Saturday, January 20, 2024

Kamala Enjoys Finally Being Smartest Person In The Room

  Babylon Bee

. . ."My, my, my how the turntables have… done what they have done," Harris said as she presided over a room full of her intellectual inferiors for the first time. "As bearers of knowledge, we must know and bear the type of knowledge that carries around the world to other carriers and bearers of knowledge. It is only at that time that we will know our knowledge. Knowledge is knowing things."

"The hosts of The View were amazed as they sat around the Vice President and listened to her brilliant rhetoric. "We heard she was a smart cookie, but now we've experienced it firsthand," said longtime host Joy Behar. "She ran mental circles around us. This woman exhibits true leadership in every aspect, from declaring the southern border secure to admitting she's ‘scared as heck' of Donald Trump winning the election, her wisdom is what we all look to. Our panel can't hope to compete with that." . . .

Friday, January 19, 2024

Biden holds America hostage

  Don Surber (

"I cannot think of one major city run by a white Republican. If you call yourself a sanctuary, then you have no choice but to take everyone in. But if making Democrats keep their word is racist, so be it."

"CNN reported, “Schumer optimistic leaders will reach agreement on border, Ukraine funding following Biden meeting.”

"Democrats and RINOs made it clear that protecting Ukraine’s border is more important than protecting America’s border from an invasion for 10 million or more terrorists, drug mules, Red Chinese spies, gangbangers and welfare cases.

"Schumer said, “There are a couple of people in the room who said let’s do the border first — we said we have to do both together in the Senate. The president himself said over and over again, that he is willing to move forward on border.”

"Willing to move forward?

"That’s not what the facts say. In Texas, Biden and his goons want Governor Greg Abbott to quit protecting the state’s border with Mexico.

"NBC [The network of Joy Reid & Ali Velshi] reported, “Texas is refusing to comply with a cease-and-desist letter from the Biden administration over actions by the state that have impeded U.S. Border Patrol agents from accessing part of the border with Mexico.”

"Under Biden, Border Patrol agents are little more than Walmart greeters.

"The story continued, “In a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton rejected the Biden administration’s request for the state to cease and desist its takeover of Shelby Park, an epicenter of southwest border illegal immigration in Eagle Pass.”

"Paxton wrote, “Because the facts and law side with Texas, the State will continue utilizing its constitutional authority to defend her territory, and I will continue defending those lawful efforts in court.”

"Obama previously succeeded in getting the John Roberts Supreme Court to stop Arizona from enforcing federal law to protect its border. Texas is using state law." . . .

Rachel Maddow Earns Herself a BRUTAL Drew Holden Takedown With Claim MSNBC Can't Broadcast Untrue Things –


"Drew Holden taking MSNBC apart is a beautiful thing in general, but when he pinpoints a specific talking head? It's glorious.

"Especially when that talking head is Rachel Maddow who claimed she cut away from Trump's victory speech because she couldn't broadcast untrue things.". . .

Oh yeah; there was this too:

 ‘This Is Mostly A Protest’: MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Says Riots Aren’t Unruly As Building Burns Behind Him | The Daily Caller

Denver Hospital at Point of Collapse Due to Illegal Immigrants


"This will shock you, I know.

"Well, probably not, unless you are an advocate of the whole “sanctuary” phenomenon, which is based on the idea that kindness alone will suffice to ensure that opening the doors to every Tom, Dick, and Harry will turn out well for everybody.

"Denver isn’t exactly flooded by illegal immigrants by today’s standards. Only 36,000 have come through the city in the past couple of years, out of the 8-12 million Biden has been letting flood through the southern border.

"Yet still the city’s health care system is on the brink of collapse. Denver Health has been reducing the number of beds available and turning patients away because they have been providing over $130 million in uncompensated care to migrants.

"It turns out that the money isn’t unlimited, but the demands for it are.

Denver Health came close to breaking even last year after receiving millions of dollars in one-time donations, but executives say the safety net hospital needs more support if it’s going to continue operating as it has been — let alone meet the needs of Colorado’s mental health crisis and an influx of migrants.

The health system still is calculating its final 2023 numbers, but it appears Denver Health lost about $2 million last year, said Dr. Steve Federico, chief of government and community affairs.

Denver Health had ended 2022 about $35 million in the red, and the most recent year would have been significantly worse without a cash infusion of about $20 million from the state, Kaiser Permanente Colorado and private donors, he said. . . .

