Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Turkish Government as Global Arbiter of Ethnic Violence

Victor Davis Hanson   " At this point, it doesn’t much matter — as this latest hysterical reaction reminds us, much of the world not only sides with Israel’s enemies but sides with them to such a degree as to suggest that, in any existential moment to come, the world either will be indifferent or will be on the side of Israeli’s enemies. Quite frightening, when you think of it."
Cartoon by Lisa Benson

The Republican Retreat on Health Care

National Review "Republicans ought to be seizing on each revelation to press the case for repealing Obamacare. It is, after all, the worst law the Democrats have enacted on Obama’s watch; and it is also the GOP’s best issue in this year’s elections. Instead Republicans have largely allowed the Democrats to switch the subject from their unpopular health-care legislation to financial regulation, oil spills, and immigration. They have been reacting to the news instead of trying to make it."

16 illegals sue Arizona rancher

Washington Times "An Arizona man who has waged a 10-year campaign to stop a flood of illegal immigrants from crossing his property is being sued by 16 Mexican nationals who accuse him of conspiring to violate their civil rights when he stopped them at gunpoint on his ranch on the U.S.-Mexico border. Roger Barnett, 64, began rounding up illegal immigrants in 1998 and turning them over to the U.S. Border Patrol, he said, after they destroyed his property, killed his calves and broke into his home. "
Yet another reconquista photo album the MSM won’t print   Hat tip: Neal Boortz


Neal Boortz "What is Reich snorting? "This is the only way the public will know what's going on?" From government? From the Obama administration? Really?
"There is so much wrong with this leftist footstool's statement it's hard to know where to begin; but as to the public knowing what's really going on if the feds take over, just remember this: The government can legally lie to you. You cannot legally lie to the government."

Feds open criminal probe of oil spill

Washington Times "Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. revealed the criminal and civil probes into the BP oil-rig disaster just hours after President Obama vowed that government investigators would conduct a "full and vigorous accounting" of the still-uncapped spill. The president also ordered the oil giant to compensate those whose livelihoods have been harmed."

New Iran sanctions more likely, or less, after nuclear bomb report?

Christian Science Monitor  " “I think this new report should have the effect of strengthening the determination of the council to proceed to tougher sanctions,” says James Phillips, a Mideast expert at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. “But now it seems that with this incident with the not-so-peaceful flotilla, the vote may be pushed back – and we could even see some sanctions in [the resolution] stripped out.”"

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

News Analysis: Four Days That Shook DADT

Mertro Weekly "In the 96 hours between Monday morning, May 24, and Thursday evening, May 27, America may have seen the most deft legislative accomplishment of the Obama administration thus far.
It began Monday morning, when the White House first got the senior leaders of the Pentagon and the advocacy organizations seeking to end the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy to make significant compromises about the end of the policy. Second, the White House helped move congressional leaders in both chambers to consent to compromise language and introduce the resulting legislation." H/t to Volokh Conspiracy.

In Israeli Army, Gays Are 'No Big Deal'  Just trying to make sense of all this.

Obama doesn’t have a clue

Dick Morris "Meanwhile, the nation watches nervously as the same policies Obama has brought to our nation are failing badly and publicly in Europe. When Moody’s announces that it is considering downgrading bonds issued by the government of the United States of America, we find ourselves, suddenly, in deep trouble. We have had deficits before. But never have they so freaked investors that a ratings agency considered lowering its opinion of our solvency. Not since Alexander Hamilton assumed the states’ Revolutionary War debt has America’s willingness and ability to meet its financial obligations been as seriously questioned."

The Problem with Playing Defense

Noah Pollak "Quite a performance! Wouldn't it be remarkable if the Israelis had gotten ahead of the story by making their own accusations and demands? Here are a few ideas of the kind of concrete action the Israelis could take -- if they had the stones to really take a stand."...Noah Pollak is assistant editor of the Middle East Quarterly.

Toomey Stands with Israel  "It is time to stand up for Israel and to examine the records of candidates as to how they’ve addressed Israeli security needs and the condemnation of the “international community” when Israel must defend itself."

Post-American Obama, Watch the Video of the Jewish Soldiers Being Savagely Beaten by Turk Jihadists

Atlas Shrugs "I asked John Bolton for his take on it. He said, "How Obama reacts in the UN Security Council and more generally will say a lot about his views on Israel." You gotta love how post-American Obama was so quick to call policeman James Crowley "stupid," motivated by racism in the Gates affair, but when Jewish soldiers are getting beaten to a pulp, the Obama administration morally equivocated and "condemned those acts which resulted in the loss of life." What the hell does that even mean? "

'20 people threw me from deck'

YNET News   " "We knew they were peace activists," he said. "Though they wanted to break the Gaza blockade, we thought we'd encounter passive resistance, perhaps verbal resistance – we didn't expect this. Everyone wanted to kill us. We encountered terrorists who wanted to kill us and we did everything we could to prevent unnecessary injury." R said that some 75% of the people in the vessel resisted violently, "each one with a knife in his hand." "  "In the first interview since he was wounded in Monday's raid on the flotilla, Captain R, who commanded the troops who boarded the Marmara via helicopter, spoke of the battle that took place on vessel."

Time to Change Course in the Middle East "...But when the United States distances itself from Israel, as the Obama administration has done, it makes confrontation and conflict in the region more likely, not less. When enemies see Israel as alone and isolated, they become more, not less, aggressive. When Israel feels alone and isolated, it feels compelled to be more aggressive - to act in its own defense."

ABC Bashes Bush on Memorial Day

Rick Richman in American Thinker  "But ABC provided a ready excuse [for Obama], subtitling its report "Obama Not First to Skip Arlington on Memorial Day" and asserting that George W. Bush "did not attend in 2001 or 2002."  ABC was flat-out wrong about 2001, and highly misleading about 2002."....
"In neither year was Bush on vacation for Memorial Day. And it is nice that we are able to recall Bush's eloquence, given the unfortunate circumstances that prevented us from hearing from President Obama this year."