Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sexual Harrassment story: all in one big post. Plus our tweet of the day

Why the SNL Women’s Defense of Franken Means Little
. . . It doesn’t matter how Franken treated his coworkers if he harassed other women. Treating one person well doesn’t expunge treatment of others.
As Yashar Ali pointed out in the tweet above, the only result of these kinds of letters is that they dissuade other women from speaking up, and serve to delegitimize their allegations. Especially when the media talking points on Franken’s alleged offenses are that he made an itsy bitsy ‘mistake‘. A ‘mistake’ that as one reader pointed out, Franken made repeatedly, if allegations are to be believed. . . .
Built up anger of abused liberal women finally breaks through, enabled oddly enough by Trump’s defeat of Hillary.  "Not all the revelations have been about liberals (see, Roy Moore), but it seems that there is a liberal self-cleansing mechanism in progress when WaPo, the NY Times, and even Vox are turning on their own after years of looking the other way (or in the case of NBC, spiking the story)"

 The Resistance Tony Branco
Political Cartoons by Steve Kelley

Although Conyers has since denied the claim, the news follows a recent Washington Postreport that Congress’s Office of Compliance has paid over $17 million to settle 264 workplace complaints since 1997 — a figure that includes sexual-harassment allegations. But where does all this money come from? From U.S. taxpayers.
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Today in Sexual Harassment  Some guesses:  "Bill Moyers (oh please, please)

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Reminder of how the next Oscar night is shaping up:  "I didn’t think the morning news that Melissa Gilbert has accused Oliver Stone of sexual harassment way back in 1991 (I’d kinda forgotten who Melissa Gilbert is, and Oliver Stone is best forgotten on general principle), but then I saw the news that came out later that Pixar’s major creative force, John Lasseter, is “taking a leave” from the animation powerhouse because of the usual problem:" . . .

Political Cartoons by Tom Stiglich
Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

John Conyers settled charges of sexually harassing staffers during the time his wife was in prison for taking bribes on the Detroit City Council.
The perfect Democrat power couple.

CNN, the favorite news source of the California schools

From a Ventura County California middle school textbook
The young lady who was working on this assignment says she and her mother are CNN followers only. TD

Hat tip to Jeff Kuepper

ISIS Urges Supporters To Kill Trump’s 11-Year-Old Son, Lists His School Location…

Weasel Zippers   Via SITE:
Islamic State (IS) supporters distributed a call to kill Barron Trump, the 11-year-old son of U.S. President Donald Trump, providing the name and Google Map location of his school.
From living through the Rodney King riots and watching the attempted murder of truck driver Reginald Denny, I visualize Maxine Waters's response as being along the lines of ,"I do not condone the murder of this young man, but certainly understand the fear ISIS must have toward this racist, bigoted President and their need to do something to save the world from his evil".
The Tunnel Dweller

Source: SITE Intelligence Group

Why Aren’t Any NFL Players Kneeling Over This Pennsylvania Cop Shooting?

Law Enforcement Today
The Federalist  "On November 17, a police officer was killed during a routine traffic stop in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. His name was Brian Shaw, and he was only 25 years old.

"According to reports, the suspect, 29-year-old Rahmael Sal Holt, fled his car after he was pulled over, and shot Shaw during the subsequent chase. Officials said Shaw did not appear to have fired his gun, while Holt fired at least six times, landing at least once in Shaw’s chest. Shaw lay in the street gasping for air before dying in a hospital that night. After several days on the lam, Holt was captured and arrested November 21 with Shaw’s handcuffs."

Hilarious: watch Charlie Rose interview Kevin Spacey on Bill Clinton’s sex accusations

Thomas Lifson  "Savor the irony, folks. It just doesn’t get much better than this. Except that with all the media figures accustomed to pontificating on air now exposed as harassers themselves, and with all those video recordings archived in the vaults of broadcasters and YouTube, there surely will be more gems like the short video embedded below coming along. Charlies Rose, after all, has been in the business of condescending to us for decades.

"Virtue signaling* has never been more dangerous than when applied to the sexual behavior of others.  Add in the magic of video tape, and you have what must be called SchadenfreudeFest 2017." . . .

