Sunday, April 27, 2014

Chris Hayes Wants to Kill About 5.7 Billion People (See, we can demagogue just like Democrats do)

NRO   "MSNBC host Chris Hayes is getting an alarming amount of attention for his latest effort in The Nation, a stemwinder arguing that the abolition of fossil fuels is like the abolition of slavery."
"The argument may sound forced, but Hayes has a logical premise that goes something like this: Socrates does not wear sandals; a potato kugel does not wear sandals; therefore Socrates is a potato kugel."  ...
"The virtuous cadre of fossil-fuel “abolitionists” will have to compel these fat cats to give up their wealth. And like John Brown and Julia Ward Howe before them, they can take heart despite the immensity of the task, because the toll of human suffering is right before their . . . because the horrors of the vile institution are clear to . . . because the conscience recoils at the sight of . . . Well, it’s kind of hard to say what the actual societal gain of eliminating fossil fuels would be, because fossil fuels are the main reason modern society exists at all." ...

Debbie Schlussel's posts make one wonder: what motivates these Muslims, Islam or culture?

Mehrzad Malekzadeh: Iranian Had Bombs in Walmart Standoff; Also Caught on Railroad Tracks w Poisonous Chemical
"Was this another dry run for a terrorist attack perpetrated by a Muslim in America? Sure sounds like it."
"On Saturday, Mehrzad Malekzadeh, an Iranian Muslim, perpetrated a four-hour stand-off at Walmart in Kemah, Texas, which is in the Houston area. He had multiple devices in his boxes and taped to his body, some of them real, others fake. And, of course, the usual “mental problems”–or as I call it, “the halal Twinkie defense”–was cited as an excuse."...

Jasim Ramadon: Iraqi Muslim Immigrant Convicted in Brutal Rectal Gang Rape of 53-Yr-Old Woman Sentenced
..."As I told you previously, Ramadon was brought here from Iraq as a teen after he risked his life and turned in his own father, a terrorist, and saved American soldiers lives. He also turned in about 40 Islamic terrorists and provided vital information to soldiers there. One of the soldiers was going to adopt him as his son, but it did not work out because you can take the Muslim immigrant off the Arab street, but you cannot take the Arab street and violent, depraved values out of the Muslim immigrant, as Ramadon showed in spades. I met Ramadon upon his arrival in America, as I was helping the soldiers involved, to my regret. After he came here, the soldiers and Ramadon appeared on Oprah, and he was hailed as a hero, but he’s no hero anymore."
You may find this related to the above: Muslim Kills Horse By Anally Raping Him
Muslim Kills Horse By Anally Raping Him

Teen Stowaway on Hawaii Flight is Very Devout Somali Muslim; Likely Illegal Alien  "The much reported teen flight stowaway to Hawaii is a Somalian Muslim and likely an illegal alien. But you won’t read that anywhere (except here). While there is legitimate outcry regarding a lack of adequate airport security, there is little on the very relevant background of the unnamed 16-year-old (some reports say he’s 15), who is reportedly very devout and prays to allah(sic) “a lot.”

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Actor Tim Allen brings Benghazi to sitcom TV; slams ‘socialist’ Calif., Obama’s integrity

BizPac Review 

... "When Allen appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” Wednesday to plug his show’s season finale in a fellow ABC venue, his comic intro was a literal man-on-the-street bit about the “socialist” state of California has made itself a magnet for the professionally homeless.

"And “Last Man Standing” lines are some of the few places keeping the Benghazi terror attack in the popular mind. A textbook moment came early in Friday’s finale during a set up about individual responsibility — one line of dialogue that probably touched more Americans than 100 Republican National Committee paid ads.

“ 'It’s called integrity,” Allen’s character says. “Something Obama doesn’t have with that Benghazi thing.' ”
"He’s a conservative all right. He doesn’t just play one on TV ."

Dem Politician Appointed by Obama Defends Muslim Airline that Bans Israeli Jews

"Anthony Foxx was the Democratic Mayor of Charlotte. Obama called him an “impressive leader” when he appointed him Secretary of Transportation and he certainly is leading when it comes to defending Muslim discrimination against Israeli Jews."

The disappearance of America’s will

Caroline Glick
hagel chang
"The most terrifying aspect of the collapse of US power worldwide is the US’s indifferent response to it.

"In Europe, in Asia, in the Middle East and beyond, America’s most dangerous foes are engaging in aggression and brinkmanship unseen in decades.

