Monday, January 16, 2012

Marines show the Taliban who is number one. (Updated)

Michael Ledeen: Pissing on the Enemy  "To the media pack, the “pissing story” was a welcome present, because they can unleash their full primal scream of righteous indignation against the Marines, whom they resent because the Marines are so very good at what they do.  DIGRESSION:  As an institution, the military, at least temporarily, is the best we’ve got, and the Marines are the best of the lot, both because they’re relatively small, and because they are well led."
"If I were advising the secretaries of state and defense I’d say:
1.  Treat it as a routine matter.  “Boys will be boys.  Especially in war.  Stuff happens.  We enforce our rules.”
2.  Don’t pass judgment, even hypothetically.  Just say, it’s been referred to the investigators.  When we find out what happened, we’ll get back to you.
3.  If Karzai delivers more moral lectures, have the president of the United States give a speech about Afghan sexual culture, including the treatment of young boys by older men, and the treatment of women by all Afghan men.  And then suggest, ever so sweetly, that Karzai is not really in a strong position to lecture us.
 General Patton urinates into the Rhine river in Germany  ""I drove to the Rhine River and went across on the pontoon bridge. I stopped in the middle to take a piss and then picked up some dirt on the far side in emulation of William the Conqueror." General George S. Patton, March 1945"

Blackfive: THE NATURE OF WARRIORS.... "The nature of warriors is something that only warriors will ever know.  Those that have never experienced this will never know why these men felt the need to do what they did.  But if our military is going to be effective in the long run, our enemies must fear us.  They must believe that we are capable of unspeakable evil and every now and then, we have to pull back the curtain a little and let them see a smidgen of what we are holding the lid on while we bomb them further into the stone age.  That fear of what those warriors are capable of will save lives."

Update from Hot Air:  Rep. Allen West on the reaction to the Marines incident: “Shut your mouth; war is hell” "Words of support for the troops are needed now as always, but they’re hardly forthcoming. The Republican presidential candidates, for example, have made no statements of support for the predominantly well-behaved troops as a buttress against the effects on public opinion of the administration’s eager denouncement of the few. William Kristol highlights their silence:"

Taliban atrocities show what real war crimes are  "If the photos of the U.S. troops become an issue, the United States should show pictures of Taliban members standing around, while masked, watching their leader behead a helpless captive."

Maybe this guy in black is one of those our Marines were doing the number one over. Picture from a video at BareNakedIslam; find it yourself; the sight is too disturbing to link to. 
Sorry if this photo is offensive, but I wanted you to remember just who the bad guys were in that photo of the Marines. TD


Ronbo said...


What section of the UMCJ did the Marines violate?

After all, they didn't actually touch the dead bodies.

I don't know of any reg that says you can't take a piss in a combat zone...and well...if the enemy dead just happens to be in the latrine...well?

But I do think the Marines should get seven days KP and a stern warning from their C.O. never to whiz on the opposition...AND MAKE A VIDEO OF IT.

Bosch Fawstin said...

Muslims wouldn't be as Pissed if it were camel piss.