"My favorite Spacey line:
“ 'I was always there… I was a true friend. I never doubted him. I never stopped believing him.' ”

Why Have Liberals Been Such Horrendous Hypocrites on Women's Rights?
. . . "What moral narcissism!  Only a couple of weeks ago Rose was inveighing against the other newl -unmasked sexual predators, as was Al Franken.  There's a lesson in that. Beware most of all those who pompously tell us  how to live.  It's usually a dead giveaway.  Call it the Jimmy Swaggart-Elmer Gantry syndrome.  Something's up behind the scenes. Rose and Franken are guilty of that, in the secular sense, as is and was, to be honest, Judge Moore, in the religious sense.  For that reason, among others, I have to say I suspect Moore's accusers are truthful as well.  I wish Trump had cut him loose." . . .

Sex, lies & excuses: Partisan madness on predators
. . . "But they both insist that the rules should be different from the very rules they would impose on everyone else in America — because, well, Franken is a Democrat and America needs to be saved from Republicans. 
"Harding says Franken should be saved and should then go on a listening tour of far-left Democrats and become their frontman as penance for his rotten behavior." . . .  
"Or as Woody Allen. . .  said in the movie he made celebrating an affair with a 17-year-old girl: “I’m a bigot, but for the left.' ”
*Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values done primarily with the intent of enhancing standing within a social group. The term was first used in signalling theory, to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtue—especially piety among the religious. In recent years, the term has become more commonly used as a pejorative characterization by commentators to criticize what they regard as empty, or superficial support of certain political views, and also used within groups to criticize their own members for valuing outward appearance over substantive action.

Be thankful


TAKEDOWN! Fan Confronts Muslim Athlete Who Shot Hoops During National Anthem

Todd Starnes  "Jim Howard, of Garden City, Kansas is a red-blooded, American patriot and a faithful supporter of the athletic program at the local community college. 

"For 32 years he’s volunteered with the booster club – keeping scorebooks, holding fundraisers, running the chain gang for football – and even providing a place for players to have a Thanksgiving meal.nal anthem, he He was in the stands on Nov. 1 for the season-opener of the Garden City Broncbusters basketball team. And when the announcer asked everyone to stand for the national anthem, he dutifully joined the crowd and stood at attention.

"That’s when he noticed a lone player seated on a bench at courtside – Rasool Samir, a 19-year-old Muslim red-shirt.

"It was unusual because there’s a team rule that the entire basketball team was supposed to stay inside the locker room until after the national anthem had concluded.

"But as the crowd began singing about the bombs bursting in air and the rocket’s red glare, the Muslim basketball player grabbed a ball, walked onto the court and began shooting baskets.

“ 'It was an ‘in your face slam,’” he said.

Media Circus photo

"Mr. Howard decided enough was enough. He was tired of people disrespecting the national anthem. So at the conclusion of the song he walked onto the court and confronted Samir.

“ 'I walked onto the floor and I told the guy he should respect the flag and if he’s not going to respect the flag, he should get off the court and get out of the gym,” Mr. Howard told the Todd Starnes Show.

“ 'You should respect the flag. If you don’t respect the flag, just stay seated. Don’t make a big scene,” he said. “At least respect the people that paid for your scholarship to get you on this campus – like myself and everyone else in that gym.”  

"The Garden City Telegram reported that a police officer broke up the confrontation – telling Mr. Howard to return to his seat and escorting the player off the court." . . .Twitter Ads info and privacy

The ACLU stood up for the Muslim player

If Roy Moore wins, thank Gloria Allred and Al Franken

Legal Insurrection

"Unless more comes out, it’s likely Moore will outlast the accusations."

"Based on the present state of affairs, and assuming there are no further revelations, it looks like Roy Moore will outlast the outrage over the accusations, which he denies, that he molested a 14-year-old girl and assaulted a 16-year-old girl almost 40 years ago. Those serious accusations of criminality have been conflated in the media with non-criminal accusations that Moore dated teenage girls of legal age.

"I say “assuming there are no further revelations” because I would not be shocked if more comes out. Moore’s wife complained that the Washington Post is calling everyone the two of them have known for the past several decades, and certainly other major media are conducting similar searches. So what follows assumes there are no new accusers, and no additional evidence to support the current accusations.

