Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Obama National Security Policy: Hope Their Bombs Don't Work

Ann Coulter "Second, it would be a little easier for the rest of us not to live in fear if the president's entire national security strategy didn't depend on average citizens happening to notice a smoldering SUV in Times Square or smoke coming from a fellow airline passenger's crotch."...."If only Dr. Hasan's gun had jammed at Fort Hood, that could have been another huge foreign policy success for Obama."


Nealz Nuze "So only 9% of Daily Kos readers believed the (alleged) bomber to be a Muslim while 71% believed it was a conservative. That pretty well sums up not only the content of the Daily Kos, but the readership of that blog as well. In this day and age how could anyone possibly be so completely brain-dead as to put Islamic terrorist so low on that list and Tea Partiers so high. This is dementia at a level I should have, but didn't know exists among the ObamaZombies out there."


Neal Boortz "I've been warning you since the mid-1990s that if the voters of this country were ever stupid enough to put Democrats back in charge in Washington, the Democrats would make a move to seize all or a portion of their pension plans. Judging from some of the emails and Tweets I've been receiving the past few days, people are starting to believe that I just might have something here."

How close was the Times Square bomber to getting away?

G. Wesley Clark, MD "Thankfully, the Taliban is just slightly more incompetent at making bombs, than our government is at catching the bombers, and at protecting us."  Then this: Closing the barn door after the terrorist got away "Oh by the way, Mr. Shahzad, achieved no-fly list status sometimes probably on Monday but had passed all the security checks to board the plane despite the blaring red alert of paying cash for his last minute ticket . He also ,by the way, passed all the security checks to become a US citizen last year and is reported to have been a registered Democrat."

The Intellectual Hegemon

Randall Hoven "As intellectuals become teachers and professors, they will tend to promote (give good grades to) those who flatter their preconceived ideology. Therefore, in time, schools, universities, and the entire education industry will become one big, fact-free, self-admiration society with one ideology. The anti-hegemons become the hegemon. Facts will become like prayers and cigarettes: all but banned in public. More exactly, inconvenient facts will be banned. The few facts that support the preconceived ideology will still be allowed -- not because intellectuals believe in facts and rationality (such Western white male constructs!), but because facts can be useful propaganda tools."

A Pakistani-American on the Times Sq. bomber

American Thinker "...before you judge all of us, please remember that there is a silent majority of Muslims who wholeheartedly, emphatically condemns such terrorist activities. Why don't hear about them? It's because they remain mute, too afraid to speak or not passionate enough to get out there in public and condemn such acts of terror for fear of reprisals. They wait for others to speak for them and because of that reason they are "silent". " author anonymous 

The Congressional Assault on Criminal Justice

Heritage "By consistently creating new criminal laws without consulting the special expertise of the two judiciary committees, Congress is endangering civil liberties and placing all Americans at risk of unjust criminal conviction for violating crimes they did not even know they were committing."

Britons see 'dangers ahead' in U.S. relationship

USA Today via Heritage  "Prime Minister Gordon Brown was denied a formal news conference in his first visit to Obama, who angered some Britons by removing a Churchill bust on loan from Britain from the Oval Office. "Barack Obama has sent Sir Winston Churchill packing," The Daily Telegraph blared. "There's been a series of political sins of omission and commission" by the Obama administration, says Lisa Aronsson of the Royal United Services Institute, a British think tank. "It's clear that investing in the relationship with the U.K. was not a priority.""

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

GOP: Dry up will to cross border

Dick Morris "In their desperation, President Barack Obama and senators with large Latino populations in their states (like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.) are seeking to polarize Hispanic and Anglo sentiment over the issue of illegal immigration. In his frequent messages calling for higher Latino and black turnout and his condemnation of the Arizona immigration law, Obama is trying to recapture over immigration the voter approval he lost over healthcare."

Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Judicial Supremacy and the Constitution

National Review  "Many Americans are puzzled and angry about the judicial assault on religion, morality, and common sense that has been going on for the past few decades. People wonder, for example, how the First Amendment (which guarantees freedom of religion as well as separation of church and state) could possibly require the expulsion of religion from public life, or outlaw prayers at high-school football games and graduation ceremonies. To answer questions like these, one must understand how federal judges got the power to make such controversial political decisions in the first place, and how the judges used that power to bludgeon the American citizenry into believing that their power was legitimate."   Robert Lowry Clinton is professor and chair of Political Science at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Resenting Achievement More than Wealth

Thomas Sowell   "Many of our educators, our intelligentsia, and our media — not to mention our politicians — promote an attitude that other people’s achievements are grievances, rather than examples. When black schoolchildren who are working hard in school and succeeding academically are attacked and beaten up by black classmates for “acting white,” why is it surprising that similar hostility is turned against Asian Americans, who are often achieving academically more so than whites?"