"As Gordon Chang noted at a symposium in Los Angeles last month hosted by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, since President Barack Obama entered office in 2009, the Chinese have responded to his overtures of goodwill and appeasement with intensified aggression against the US’s Asian allies and against US warships."
"It is because of this that Israeli officials are openly stating for the first time that the US cannot be depended on to either secure Israel’s eastern frontier in the event that an accord is reached with the Palestinians, or to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons."
"America’s spurned allies will take the actions they need to take to protect themselves. Some will persevere, others will likely be overrun."
 Full article

Our allies do well to worry about America's will, because of not just Obama, but the electorate which put Democrats in power. Even a Winston Churchill, if elected as our president, would have great resistance from an unconcerned American public.
I feel President Bush was weak internationally after the Iraq war because of the press and public turning against him, appeasing where before he might have stood strong, as during the Georgia invasion. TD

Obama Cartoons From Foreign Countries Reflect Perception of American Foreign Policy   "Excessive appeasement attempts of hostile leaders, acceptance of undeserved Nobel Peace Prize, and secretive and massive use of drones killing civilians are most common criticisms of the Obama administration reflected in cartoons from many countries."
"This guide just published on Amazon Kindle is available immediately in E-book form at a price of $ 9.99 per copy. It is the first guide of its kind which helps you understand how the rest of the world sees American foreign policy. Click on to reach Kindle bookshop. The guide can be read with Kindle, Nook, ipad tablets as well as on PCs and laptops"
Still proud of this president?

Decoding Common Core Math. A more penetrating look

TW welcomes comments and articles explain the benefits of Common Core since we are -given the philosophy of the administration advocating it- inclined to be against it. TD
Perceived as this:

Accuracy In Academia   "If the Common Core education reforms introduced by President Obama and supported by big-name Republicans were subject to peer review, they might become a “whatever became of?” question.
“Take, for example, my first-grade son’s Common Core math lesson in basic subtraction,” David G. Bonagura, Jr., writes in an article which appeared in The Education Reporter. “Six- and seven-year-olds do not yet possess the ability to think abstractly; their mathematics instruction, therefore, must employ concrete methodologies, explanations, and examples.”
“But rather than, say, count on a number line or use objects, Common Core’s standards mandate teaching first-graders to ‘decompose’ two-digit numbers in an effort to emphasize the concept of place value. Thus 13 – 4 is warped into 13 – 3 = 10 – 1 = 9. Decomposition is a useful skill for older children, but my first-grade son has no clue what it is about or how to do it. He can, however, memorize the answer to 13 – 4. But Common Core does not advocate that tried-and-true technique.”
"The Education Reporter is published by the Eagle Forum, an organization founded by conservative attorney, author and activist Phyllis Schlafly. Bonangura’s article was reprinted by permission from National Review, in which it originally appeared."
Malcolm A. Kline is the Executive Director of Accuracy in Academia.
"Common Core Standards - Fact and Fiction", Published on Apr 14, 2013
Presented by Joy Pullmann, Managing Editor of School Reform News
and an Education Research Fellow at The Heartland Institute.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Unnecessary Flatulence

The left's push for adult-child sex; Matt Barber says latest Hollywood allegation nothing new in 'gay' community

Matt Barber  "Shocking allegations by former “X-Men” child star Michael Egan against the film’s openly “gay” director and producer Bryan Singer have stunned Hollywood into relative silence. I say “relative silence” because, unless he’s a Catholic priest, the relativist left’s false narrative is that a “gay” man is always the victim and never the victimizer.

"Nonetheless, this latest episode has once again shined the spotlight on the long-established link between the homosexual lifestyle/movement and pedophilia – a link that, despite “progressive” denials to the contrary, is hiding in plain sight."
"Or take “LGBT” martyr Harvey Milk, a sexual predator known to have statutorily raped, repeatedly, a drug-addicted, teenage, runaway boy. Milk’s punishment? The Obama administration just awarded him an honorary USPS postage stamp.

"Am I the only one who sees the pattern here? Has the goddess of “tolerance” really driven the world completely blind with madness?"

The world witnesses the weakness,silliness, and fecklessness of Democrat rule in the US. (UPDATED)

"You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war."
1938, after Prime Minister Chamberlain signed an agreement with Hitler

With Ukraine in turmoil, Hagel can’t get Russian counterpart to take his calls   "Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters Friday that Mr. Hagel has been trying to communicate with Russian officials but has yet to hear back from Mr. Shoigu or anyone else. Pentagon officials have reached out to Russia on Mr. Hagel’s behalf within the past 24 hours, according to Col. Warren."

