the plane was deliberately steered off course
  • FBI experts say disappearance could be ‘act of piracy’, suggesting passengers are being held
  • Officials revealed the plane could have transmitted a radar 'ping' from the ground if it was still intact
.... "Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a father-of-three, was said to be a 'fanatical' supporter of the country's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim - jailed for homosexuality just hours before the jet disappeared.
It has also been revealed that the pilot's wife and three children moved out of the family home the day before the plane went missing.

"Evidence of a plot by Malaysian Islamists to hijack a passenger jet in a 9/11-style attack is being investigated in connection with the disappearance of Flight MH370
"An al-Qaeda supergrass told a court last week that four to five Malaysian men had been planning to take control of a plane, using a bomb hidden in a shoe to blow open the cockpit door.
"Security experts said the evidence from a convicted British terrorist was “credible”. The supergrass said that he had met the Malaysian jihadists – one of whom was a pilot – in Afghanistan and given them a shoe bomb to use to take control of an aircraft.

Lest you think that soon Muslims around the world will rise up in anger at those Islamists committing mass murders, here is what is being said and done in the Muslim "street":
"The two recorded and uploaded three videos in which they celebrated the death and laughed at those grieving for the fallen soldier.
"Royal Barnes, 23, and his wife, Rebekah Dawson, 22, pleaded guilty to three counts of disseminating a terrorist publication last month." ...

Medal of Honor recipient Walter Ehlers passes

Did you know Ehlers was an actor?   "Walter Ehlers was born on May 7, 1921 in Junction City, Kansas, USA as Walter David Ehlers. He was an actor, known for Day After D-Day (2006), The Long Gray Line (1955) and Tragödie einer Leidenschaft (1949). He was married to Dorothy Decker. He died on February 20, 2014 in Long Beach, California, USA. See full bio »"

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dangerous Times: Will Europe ever Defend Itself?

American Thinker  "Putin has played a consistently brilliant chess game, snatching the Crimea -- and soon, parts of the Ukraine -- long before the West had any inkling. Even as Obama was shafting our closest allies in the Middle East, Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, Putin stood by Syria and Iran, his allies of convenience in that part of the world. With every East-West confrontation Obama has backed down. Now, with the collapse of Crimea without a shot being fired, Putin has finally revealed his plan."

The Quote-Unquote Presidency; Obama’s not that into it.

"Obama does his job as if the word had quotation marks around it."
... "As I wrote in my “Obamacare Schadenfreudarama“ screed, Obama often seems to think saying “X must happen” is all he needs to do to ensure that X happens. Saying “the website is great” means the website is great. Talking about “red lines” is the same thing as enforcing “red lines.” It seems to me, this is because Obama is only comfortable running for president not being president. That’s why he always reverts to campaign mode.
 "I mean, am I the only one laughing that the Democrats filibustered themselves this week to talk about the crisis of climate change? They control the senate but stayed up all night to talk about how something must be done while refusing to propose actually doing something. ... I think Obama was happiest when he was president-elect. He had that faux presidential seal and, before he had anything to do, he could talk as if his talk really was a substitute for action. Once in office, the talk and action started to diverge and he never could get them to line up again, at least not for long." 

News briefs

Drudge: Missing jet: Not a hijacking but 'deliberate' action, PM says   "The Malaysian Prime Minister stopped short of calling the disappearance of Flight 370 a hijacking, but he said Saturday that the jet veered off course, likely due to deliberate action taken by someone aboard."

Bill de Blasio reiterated he’s not open to any arguments against shutting down the city’s horse-carriage trade.   "But given all the half-truths and disinformation directed at these hardworking drivers, doesn’t New York’s mayor at least owe them an honest rethink before he yanks their livelihoods out from under them?"

Obama unintentionally reveals his insecurity   "It is quite obvious that the reason the 2009 mockery is on Obama’s mind is that Sarah Palin re-opened what we now know to be an emotional wound just 12 days ago, with her comment to Sean Hannity, via Politico:" ...

Lucianne: How five Colorado Democrats may have paved the way for Congress to sue the administration   "This decision should embolden members of Congress who correctly believe that President Obama has encroached upon Congress’ constitutional authority. Indeed, Congress should do no less in defending its authority than the five Colorado state legislators."

Allen West: If mass media won’t report the truth, we must do it one on one    "This week President Obama broke out his pen again and signed off on an executive order that changes rules on overtime pay. This follows his use of that infamous pen to change minimum wage earnings. All of this comes from someone who’s never even run a lemonade stand."

Obviously my respect for Allen West over Obama makes me a racist.
This week President Obama broke out his pen again and signed off on an executive order that changes rules on overtime pay. This follows his use of that infamous pen to change minimum wage earnings. All of this comes from someone who’s never even run a lemonade stand.

This week President Obama broke out his pen again and signed off on an executive order that changes rules on overtime pay. This follows his use of that infamous pen to change minimum wage earnings. All of this comes from someone who’s never even run a lemonade stand.

Why millennials have abandoned Obama

Dana Milbank   ... "The next night, after Obama’s victory celebration in Des Moines, Obama strategist Steve Hildebrand spotted me in a crowd. “The kids showed up!” he said fiercely.
"They did. But where are they now?
"An army of 15 million voters under 30 swept Obama past Hillary Clinton and John McCain and to the presidency in 2008. More than 12 million helped him return in 2012. But now his presidency is on the line — and the Obama youth are abandoning him in his hour of need.
"Asking them to pay money to join a health-care exchange, it seems, is too tall an order — even though the presidency they created depends on it."

