Friday, July 23, 2010


Neal Boortz "If you want to know what is really going on .. just check out the people Obama has appointed to top environmental posts. These are people who's anti-capitalist credentials are every bit as strong as their love for Polar Bears and Gulf shrimp. Obama is taking advice from people who simply don't like the private sector and will do everything they can at every opportunity that presents itself to denigrate and harm the private economy."

What the NAACP/Tea Party Battle Is Really About

American Thinker "The recent dust-up between the NAACP and the Tea Partiers over charges of "racism" appears to be yet one more instance of blacks accusing whites of insensitivity, real or imagined. In reality, however, these exchanges reflect far deeper animosities that will not vanish with "clarifications" or expelling "racist" Tea Partiers."

Does Barack Obama Have a Learning Disability?

Michael Applebaum, MD "Does Barack Obama have a learning disability (LD)? It seems like an outlandish question to ask, but the actions of President Obama suggest that he may suffer from one. Consider:"...
"This essay is not offered as a professional diagnosis."

Knee jerk jerks — or, the current state of racism in America

Bookworm Room "By now, we’re all familiar with the Sherrod story. Andrew Breitbart was sent an edited video that made it look as if Sherrod was boasting to an NAACP gathering about denying government aid to white farmers. The audience laughed complicitly when Sherrod made that confession."

Shirley Sherrod, behaving badly "And now, Sherrod herself is behaving badly. In the clip below, she claims that Andrew Breitbart wants "to get us ["all black people"] stuck back in the times of slavery." "

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Liberty or Tyranny?

Pajamas Media " “For the Statist,” writes Mark Levin in his bestselling Liberty and Tyranny, “liberty is not a blessing but the enemy. It isn’t possible to achieve Utopia if individuals are free to go their own way.” Founded on the premise of total control over the individual citizen whom it regards as a molecular constituent of the larger whole, Statism is all-encompassing and all-devouring."

Video: Vilsack apologizes to Sherrod, offers her new job

Hot Air "This is an unabashed grovel, accepting personal responsibility for the decision to can her and offering his every sympathy to her for having been put through the media wringer. His explanation for why Sherrod thought the White House wanted her fired is that the supervisor who spoke to her on Monday might have told her that a WH liaison with the USDA was informed of Vilsack’s decision to fire her — and Sherrod simply misunderstood."

What Do Tea Partiers Want?

Cook Political Report "Is the thrust of the Tea Party movement anti-government? If so, is it broad or selective? Just how anti-government are they? Are they for cutting the defense budget, and are they for putting ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) on ice, as well as a border fence? Basically, are they for cutting government, or are they for cutting the programs that they disagree with?"

Another Day, Another Bit of DNC Strategy

American Thinker "As predicted the DNC is rolling out a series of initiatives in the form of e-mail messages to rally the troops. They can be instructive. Monday's missive from the DNC tackles the problem of unemployment and how it is mostly the fault of the Republicans. The byline is Donna Brazile. Here are some observations on this issue.
We're about to see benefits for the jobless expire in a period of high unemployment -- for the first time in 50 years. And Republicans are the only ones to blame. "


Neal Boortz  "Yup ... The Forest Service .. or at least this one public affairs officer, now thinks we should refer to illegal aliens as displaced foreign travelers. I trying here, but I really don't think I can add anything to that. It's just nonsense completely fitting of a government worker."

CNN's Feyerick Plays Hardball With Ground Zero Mosque Developer

Newsbusters  "The CNN correspondent almost immediately launched into her prayer space question. When the real estate developer initially replied, "There are Jewish community centers all over the country," Feyerick interrupted with a sharp retort: "But the Jews didn't take down two towers." El-Gamel continued that "there are YMCA's all over the country," but she gave a similar reply: "But the Christians didn't take down two towers."