Biden, a Democrat, seems to forget Israel has been our friend and ally for decades

Netanyahu began his press conference by reading from a note he had received from the mother of a paratrooper who had died in Gaza: “So that we will know they did not fall in vain, destroy the evil,” she implored him.  Joel B. Pollak

 Surrender: Blinken Tells Netanyahu Israel Can't Defeat Hamas (   . . ."Netanyahu reportedly rejected the idea.

"NBC News reported Wednesday that Blinken, and Biden, are therefore trying to work around Netanyahu — the democratically-elected leader of Israel — in a departure from the Biden administration’s posture as the supposed defender of democratic ideals:. . ."

Biden Administration's 'Pathway' to a Palestinian Terror State :: Gatestone Institute   "By continuing to obsessively stick to the creation of a Palestinian state, the Biden administration is actually sending a message to Iran and its terror proxies that terrorism pays - that if they inflict more pain and casualties on Israel, the Americans will reward them with a state of their own next to Israel to facilitate their mission of continuing their Jihadist murder spree against Jews and finally obliterate Israel.

"The poll further showed that if presidential elections were held today, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would receive 78% of the vote, as opposed to only 16% for Abbas.
The poll found that 64% of the Palestinians oppose the idea of a two-state solution, while 53% support a return to the "armed struggle" against Israel." . . .

Netanyahu Issues Veiled Rebuke to Blinken: Israel Will Achieve 'Complete Victory' (   "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a veiled rebuke to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday night, pushing back against Blinken’s claim that Israel could not defeat Hamas in Gaza, and that it should accept a Palestinian state.

"Without naming Blinken specifically, Netanyahu criticized those who, he said wanted to tie Israel’s hands and said that Israel could not win.

"On Wednesday, reports emerged that Blinken had told Netanyahu last week that Israel would not succeed in destroying Hamas’s military capabilities — an assertion at odds with Israel’s ongoing military success, and strong Israeli public support for the war. Blinken and the Biden administration also want Israel to accept a Palestinian state as a condition of peace.

"At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Blinken told New York Times columnist Tom Friedman — a rabidly anti-Netanyahu opinion writer — that Israeli society, not the Arab nations, was the current obstacle to peace in the Middle East.

"The reaction from the prime minister’s office was defiant."

Grading Biden's Israel-Hamas War Response ( . . ."U.S. President Joe Biden’s approach to the Israel-Hamas war, especially his seemingly preternatural support for Israel, has been criticized across much of the U.S. political spectrum. An NBC News poll published Nov. 19 found that just 34 percent of registered voters approve of how Biden is handling the war. Many younger voters in particular are angry; and some Arab and Muslim Americans are telling pollsters they won’t vote for Biden in 2024 because of his stance." . . .

An Israeli preemptive strike against Hezbollah was averted early in the Gaza war, top official says  . . ."A month ago, The Wall Street Journal, reporting on the dramatic events of Oct. 11, said intervention by President Joe Biden was key to averting the strike. Israeli warplanes were in the air, awaiting orders, when Biden called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and told him to stand down, the report said, citing people familiar with the call.

"Eisenkot said loud objections raised by him and others during the Cabinet session were key to calling off the strike. At the time, he and former Defense Minister Benny Gantz, both opposition lawmakers, had just joined Netanyahu to help lead the war. Asked if their presence prevented a bad decision, he said: “Unequivocally.' ” . . .

UPDATE: The West's lethal error in the war against Israel - Melanie Phillips (  "In the current war in the Middle East, it’s a given that a distinction must be drawn between Hamas and the "ordinary" Palestinian Arab residents of Gaza.

"This distinction, however, is largely spurious.

"An article in The Washington Free Beacon that drew upon interviews given to Israeli TV by freed hostages has confirmed that ordinary Gazans were deeply involved in the Oct. 7 pogrom and subjected the hostages to cruelty, abuse and starvation.

"Nili Margalit recounted how Gazan "civilians, regular people" took her hostage at knifepoint in the Oct. 7 attack. Margalit said a "boy … 17, maybe 18 years old" and an "older man with the knife" broke down the door of her home in Kibbutz Nir Oz and forced her, barefoot and in pajamas, into a stolen golf cart.

"Margalit said she saw a "mob, thousands of people," including "women and children," pouring across Israel’s breached border with Gaza less than two miles away." . . .

We must remember God says Israel is the "apple of his eye".

Who is Trump’s real opponent? Not Biden.

 Who can oppose this lady without being called a "racist"? It has to be time to fight back against that accusation. TD

Joe Herring - American Thinker

Remember, the Democrat party isn’t trying to run from its dismal track record as much as it’s trying to conceal the fact that it’s all intentional.  This is our task: to show the American public that the struggles and travails they have experienced for the last three years were not an accident.  They were the point. 