Putin Halts All Talks With White House  "Since the invasion of Crimea, President Vladimir Putin and President Barack Obama have had regular phone calls in an often half-hearted attempt to deescalate the ongoing crisis inside Ukraine. But as the U.S. and EU prepare to unveil new sanctions against Russia, Putin has decided the interactions should stop. The Kremlin has ended high-level contact with the Obama administration..."

How childish
Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure  ... "By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

"By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States."  

Obama’s Approach to Foreign Policy; He either doesn’t care about it, or he’s afraid of it.    " I think we all know what Barack Obama’s foreign-policy strategy coming into office was.

Step 1: Be Barack Obama (and not George W. Bush).

Step 2: ????

Step 3: World peace!

"He issued a red line in Syria until his bluff was called. He’s let our ally, the Philippines, fend for itself as China tries to annex Scarborough Shoal. He’s made it clear to the Iranians that he considers talking its own reward, since that will likely kick the hard decision about their nuclear program onto the next president’s desk. When Vladimir Putin began his invasion and annexation of Crimea, Obama mumbled a soft denunciation and then hustled downtown to a DNC rally, telling the crowd, “Well, it’s Friday, it’s after 5:00. So this is officially happy hour with the Democratic party.' ”  Jonah Goldberg

State Department launches hashtag strike on Russia   "Just when you thought the Obama Administration’s foreign policy couldn’t get any more ridiculous, the State Department sallies forth with a bracing challenge for Russia to respect the lame-o Twitter hashtag they touted last month:
Israeli launches spy satellite after US refusal to push for Iran’s weapons program's dismantlement   You're on your own, Israel.
"The top level of the US administration appears to have fallen into two factions pulling in opposite directions: One group, led by President Barack Obama and National Security Advisor Susan Rice, wants Israel to carry the can for progress or for obstacles in negotiations with the Palestinians, while appeasing the latter and letting Iran off the hook on the concerns of Israel (and other Mid East nations)."

And not one bit of the above seems to concern this president at all.

UPDATE: Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Is Driving Us Towards War
neville chamberlain
"President Obama’s foreign policy is a disaster, not only for the United States, but for the world. From the Ukraine to North Korea to Israel, there is nothing but Obama’s failed policies.

"Russian aircraft have entered Ukrainian airspace several times in the last 24 hours. Putin has every intention of seizing Eastern Ukraine and probably all of Ukraine. Will he stop there? He has already made menacing gestures towards the Baltics. He will act while the embarrassingly weak Barack Obama is in office." ...

Charles Krauthammer: Finally getting it right on affirmative action

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
WaPo   "Every once in a while a great, conflicted country gets an insoluble problem exactly right. Such is the Supreme Court’s ruling this week on affirmative action. It upheld a Michigan referendum prohibiting the state from discriminating either for or against any citizen on the basis of race.

"The Schuette ruling is highly significant for two reasons: its lopsided majority of 6 to 2, including a crucial concurrence from liberal Justice Stephen Breyer, and, even more important, Breyer’s rationale. It couldn’t be simpler. “The Constitution foresees the ballot box, not the courts, as the normal instrument for resolving differences and debates about the merits of these programs.' ”
"This is pretty weak gruel when compared with the social harm inherent in discriminating by race: exacerbating group antagonisms, stigmatizing minority achievement and, as documented by Thomas Sowell, Stuart Taylor and many others, needlessly and tragically damaging promising minority students by turning them disproportionately into failures at institutions for which they are unprepared." ...

The Tortoise and The Harry

Chip Bok
In the old cowboy movies range wars were fought over cows and sheep. Now they’re fought over cows and dessert(sp) tortoises.
Thanks to the Cliven Bundy standoff with BLM we learned that the federal government owns 81% of the land in Nevada. Harry Reid owns the rest. Well, not quite but it seems that way.
Cliven Bundy -- The Man Who Said Too Much    ... "Distance themselves, they should, not just because Bundy’s comments are flatly racist, not just because he managed to project an awful lot onto a segment of society after driving by a building one day, and not just because continued political support will end careers.  His supporters should separate from his cause because his statements go against American ideals on a very basic level."

Samantha Power neglects opportunity to stop Iran from gaining seat UN women's rights body, then tweets her outrage

Thomas Lifson   ... "U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power took to Twitter to express her views: “Yet again Iran unopposed & was ‘elected’ to Commission on Status of Women. Given record on women’s & human rights, this is an outrage.”

"But Richard Grenell, who served as spokesman for four U.S. ambassadors to the U.N. during the George W. Bush administration and is a close observer of the world body, was unimpressed with her reaction.

“Ambassador Power can tweet her outrage after the fact all she wants,” he said. “She should have been in the room for the vote and demanded a secret ballot rather than allow an automatic acclamation by her silence.”  ...