Monday, August 27, 2012

Ron Paul blowing up his bridges

Rick Moran writes in American Thinker:    "But this is just beyond the pale and shows why Ron Paul -- and anyone who agrees with him -- should be kept at arms length by the GOP and frozen out of any positions of responsibility.
At a speech today in the Sun Dome at the University of South Florida ahead of the Republican convention, the Libertarian former Republican presidential candidate said if he had been in charge 9/11 wouldn't have occurred. "Somebody - rather nationally -- said the other day on the Internet 'if those Paul people had been in charge Osama Bin Laden would still be alive.' But you know what I think the answer is? So would the 3000 people killed on 9/11 still be alive!"
...."now like two year olds, they are throwing a tantrum because no one agrees with their far out, loony leader.
"Paul's "liberty" agenda may have its good points, but the man is toxic waste and deserves to be escorted to the wings and given the boot out the door."
Not for nothing is Ron Paul referred to as "the crazy uncle who lives in the attic" and I suspect with him out of the race, many of his supporters will vote for Obama.

What about his son, Rand? Rand Paul Is Already Getting Ready To Run In 2016
"Lane's interest in Rand's Israel positions also underscores the opportunity that the younger Paul has to rewrite parts of the narrative about the Ron Paul movement, specifically regarding national security and foreign policy issues. Although the two Pauls positions are mostly similar, Rand Paul appears to have the political instincts and finesse that his father so endearingly lacks."

Updated: Bob is a RACIST!

Via American Thinker

Update: GOP's Coded Messages  "In case you were not aware, any mention of Obama’s move to remove work requirements from welfare is raaaacist.  Got it?  No, seriously.  That assertion was made by not one but two people over the last few days."  Neal Boortz.

This post comes from WAKE UP BLACK AMERICA

"The pitiful and pathetic overreach by the left for constantly labeling Republicans and conservatives as being racists without having any evidence of it being so has gotten way past old. It has become a long lasting running joke at this point." 

Now Is The Time To Push Back

Rabbi Aryeh Spero, via CNS News;
   “We can no longer rely on our soldiers overseas to defend us, for, this time, the war is stateside, within, and we must be the civic soldiers in our own battle to preserve what has been our history and way of life.”

...." [Obama], like so many in the left who see themselves as a permanent ruling class, does not like historic Americanism or even vast swaths of the American people themselves. They don’t like who we are and what we stand for. For them, it’s personal." is “unacceptable that a man from outside come to your centuries-old home and tell you what furniture you can keep and what part of your property you must give to him.”
Cartoon by A.F.Branco - Obama Super-PAC
This Tony Branco  cartoon sums it up far better than any words I may come up with. When Pelosi and other Democrats call the GOP "extreme", this is their point of reference. TD

Busted: “Republican” woman in Obama ad has been a registered Democrat since 2006; Update: Another?

Hot Air  Maria Ciano who is featured in the web video has been a registered Democrat since October 2006 according to voter registration records.
“People like me and my family have realized that the Republican Party once was inline with our views, but are no longer,” the Colorado resident says in the video.
"Her Facebook page is here; some of her friends congratulate her on appearing in the Obama ad. In addition to the fact that she is a registered Democrat, check out her Facebook “likes.” They make it obvious that Ms. Ciano is a devoted Democrat and a left-wing activist. Here are some of her “likes,” beginning with the earliest in time:

Chicago killings near the Obama home. (Ties to TEA Party, President Bush being sought).

7 Dead, 24 Others Wounded In Chicago Weekend Violence
CHICAGO (CBS) — It has been a terrifying and deadly weekend in Chicago, with at least seven people dead and at least 24 more wounded in shootings since Friday afternoon.

1 dead, 16 wounded in shootings across the city 

Mickey Kaus: Romney getting in Obama's head?

Romney getting in Obama's head? OK, but what's electoral payoff from that? Does Obama screw up when he's mad? Not sure
More responses to this tweet here.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Seems everybody has their cross to bear in this election...

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon
Here's one more Biden toon to feed my biases: 
Editorial Cartoon

Love those high gas prices? Thank a Democrat!

From Saberpoint;

.......Love Those High Gas Prices?...... THANK A DEMOCRAT!

ANWR Exploration
House Republicans: 91% Supported
House Democrats: 86% Opposed


House Republicans: 97% Supported
House Democrats: 78% Opposed

Oil Shale Exploration

House Republicans: 90% Supported
House Democrats: 86% Opposed

Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Exploration

House Republicans: 81% Supported
House Democrats: 83% Opposed

Refinery Increased Capacity

House Republicans: 97% Supported
House Democrats: 96% Opposed


91% of House Republicans have historically
voted to increase the production of American-
made oil and gas.
86% of House Democrats have historically
voted against increasing the production of
American-made oil and gas.