"The post-Iowa consensus appears to be coalescing around the idea that Trump ought to ignore his GOP challengers and turn his focus entirely on Joe Biden.  Clay Travis and Buck Sexton, of the Clay and Buck Show, suggested this would result in the “longest general election campaign in modern history.”

"While I accept the premise, I wholeheartedly disagree with the target.  Yes, Trump’s energies ought no longer be directed toward swatting flies on his rear, but pivoting toward Biden entirely is a strategic error.

"Biden is a symptom, not a cause of America’s illness.  The cause lies in the embrace by the Democrat party of a Marxist/fascist hybrid collectivism, to be elevated by any means necessary.

"Biden will almost certainly be replaced before the general election, and not with Kamala Harris.  This will likely be timed to happen very deep into the election cycle to ensure that Republicans have as little time as possible to expose the new nominee as the Marxist puppet he surely will be.

"Given the puppeteer role Barack Obama has played in the present administration, the theory that Biden will be supplanted by Michelle Obama at the eleventh hour is emerging as the most credible.

"The Democrat party will forcefully focus voters on the celebrity of their nominee to forestall meaningful scrutiny of her lackluster qualifications and the disturbing anti-white American animus evidenced throughout her life.

"Of course, the left will have no shortage of media figures from Hollywood and entertainment television to spend dramatic amounts of time and treasure casting Trump as a vindictive, dangerous despot determined to drag any American politically left of center into gulags." . . .

. . ."This is common knowledge among engaged conservatives, who need only the occasional reminder, but it is an essential lesson for those who are contemplating or intend to vote for a Democrat, forever stamping their souls with the stain of complicity. Teach them, and in doing so, save ourselves." . . .

Report: Michelle Obama Angling to Replace Joe Biden for President

 Then, just as one figures- now, means Barack will be the one running this nation. "Mr. Big", as Rush would have called Mr. "I, Me, Mine." Between Michelle and Joy Reid alone this nation will be so beaten down emotionally it may never recover. TD

“The Democrat kingmakers [will then] jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama,” he suggested, adding that “you don’t infuriate African American women, which is a critical part of the constituency that Democrats are relying on to win.”

The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor   "An article by New York Post legendary gossip columnist Cindy Adams reports Barack and Michelle Obama are angling to replace Joe Biden with former First Lady Michelle as the Democrats’ 2024 presidential nominee.

"Obama world was rocked when Donald Trump short-circuited the Obama revolution to remake America when he defeated would-be Obama successor Hillary Clinton in 2016 and has taken merciless revenge on President Trump ever since. Barack Obama is thought by many to be the behind the scenes power of the Biden presidency. But with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris having some of the worst polling numbers for incumbents seeking a second White House term and Trump leading Biden in most polls, it appears the Obamas are quietly laying the groundwork for Michelle to step in and save the Obama revolution.

"Adams reports Michelle Obama has surveyed “Dem biggies” about her potential candidacy and in 2022 reportedly told a gathering of CEOs in New York City she was running. Gossip? Rumor? Or trial balloon leaks to gauge public support and Democratic reaction?

"Late baby boomer Michelle, who turned 60 on Wednesday, is a generation younger than the pre-boomer, dementia-addled, 81-year-old Biden." . . .

Obama’s Leaked Confession Could Spell the End for Biden (  "New evidence confirms there’s a storm brewing in the Democratic Party.

"A source from Barack Obama’s inner circle just leaked that the former president is worried that Biden “very well could lose.”

"Meanwhile, David Axelrod – a key political strategist for Obama – warned Biden that his campaign needed to ramp up ASAP or he should drop out of the race altogether.

“ 'I understand [Biden] was irritated because I raised concerns that many, many Democrats had,” said Axelrod. “And again, my feeling is either get out or get going.”

"But Obama and Axelrod are not alone in this assessment." . . .

So much for race relations improving. Democrats have to see Blacks turning to Trump. TD

Cases in point: LEAKED: Fani Willis Throws a Fit, Accuses Trump Defense of Racism – RedState

Florida Dem rep proposes tearing down Statue of Liberty to protest ‘bigoted’ GOP border policy | The Post Millennial

Josy Reid Blames Nikki Haley’s Third-Place Iowa Finish on Racism: She’s ‘Still a Brown Lady’ in a ‘Deeply Anti-Immigrant’ Party (

Murder, she SMOKED! Quaint Maine fishing villages that inspired Jessica Fletcher's beloved Cabot Cove could end up like San Francisco and Portland thanks to progressive lawmaker's plans to legalize all drugs |

 Daily Mail Online

. . ."The bill, introduced by a Democrat from Newcastle, Lydia Crafts, would also increase funding for healthcare for addicts" . . .