"If there was a turning point in Roy Moore’s political fortunes, it was the press conference Gloria Allred held with accuser Beverly Nelson, who emotionally described what she said was a sexual assault behind a diner at which she worked.

"That press conference gave Moore two things he needed politically: a chance to make Allred an issue in the campaign, and a piece of physical evidence to attack, the handwriting in the yearbook." . . .

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

North Korean Soldier Shot In Border Blitz Wakes Up … Here’s What He Had To Say

Daily Caller

"The North Korean soldier who was shot multiple times fleeing into South Korea at the border has regained consciousness, according to South Korean reports.
“ 'Is this actually South Korea? I want to hear South Korean songs,” the man said after waking up in a South Korean medical facility, presumably curious as to whether or not he made it to the South, the Dong-a Ilbo introduced. The medical staff hung the South Korean flag in the man’s hospital room to comfort him, Yonhap News Agency revealed.
"The suspected staff sergeant in his 20s made a mad dash into the South in the Joint Security Area at the Demilitarized Zone last Monday. His comrades, apparently using weaponry not permitted in the JSA, opened fire on the defector. Amid a barrage of bullets, the young man’s brazen blitz was successful.
"After collapsing in a pile of leaves, he was rescued by South Korean military personnel and airlifted to Ajou University Hospital in Suwon, South Korea, where he underwent two major surgeries to remove the bullets, pull roundworms from the man’s intestine, and combat infection, blood poisoning, and Hepatitis B." 
(RELATED: Doctors Found Parasites They’d Never Seen Before Inside The North Korean Soldier Who Bolted At The DMZ)
Just how bad are conditions in that country anyway?  Could these conditions have affected the health of  Otto Warmbier?

6 officers dead in November; 3 killed in the last 4 days

Bloviating Zeppelin

"Let’s turn that headline around. Let the headline now read:
6 blacks killed by police in November; 3 black men killed in the last 4 days
by Leftist Journo
In a veritable landslide of death, a hail of continuous, burning gunfire, law enforcement officers throughout the nation have taken it upon themselves to attempt to instigate genocide against the entire American black race, particularly young black males.
If anyone thought the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Freddie Gray was indicative of racist hatred by cops on a national scale, then these naked assassinations of innocent, strong, proud, young black men cut down prior to even realizing anything of their destiny and goodness in just a few days simply confirms the open war declared against blacks by US cops.
"What do you think the response by Leftists, Demorats, the American Media Maggots and the Race & Poverty Pimp Industrial Complex would be if that headline were true?
"Could you not envision riots in every major Leftist-run American city for days? Protests, violence, destruction, injuries, block after block burned and ransacked, perhaps even deaths?
"Of course you could. People would go out of their way to make it so." . . .

Marshawn Lynch Stood For Mexico, The Afghanistan Of North America

Ingrate of the Year
"The progressives at GQ felt that Colin Kaepernick was the most important citizen of the year, but his disrespect of the flag, nation and the men and woman who defend it is disgusting. His real reward should have been Ingrate of the Year." CDN

Someone Should Tell Marshawn Lynch A Thing Or Two About Mexican Police  "Lynch stood for the Mexican national anthem and sat for the U.S. national anthem when he was in Mexico for a game. And he’s obviously pretty ignorant about how Mexican police treat people.
In perhaps the most crystallized example of uninformed activism, Marshawn Lynch actually protested police brutality by standing for the Mexican national anthem and sitting for The Star Spangled Banner.
Apparently, Mr. Lynch hasn’t heard much about Mexican police.
His dissonant display was the moral equivalent of an everyday liberal protesting fascism while wearing a Che Guevara shirt. Newsflash: Guevara was a totalitarian, mass murderer. Breaking: Lynch is about as privileged as they get in America. Reminder: Mexico is the Afghanistan of North America.
I think, like the liberal activists sporting the Che shirt, Lynch and pretty much everyone on the political left need a reminder just what they stand for when they stand for Mexico.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s party, Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), is best known for setting up the “Federal Security Directorate,” a modern day Gestapo, meant to internally suppress militant revolutionaries. Instead, they terrorized Mexican citizens. Later iterations of the group, called “white guards,” were found to have detained, tortured, and executed hundreds of “students, laborers, peasant farmers or teachers,” The New York Times reports.
. . . "Apparently, Mr. Lynch hasn’t heard much about Mexican police."His dissonant display was the moral equivalent of an everyday liberal protesting fascism while wearing a Che Guevara shirt. Newsflash: Guevara was a totalitarian, mass murderer. Breaking: Lynch is about as privileged as they get in America. Reminder: Mexico is the Afghanistan of North America."I think, like the liberal activists sporting the Che shirt, Lynch and pretty much everyone on the political left need a reminder just what they stand for when they stand for Mexico." . . .
The NFL Players Union needs some leadership, tool  . . . "Let's talk about Marshawn Lynch, the Raiders' running back, who did something totally indefensible in Mexico City:    