The myth of ‘settled science’

Charles Krauthammer  "I repeat: I’m not a global warming believer. I’m not a global warming denier. I’ve long believed that it cannot be good for humanity to be spewing tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. I also believe that those scientists who pretend to know exactly what this will cause in 20, 30 or 50 years are white-coated propagandists.
“ 'The debate is settled,” asserted propagandist in chief Barack Obama in his latest State of the Union address. “Climate change is a fact.” Really? There is nothing more anti-scientific than the very idea that science is settled, static, impervious to challenge. Take a non-climate example. It was long assumed that mammograms help reduce breast cancer deaths. This fact was so settled that Obamacare requires every insurance plan to offer mammograms (for free, no less) or be subject to termination."
"Now we learn from a massive randomized study — 90,000 women followed for 25 years — that mammograms may have no effect on breast cancer deaths." ....

Obama: You Can't Really Keep Your Doctor (VIDEO) and many other broken promises

"We knew this was coming—because it’s been happening to Americans for awhile. The president finally admitted that you can’t necessarily keep your doctor under Obamacare.
"In an interview with WebMD (Check the “Access to Care” portion at 1:00 in), he said:
For the average person, many folks who don’t have health insurance initially, they’re going to have to make some choices. And they might end up having to switch doctors, in part because they’re saving money.
Top 10 Broken Obamacare Promises (including the previous one)
"Since the passage of Obamacare in 2010, many of the President’s famous promises have been routinely broken. As he so ironically threatened in 2009, “If you misrepresent what’s in this plan, we will call you out.” To that end, here are 10 promises of Obamacare that have already been broken."
This would be number 11: Obamacare Recruiting Illegals in California   "In 2009, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) apologized profusely to the White House for shouting, "You lie!" as President Barack Obama told Congress that Obamacare would not cover illegal immigrants. Now it would appear that the White House owes Wilson an apology, as Covered California--the flagship of state Obamacare exchanges--is recruiting illegal ("undocumented") immigrants to sign up for the program, regardless of their eligibility." 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Uppity Deniers, Unite!

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Leann Horrocks    "Climate is the planet's strategy and weather is its tactic.  It is unbelievably presumptuous of we humans to think we are affecting either one.  Let's take a common sense look at the concept formerly known as “global warming” now known as “man-caused climate change” -- an oxymoron if there ever was one.
"There is a lot of oil to be had on this planet. Some deposits are easier to find than others.  The Arabian Peninsula is fairly low-hanging fruit in this regard and it seems to be loaded with oil.  This area is also quite inhospitable to human life -- there is lots of sun, no rain and the surface seems to consist largely of sand.  Oil, however is made of decayed plant and animal matter.  This means this area was once teeming with flora and fauna.  It no longer is.  The climate has changed.  Climate change is normal, climate change is gradual in the greater scheme of things and climate change is not always amenable to human interests.
"The conversion of this lush forest to a largely barren wasteland we now know as the Arabian Peninsula occurred over a time when there was no man-made anything, let alone cars and coal plants."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

Obama Proves Once Again That He Has No Idea How Business Works

 American Glob  "ObamaCare should have been definitive proof that Obama, who has never run a company or met a payroll, has no idea how business works.
"Yet now he’s venturing into the world of overtime pay…

Biz stunned by Obama overtime move
Business groups and congressional Republicans are blasting regulations President Obama will announce Thursday that could extend overtime pay to as many as 10 million workers who are now ineligible for it.
While liberals lauded the plan as putting more cash in the pockets of millions of workers, business groups warned it would damage the economy and Republicans said it was another example of executive overreach.
"I’m reminded of a classic scene in the movie Amadeus when the clueless emperor tells Mozart that his new opera is excellent but there are simply too many notes."

My Wife's Last Days -- And the Coming ObamaCare Death Panel

Politcal Cartoons
American Thinker  ... "the death panel, also known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). This is the group of political appointees designed to allow the federal government to use a combination of medical and social criteria to determine the healthcare an individual receives.
"Or, to put it as bluntly as Sarah Palin did, to determine who lives and who dies. Why am I thinking about that now? Because my wife and soul-mate of 33 years, Sharon Harrah Schwartz, died at the age of 62 in January. Her passing put an end to a slow-motion death from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, ALS, popularly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. She would have occupied the bottom portion of an IPAB treatment list."
obama, obama jokes, cartoon, humor, political, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, conservative, tea party, obamacare, health care, insurance, sebelius, mandate, sequester, funny or die, ferns, galifianakis

Missing Malaysia Airlines jet: Investigation paying 'special attention' to Chinese Uighur passenger

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
The Sydney Morning Herald  "Police investigating the backgrounds of all 239 people aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight are paying “special attention” to a 35 year-old Chinese Uighur man who undertook flight simulation training, according to a report in a leading Malay language newspaper in Kuala Lumpur."
"Police are checking the psychological and personal backgrounds of the 227 passengers and 12 crew, including chief pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah whose house has been raided by police.
"Police questioned his family about his behaviour over the days before the plane’s disappearance, the same as they plan to do for all who were on board."