Saturday, May 14, 2022

MSNBC guests and their macabre obsession with abortion -

You know what else would really be something? A commitment to real journalism from our corrupt corporate media.

  American Thinker   "Just in the past few days, news outlet MSNBC hosted two separate women, both of whom addressed the hot-button topic of abortion.  Although such a controversial and emotionally charged subject ought to be approached with diplomacy and discretion, these women were visibly thrilled as they considered the murder of helpless babies.  After what we've been through with American Democrats, it shouldn't be surprising — yet it is.

"Laurie Kilmartin, a "comedian" known for her appearance on a popular television show, vocalized her fantasy about procreating with the SCOTUS leaker and then happily killing the child if the leaker turned out to be a conservative.". . .

 "As Kilmartin relayed her sadistic wishful thinking, the other correspondents present nodded along to her rant — they even laughed.  Not a single person on the panel castigated her for joyfully envisioning the creation of a precious child for the purpose of slaughter.

"Next up is Katie Porter, a Democrat congresswoman from California, gleefully discussing the wake of destruction left by the Biden tornado — hyper-inflation — because she knows in just a moment, she gets to discuss one of her favorite topics: the gruesome mutilation of the unborn (verbally sanitized as "abortion")."

WaPo Demands Video Game Industry Support Abortion Or Get Bad Press (

“Conspicuously quiet” on abortion is an interesting way for journalists to characterize video game companies, which have absolutely nothing to do with sex, pregnancy, or in utero homicide. But it’s an especially interesting characterization coming from Liao at The Washington Post.

Friday, May 13, 2022

There Will Be Blood

Rest assured, protest signs are being printed and plans for large-scale riots are underway. The Progressives are akin to spoiled children – if they don’t get their way, a temper-tantrum is inevitable. While I hope that I am wrong; I fear what is to come. A people who would advocate for the killing of unborn children will have few qualms about harming adults that think differently.

 There Will Be Blood - American Thinker  "Progressive activists have long fallen on the tactic of resorting to violence, destruction, and even bloodshed to get their points across. With the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on abortion, I feel assured they will once more pull this oft-used tool from their belt, and once again resort to carnage and mayhem. Already, they vandalized several Catholic churches last weekend, and firebombed a Right to Life group’s headquarters. A bullet was fired into the office of the Virginia Attorney General this week as well. Violence is already here. These were all pre-game activities as they warm up for what is to come.

"In reality however, members of the far Left have consistently resorted to violence and sanctioned attacks against civilians. Many of the Vietnam protests turned into riots. Domestic terrorists belonging to the Weather Underground bombed school buildings, the U.S. Capitol, and the Pentagon. The SLA robbed banks, set off bombs and murdered innocent people.

"In recent years, staff of the Trump Administration, such as Sarah Huckabee Sanders, faced confrontational harassment and were asked to leave businesses – actions fully supported by politicians such as Maxine Waters. Mad Maxine encouraged her followers to publicly accost Trump officials. Ten years earlier, such a statement by a politician would earn a well-deserved censure in the House. Now, it is accepted and even supported with nary an uproar. Let’s not forget that in June of 2017, a Bernie Sanders supporter shot and wounded Representative Steve Scalise during a baseball game. Encouraging acts of aggression gets you one thing – more aggression.

"The characterization of the riots of 2020 as “mostly peaceful protests” by the mainstream media and Democrat leadership simply reinforces their willingness to cross the line into outright violence to make their point. The media love the violence because violence equals ratings and clicks on the web. They will highlight the carnage that is to come and make sure we all see it on the nightly news. They will paint the domestic terrorists as patriots. They, like the Democrat leadership, see the violence as the justified ‘means to an end’ of their social agenda.". . .

The Roe Demonstrators: Where Did They Get That Idea? - American Thinker

Every kid on the playgrounds I grew up on knew that if you showed fear before bullies, they’d be stealing your lunch money next. Roberts' inexplicable kowtow on ObamaCare in my view only encouraged more of these bullying tactics today.

 "What's the meaning of the phrase 'To kowtow to'?  To accept the authority of another; to act in a subservient manner."

Kamala Harris Is Breaking a Whole Lot of Ties

 Vice President Kamala Harris Is a Pace-Setter for Tiebreaking Senate Votes - Bloomberg

It’s been almost two centuries since a vice president has cast so many decisive votes on Capitol Hill, and her pace reveals a lot about how a 50-50 Senate actually works.

"Vice President Kamala Harris voted six times to break Senate ties this week. That brings her total to 23 ties broken, a record pace. She’s already third all-time, behind only John C. Calhoun (31 from 1825-1832) and John Adams (29 from 1789-1797).

"What she’s voted on tells an important story about the Senate. None of it has been regular legislation. It’s all on measures regarding the budget or other fiscal matters falling under the rubric of reconciliation, and then on nominations and procedural votes on nominations. Contrast that to George H.W. Bush when he was vice president in the 1980s: Six of his seven tiebreaking Senate votes were on amendments to bills or motions relating to amendments.". . .

. . .On the other hand, ties on nomination votes are now far more frequent. Nominations draw far more partisan opposition now than they used to, and after the Democratic majority changed Senate procedures in October 2013 to end filibusters for most nominations, 50 votes plus the vice-president’s has been all it takes to move a nomination forward.