Stonnington in Maine is one of the villages tourists now flock to in
 a bid to enjoy the Cabot Cove vibe - with plans to let people do
drugs openly likely to derail the atmosphere

 "The quaint Maine fishing villages that inspired Jessica Fletcher's beloved Cabot Cove in the TV show Murder She Wrote could become dystopian, crime-ridden hellholes like San Francisco or Portland if progressive Maine lawmakers get their way.

"Members of the state legislature on Wednesday spent four hours debating whether to decriminalize all drugs in the Pine Tree State.

"Under the scheme proposed by Democrat representative Lydia Crafts even possessing heroin and cocaine would not be considered a criminal offense. Money spent on enforcing drugs laws would instead be directed to healthcare as part of a so-called 'harm reduction' strategy. 

"Maine's Democrat Governor Janet Mills says she strongly opposes decriminalization measures.

"Crafts's plan ignores the troubled example of Oregon - which in 2020 became the first state to legalize all drugs. Portland, the largest city in Oregon, is now plagued by drug abuse and homelessness and there are moves to rescind the law.

"San Francisco, which thanks to its progressive political leaders largely does not prosecute public drug use, has seen a similar surge in abuse. San Francisco recorded 806 accidental drug overdose deaths last year, the highest level the city has ever seen.

"Crafts's scheme seems could jeopardize Maine's famous seaside villages -  including the fictional Cabot Cove - a cozy fishing town where Angela Lansbury's iconic teacher-turned crime novelist Jessica Fletcher in Murder She Wrote solved a slew of murders." . . .

John Kerry's ‘Climate Change’ Puts Biden’s EV Mandate On Thin Ice

 John Kerry says he has to use a private jet because it allows him to do more good as he chews out everyone else about their carbon footprint. Jack Hellner

So filled with fraud: The green agenda and the rich who benefit from it - Jack Hellner   "The federal government essentially has ordered electric car companies to commit fraud. 

"Here's the headline:

The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal

A government rule makes them look nearly seven times as efficient as they are.

"Here's what's from the article:" . . . No! Joe would never lie to America!

Thinking Smartly About Climate Change - Imprimis (

. . ."If you think the world is ending—that climate change is the equivalent of a giant meteor hurtling towards Earth—political rhetoric of that sort makes sense. But I think it can be easily demonstrated that climate change, however serious, is not an incoming giant meteor." . . .

 100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering | Real Climate Science

 NOAA has always known that the US is not warming.

‘Climate Change’ Puts Biden’s EV Mandate On Thin Ice – Issues & Insights

"The polar vortex gripping the nation has exposed a fatal flaw in President Joe Biden’s push to force Americans into electric cars. EVs don’t work well in the cold.

"Several news stories out of Chicago this week report how EV owners have been struggling to keep their cars charged as extreme cold saps their batteries of energy, extends charging times, and forces owners to wait for hours to get an open charger.

“ 'Several motorists told local news outlets that they had been stranded at charging stations in the cold with cars with dead batteries, while successful charging was taking far longer than usual. They also claimed that many of the charging stations were not functioning,” Newsweek reports.

"One motorist reported that he’d seen “at least 10 cars being towed away after their battery died, with too much energy being expended keeping the car warm while drivers waited.”

"Another told CBS News Chicago that a charge that should take 45 minutes was taking two hours. “I’ve been here for over five hours at this point and I still have not gotten to charge my car,” he said." . . .

John Kerry Goes Full Davos Totalitarian: No Politician Can Reverse Climate Change Policy – PJ Media   

WEF acolyte and Harvard professor Naomi Oreskes at Davos issued similar fatwas against anyone standing in the way of the forced de-industrialization of society for the sake of, allegedly, the Earth. 

The hysterical style in American politics

 Victor Davis Hanson (

"#MeToo jumped the shark with the left-wing effort to take down conservative Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Would-be accusers surfaced from his high school days, 35 years earlier, but without any supporting evidence or witnesses for their wild, lurid charges."

"The post-Joe McCarthy era and the candidacy of Barry Goldwater once prompted liberal political scientist Richard Hofstadter to chronicle a supposedly long-standing right-wing "paranoid style" of conspiracy-fed extremism.

"But far more common, especially in the 21st Century, has been a left-wing, hysterical style of inventing scandals and manipulating perceived tensions for political advantage.

"Or, in the immortal words of former President Barack Obama's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, "Never let a serious crisis go to waste."