‘Undocumented Youth’ Tell Reporters Harry Reid ‘Is One of Our Biggest Supporters’

Because of the political ambitions of Democrats, America  will soon be unrecognizable as we have known it. Read also the in-depth comment by Brittanicus that follows this post.
CNS News  "The agents claim that President Barack Obama’s directive to allow certain illegal aliens to stay in the country forces them to violate federal law.
"Rafael Lopez, who said he was brought to the U.S. illegally as a child, praised Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) for his support of the Dream Act, legislation that has repeatedly failed to get congressional support that would grant amnesty to Lopez and approximately 1.7 million other illegal aliens.
" “Senator Reid, our Senate Majority Leader is one of our biggest supporters for dreamers,” Lopez said.
" “He won in 2010 because of the Latino vote,” Lopez said."
Michelle Malkin; The Reckless Folly of the ‘Undocumented Immigrant’
"Time and again, security experts have warned about how jihadists have exploited lax immigration and ID enforcement. Driver's licenses are gateways into the American mainstream. They allow residents to establish an identity and gain a foothold into their communities. They help you open bank accounts, enter secure facilities, board planes, and do things like drive tractor-trailers carrying hazardous materials."
WND; MEXICANS: SOUTHWEST U.S. IS OURS   " “While most Americans want immigration reduced, most Mexicans think they don’t even need permission to enter our country,” he said. “The poll clearly shows there is less common ground for immigration negotiations between Mexico and the U.S. than the leaders think." This was from 2002; what do you think the poll would say now?

When will conservatives push back against the media? (Updated)

Michelle Malkin; Even some in the old media are fed up, so when will the GOP push back?

"Last week, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the names of 2012’s chosen referees: CNN’s Candy Crowley, PBS’s Jim Lehrer, and CBS’s Bob Schieffer will preside over the three presidential debates; ABC’s Martha Raddatz will host the sole vice-presidential debate. The debate panel trumpeted the gender diversity of its picks, but the chromosomal diversity is far outweighed by the political uniformity, class conformity, and geographical homogeneity of the group."...:.If the 2012 GOP presidential ticket won’t push back, then who will? If not now, then when?"
American Thinker; Another round of liberal debate moderators  "So, once again, we can look forward to softball questions lobbed toward President Obama, and "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" -like questions fired at Governor Romney."  
Here is one such debate question that Brian Williams asked Gov Rick Perry:

Godfather PoliticsDump the Liberal Debate Moderators  "The GOP needs to stand against the liberal media that it knows is a Fifth Column for this administration. The three networks are no longer viable or reliable news sources. They are irrelevant.
"Here’s(sic) some moderators that come to mind:"...

Want to know who chooses these debate "moderators"? This will tell you: Bring on the Gingrich Debating Offense: 10 Democrats 3 Republicans Choose Debate Moderators
"Question to Reince Priebus and Mitt Romney: How in the name of all decency, have you allowed this to happen? We’ve seen it in the past and it isn’t pretty. Are you lacking the drive to clean up how we elect our country’s leaders, or do you just think you are so good you can overcome this ambush?
"Do you expect We The People to fix the problem? We are powerless, but at this very late date, give us a suggestion and we’ll try to do your job for you. In the meantime, start talking about it. Put Paul Ryan on it. Those who select the moderators are 10 Democrats to 3 Republicans. Get to a microphone and tell “The People” what to expect."  Via  Maggie's Notebook

Will there be hostile questions to Romney and soft-ball queries to Obama?  Will the array of questions be designed to make Romney look bad and Obama look good?  You can bet on it.

Think Football Would Be Left Alone by the Radical Left? Not For Long.

Conservative Daily News  "The American Spectator recently pointed out that football has become “the new smoking.” If only the scourge of leftism were that toxic.

"No, it’s much, much worse than that. Football represents a complete affront to the entire project of radicalism, which decades ago spread to our universities, schools, entertainment, and legal professions.
"The last remaining conservative bastions — the military and professional sports — are presently under assault by leftists who cannot stand to leave these exemplars of patriotism and capitalist competition alone. So football fans better keep their heads on a swivel."
...."The NFL, without any affirmative action policy and simply through the standard of open competition, confirms an argument that conservatives have been making for years: That a true market is colorblind. In the NFL, the rule is simple: Either you are a great football player or you are a fan."
The Left Politicizes Everything -- Including Football   "I watch a lot of football and I can't tell you the last time I saw a male reporter doing an on-field interview.  They're always females doing on-field interviews.  And then, you know, I played football with my class, high school football boys, and I got injured in January.  I'm 44 years old, and I got injured, and I'm still struggling through the injury.  It was a right hand injury.  And everybody is like, "What are you doing?"  Well, I like the game, I love the game, and I'm really upset with players who I have met personally some of them at training camps who are coming out saying things that are gonna hurt the game.  I knew the risk when I went in and played in January, and I'd do it again because I love football.  And so I mean I'm all around upset about what's going on with the NFL right now.  All around upset."   I just sneaked (snuck?) a Rush Limbaugh piece by you with this.

Oh, if this conversation could only take place

But, as has been oft-stated in the Tunnel Wall, leftists are not capable of being taught from logic. As Rush says, liberals only act from feelings and nothing more substantial. Ergo, after Reagan left the room, everything he said would have been forgotten.

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA