Thursday, October 27, 2022

Never-Before-Seen-Footage – Biden Makes His Classic Predator Move On A Toddler And Sniffs Him On The Back


Defiant America   "President Joe Biden has a pattern of questionable behavior toward women. His reputation is so robust, the incidents so well-documented that they have earned him the longtime nickname of “Uncle Joe” (for his penchant for using folksy, grandfatherly language even with his peers), with the occasional addition of “Creepy” (for routinely invading women’s personal spaces).
"How much does behavior like this really matter to voters? We wanted to find out. U.K.-based market research and data analytics firm YouGov conducted an official online poll of over 1,200 people, weighted to represent U.S. adults, to try and find out what the hell people — not just us, and not just women — really think about things like sniffing a woman’s hair in a professional context. As it turns out, they really don’t like it.
"A whopping 77 percent of those polled think it is completely unacceptable for a male politican to come up behind a woman to sniff her hair. And despite the narrative that older Americans are more likely to excuse behavior like this, 85 percent of Baby Boomers said they think it is completely unacceptable. That’s 15 percent more than millennials.". . .

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