Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Israeli flotilla raid; point/ counterpoint

Flotilla Incident — Constructive Criticism   Max Boot  "Three more ships are being readied for another Gaza flotilla. If and when they do sail, I trust that the Israeli government will learn from experience and not walk into another trap set by its enemies"
RE: Constructive Criticism John Podhoretz  "The defense of Israel these past few days on CONTENTIONS isn’t intended to quell discussion of what might have gone wrong; rather, it is, as it always is, to refute the constant insistence that any time Israel acts in its own defense it is engaged in immoral action rather than in the vital task of preserving the security of its people."

'Humanitarion peace acivists' riot in airport before deportation

Shawarma Mayor "Thirteen female European activists, arrested for their participation in the flotilla to Gaza, attacked Immigration Authority officers escorting them to the airport for their deportation, the Interior Ministry reported Wednesday."....
"Israelis today feel now more than ever isolated and betrayed. The fact that 65% of American public support Israel is not heard nor felt (or reported). Israelis feel under a siege of global hate. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!"

The Chicago Tribune gets it right: "The more we learn about this incident, though, the more it looks like a setup designed to provoke or embarrass Israel."

Moral Courage and Leadership: Lt Colonel Allen West on Israel

Atlas Shrugs "Statement by Republican 22nd Congressional Candidate Allen West on Situation in Israel":

"Recent developments in the State of Israel are disturbing, and unfortunately predictable. Since 2009, the Obama Administration has shown an unprecedented disregard for the sovereignty of the State of Israel - America's strongest ally in the world. Whether browbeating Israel for building homes in their rightful capitol, or disrespecting Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House, President Obama has clearly demonstrated that he is no friend of the Jewish State. More...

So How About That Blockade?

Michael J. Totten "Hamas has a relatively tiny arsenal of crude rockets, but if the Gaza Strip were not under military blockade, it could acquire whatever weapons Syria and Iran felt like sending by ship. Gaza could bristle with as many destructive projectiles as Hezbollah has. Food and medicines are allowed into the Strip already, so the most significant difference between Gaza now and a Gaza without a blockade will be the importation of weapons and war material."

Useful Idiots Condemn Israel

Legal Insurrection  "The flotilla was organized by the Islamist government in Turkey to aid Hamas with the goal of opening up shipping channels for Turkey's new friend, Iran, to ship more and better weapons as it is doing to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Iran is busy turning Lebanon and Syria into one large missile launching pad against Israel, and a southern base in Gaza will complete the encirclement of Israel for the coming crisis over Iran's nuclear program. The Europeans on the ships were cover, and the placement of an 18-month old child on these ships was the utmost cynical use of a human shield."

Obamacare’s True Costs Coming to Light

Heritage   "Remember how President Barack Obama promised that his health care plan would reduce the deficit and put us on a path towards fiscal responsibility? Remember how Congress kept gaming the system to come up with the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score that could justify those claims? Well, now that Obamacare has become (hopefully only temporarily) the law of the land, the CBO is singing a slightly different tune. Last Friday CBO Director Doug Elmendorf wrote on his blog:

"The central challenge is straightforward and stark: The rising costs of health care will put tremendous pressure on the federal budget during the next few decades and beyond."


Neal Boortz " "Hate Speech" Any utterance in opposition to progressive or liberal ideals or in support of liberty."

Obama Ain’t Black Enough For Bill Maher

Alfonzo Rachel  "As you already know, over the weekend, Bill Maher said:
“I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt so you can see the gun in his pants. That’s — (in black man voice) ‘we’ve got a motherfu**ing problem here?’ Shoot somebody in the foot.”
...."This is what black people are to Bill Maher. This is what we’re supposed to be; gun-toting thugs. And if we’re not, then we’re just docile Uncle Toms who wanna be white."  Via Big Hollywood

General Andrew Breitbart's New Media War  " "My commitment to the left was about an inch deep, but it was a fashion to wear," he said.  But his fashion taste took a conservative turn during the congressional hearings on then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. "I went in with popcorn on my lap with a big diet coke," Breitbart recalled. "They're going 'Lets take this guy down.' And by the end of the hearing I went from rooting for this guy to be taken down to throwing my shoe at the television set, outraged." "
"He was angry because the liberal left was exposed as trying to take down a man who was living the great American dream. "They were willing to destroy him because he didn't have the right political view," Breitbart said."

The Big Story: Obama's woes

Dallas Morning News "Reporters quiz the White House on whether Obama is showing any passion over the BP disaster. Obama's style, dubbed "no drama Obama" in the campaign, seems to be backfiring."

Obama’s National Security Doctrine: Naive — Frighteningly So

Pajamas Media "Imagine a town full of outlaws, with a weak sheriff. The sheriff can deputize the criminals in the belief that this would make them “responsible actors.” Of course, as you probably guess, they would use their badges to rob, rape, and murder even more effectively.

If Obama and his colleagues feel the United States is overextended, it is partly because they misidentify the threats and reject the best ways of dealing with them. The doctrine says that nuclear weapons are the main threat to America, followed by climate change, dependence on fossil fuels, and cyber warfare.
"This is dangerous claptrap. "

John 14:6 For Dummies

Prof. Mike Adams "...I was taken aback by my old friend Neal Boortz’ somewhat harsh treatment of a man who called his show some months ago and quoted John 14:6 as evidence that Christianity is the only path to heaven. Of course, Neal isn’t a pastor and he tends to do things just to get a rise out of people. So his comments weren’t nearly as objectionable as Joel Osteen’s sidestepping of the “How many paths to heaven?” question on Larry King Live a few years ago."

What’s at stake in America’s battle over free enterprise.

Arthur C. Brooks   "We also need policies that weaken the free-enterprise system by lowering the rewards it brings to the winners as well as the consequences to the losers. As candidate Obama famously told Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher — “Joe the Plumber” — on the campaign trail in October 2008, “I think when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.” Adherents to this philosophy believe that the best ways to meet their objectives are forced income redistribution, expansion of the state, or both. This is why the landmark policy initiatives of the past year — from health-care reform to financial-market regulation — have had bigger government and rising income redistribution at their core. Bureaucracy and taxes are not incidental to these policies, and not a mere cost of doing business; they are part of what many of our leaders seek to create and what they see as a better, fairer America." 
   Arthur C. Brooks is president of the American Enterprise Institute and author of the new book The Battle: How the Fight Between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America’s Future.