"The 2008 economic emergency crested on September 7, with the near collapse of the home mortgage industry.

"Obama took office on January 20, 2009, more than four months after the meltdown. In that interim, the officials had finally restored financial confidence and plotted a course of economic recovery.

"No matter. The Obama administration never stopped hyping the financial meltdown as if it had just occurred. That way, it rammed through Obamacare, massive deficit spending, and the vast expansion of the federal government. All that stymied economic growth and recovery for years.

"In 2016, then-President Donald Trump was declared Hitler-like and an existential threat to democracy.

"Amid this derangement syndrome, any means necessary to stop him were justified: the Russian collusion hoax, impeachment over a phone call, or the Hunter laptop disinformation farce." . . .

. . ."Otherwise, the progressive movement cannot enact its unpopular agendas. So it must scare the people silly and gin up chaos to destroy its perceived enemies — any crisis it can.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Next Million Fentanyl Deaths Are on You, New Hampshire

Haley's weird obsession with blaming China for what Mexico is doing is like Democrats blaming violent crime on carmakers who don't install anti-theft devices. Kind of makes you wonder, why not mention, you know, the criminals? 

Dick Wright

Ann Coulter (  "Do you care about fentanyl, New Hampshire? Every year, more than 400 of your fellow Granite Staters die from drug overdoses, mostly from fentanyl.

"Nikki Haley promises to keep the fentanyl pipeline open. 

"You can't have missed it -- she says it at every speech, debate, town hall, roundtable, meet-and-greet, TV interview and casual conversation: -- 

" 'We have to kick this where it starts. And that means you go to China and say, 'We will end all normal trade relations with you until you stop killing Americans.' We have to be that firm, we have to be that tough." 

 " 'As president, I will push Congress to revoke permanent normal trade relations until the flow of fentanyl ends. Do you care about fentanyl, New Hampshire? Every year, more than 400 of your fellow Granite Staters die from drug overdoses, mostly from fentanyl. Nikki Haley promises to keep the fentanyl pipeline open. You can't have missed it -- she says it at every speech, debate, town hall, roundtable, meet-and-greet, TV interview and casual conversation: -- "We have to kick this where it starts. And that means you go to China and say, 'We will end all normal trade relations with you until you stop killing Americans.' We have to be that firm, we have to be that tough." Ann Coulter Jan 17, 2024 -- "As president, I will push Congress to revoke permanent normal trade relations until the flow of fentanyl ends. If China wants to start  normal trade again, it has to stop killing Americans."-

 "And we will go to China and say, 'We're going to end all normal trade relations with you until you stop murdering Americans with fentanyl.' You watch how fast they fix that."

"Literally none of our fentanyl comes from China. One hundred percent of the fentanyl in this country is made in Mexico and brought in from Mexico. A border wall would end the flow of fentanyl (and opioids and meth) to our country tomorrow. In fact, a wall is the only thing that will end the fentanyl crisis.

"But Haley will be damned if she'll mention Mexico within 50 miles of the word "fentanyl." Might remind Americans of our wide-open border (which she intends to keep wide open). Fentanyl could walk in wearing a sombrero, trailed by a mariachi band, and Haley would still say it's from China. 

"If you care about fentanyl deaths, this is worse than forgetting slavery when talking about the Civil War. Back in 2015, China did supply fentanyl to the U.S., selling it on the dark web and sending it through the mail. That ended in April 2019, when the Chinese government agreed to ban all forms of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances." . . .

MUST-SEE VIDEO: A pro-Israel public service announcement that will be seen across the U.S. (Repost)

 MUST-SEE VIDEO: A pro-Israel public service announcement that will be seen across the U.S. - Andrea Widburg

"This bit of news actually surprises me. It doesn’t surprise me that the Hostages and Missing Families Forum would create a powerful and published public service announcement (“PSA”) highlighting what happened in Israel on October 7 and the ensuing hostage crisis. What does surprise me is that movie theaters across America, as well as Hulu (a Disney-owned company) will be showing it in the coming days as part of the trailers they routinely screen before running a picture or TV show.

"The PSA is filmed to look like the trailer for an upcoming thriller or horror movie. It ends by reminding viewers that this is the real horror that Israel faced on October 7 and has faced daily since then. It’s well done and powerful:

"Kudos to the theater owners and to Hulu management for accepting this video. I’m sure that, very soon, we’ll be hearing shrieks of outrage and threats about boycotts and violence from the Hamas lovers (whom I often think of as Death Eaters). In today’s political climate, it takes courage to show a video like this."

Image: X screen grab.