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch early Monday morning.
After photographs surfaced showing Lynch standing during the Mexican national anthem and sitting during the US national anthem at a game against the New England Patriots in Mexico City on Sunday, Trump called for his suspension.
"Marshawn Lynch of the NFL's Oakland Raiders stands for the Mexican Anthem and sits down to boos for our National Anthem. Great disrespect! Next time NFL should suspend him for remainder of season. Attendance and ratings way down," he tweeted.  . . . 

Maxine Waters to women: John Conyers 'has impeccable integrity on our issues'

Washington Examiner

"Rep. John Conyers, newly facing sexual misconduct charges from former aides, was praised by fellow Rep. Maxine Waters just last month as a champion of women.
"During an address to organizers of the national Women’s March in which she lashed out at “rape culture” and President Trump, she singled out the Michigan lawmaker for special attention.
“ 'You know, there is a member of Congress who has been supportive of women for many, many, many years,” said said in a keynote address to the Women's Convention Sojourner Truth Luncheon in Detroit.
“ 'He is quiet, he is confident, he is powerful, but he has impeccable integrity on all of our issues. Give John Conyers a big round of applause.” C-SPAN captured her comments and those of others who spoke at the event.
"In her address she rallied women. “We are reclaiming our time,” said the outspoken Trump critic.
“We’re speaking to women who are single mothers, women who work two and three jobs making minimum wage or less, women who have been exploited, harassed, or taken advantage of in their personal and professional lives,” said Waters, adding:
“ 'I just want to take time to focus on something that I think we need to focus on right now. It is very fortuitous that we are gathered here this afternoon in Detroit as we continue to recognize a record number of women who are boldly coming forward to reveal disturbing and grotesque acts of sexual harassment, assault and rape, often times at the hands of men who believed they were too rich and too powerful to ever be confronted or held accountable.” . . .

Why Have Liberals Been Such Horrendous Hypocrites on Women's Rights?
"To ask the question why liberals have been such hypocrites about their treatment of women and about women's rights is not to say that conservatives haven't been.  They have. And some of their actions have been pretty bad. But by comparison, GOP hypocrisy in this area has been quite literally dwarfed by the Democrats.
"Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton are the most recent spiritual fathers of this atrocious behavior. Both extreme sexual predators -- Teddy to the extent of walking away from the corpse of Mary Jo Kopechne and other improprieties, Bill for, well, practically everything from rape to cigars -- they were revered as American heroes for decades by their party with but glancing and forced (in Clinton's case) attention to their abhorrent, often illegal, personal behavior and complete disrespect for and objectification of women." . . .

REVEALED: Top Democrat Paid Off Sexual Harassment Accuser With $27K In Taxpayer Money  . . . "The congressman, Michigan Rep. John Conyers, is described as a serial sexual harasser who would prey on his female staffers in sworn affidavits signed by four of his former staffers. BuzzFeed News first reported the bombshell allegations and accompanying settlement after right-wing blogger Mike Cernovich provided the website with the documents." . . .

Democrats, Media: Franken Made a “Mistake,” We Need Him in the Senate  "If what Franken did was simply a mistake, and he’s too politically valuable to lose, when and to whom is this standard also applied?"