The second point here is about RINOs — those relatively moderate conservatives accused by critics of being Republicans in Name Only — and their moderately liberal Democratic cousins. The point? They basically don’t exist. That’s why there are so many tie votes in the present Congress. With 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, there are going to be a lot of 50-50 votes, with all the Democrats lining up against all the Republicans.". . .

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Goodbye Jen Psaki — no one condescends quite like you

 Goodbye Jen Psaki — no one condescends quite like you (

White House flacks don’t usually keep working for the administration even after they’ve accepted a job offer from a partisan news outlet, but Psaki did that.

"So long Jen Psaki! As White House press secretary, you were indeed very informative: every day you provided an example of how today’s Democratic Party turns normie soccer moms from Greenwich into reality-denying attack machines sputtering insults and cheering on lawbreakers because they can’t face up to the unpopularity of the far-left agenda.

"As blathering Joe Biden retreated into the background and suggested to the world that America was in the hands of a man who should be shuffling around Sunset Acres in a bathrobe, Psaki became the face of an administration that is determined to head into the midterms like Thelma and Louise. “We’ll show those bastards! Let’s drive off a cliff!” is the animating principle of the Democratic Party. Do polls say that American voters think the Democrats are doing everything wrong? Then “Pedal to the metal, Louise!”

"Ordinarily, White House press secretaries try not to look like they’re getting so rattled by rude questions that they stoop to insulting the reporters, but Psaki said Fox News’s Peter Doocy sounds like a “stupid son of a bitch” in the course of throwing in an absurd and evidence-free suggestion that Doocy is a ventriloquist’s dummy for higher-ups.". . .

. . ."Nor do they generally cheerlead for criminals, but even though Psaki is smart enough to know that intimidating judges by mobbing their houses is illegal, when asked whether her fellow Democrats should continue menacing the homes of Supreme Court justices, her answer was a green light: “There’s a lot of passion, there’s a lot of fear.' ”

Black Prosecutor Brings No Charges Against Cop Who Killed Amir Locke, Doesn’t Get Called White Supremacist

 The Federalist

‘Another innocent black victim’ killed by police but nothing from the media? Maybe it’s because the prosecutor who let the cop off is black.

"The name Amir Locke probably sounds only vaguely familiar at the moment, but rest assured that it is now one more piece of the Black Lives Matter movement’s great white supremacy myth. With, of course, a helpful assist from the ready-to-lie national media.

"Recall Locke as the 22-year-old black man shot dead earlier this year by police during a no-knock warrant raid in Minneapolis. The incident naturally sparked city-wide riots and outrage from leftist journalists eager to pour more kerosine on our race bonfires.". . .

. . ."That’s right. The officer who shot Locke dead is no legal jeopardy. He is under no threat of time in prison.

Really? Yet “another innocent black victim” killed by police but nothing from the media? Why might that be? I know! Maybe because the prosecutor who made that decision, Keith Ellison, is black!

"Ellison released his decision on April 6, stating that his office would be unable to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt a criminal charge against any … officer involved in the decision-making that led to the death of Amir Locke.”

"With specific regard to Hanneman, Ellison said, “Under current law – and as awful as the circumstances of this tragedy are – there is not sufficient admissible evidence to support a criminal charge.”

"The law in Minnesota provides that a police officer is justified in using deadly force against a target should he reasonably perceive in the moment, without the benefit of hindsight, that “such force was necessary to protect the peace officer or another from death or great bodily harm.”

POTATUS Speaks, A Nation Groans

. . ."It’s the people who load that teleprompter and hand him those flash cards who matter. Jill Biden, Ron Klain, Susan Rice — whoever the monsters behind the curtain are, those are the ones who are actually doing the talking.". . .

POTATUS Speaks, A Nation Groans - Flopping Aces  . . ."First was his hyperbolic bromide against MAGA/revivalist conservatism. The president, showing off his status as a thoroughgoing nincompoop, thought it would be a good idea to verbally assault some 75 million Americans by predicting that since “this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history,” that red-state legislatures will pass laws segregating gay and “trans” kids from their classmates in schools.

"No, Joe. Maybe just the bathrooms, though — there seem to be fewer rapes that way.
"That was the shot. The chaser was a day later, when after several Supreme Court justices were set upon by angry mobs protesting at their residences and a speaking engagement scheduled for Associate Justice Samuel Alito, the author of the draft majority opinion in the Dobbs case, had to be canceled due to violent threats, the administration refused to condemn the behavior of the pro-abortion extremists.
"No, seriously. Just after calling the MAGA crowd the most extreme group we’ve ever had, more so than the anarcho-communists who shot multiple presidents, the KKK, the Weather Underground, the Heaven’s Gate nuts, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the Black Panthers, the Black Hebrew Israelite kooks and the Jim Jones/People’s Temple kool-aid drinkers, Team Biden all but endorsed political violence on members of the U.S. Supreme Court.
"Here’s how that went

No sign the court is changing course in the midst of the intimidation tactics of the anti-liberty left.

 Leftist intimidation tactics are backfiring, endangering Supreme court justices. - American Thinker  . . ."Please understand, that we are in no way calling for any change in how this case is to be treated. We’re merely pointing out the extreme danger of the anti-liberty leftists, who are the real insurrectionists and domestic terrorists. After all, these are people who have an overly inflated view of themselves and their alleged virtue who think they are beyond the law because they are ‘saving the planet’ or something.

“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good”.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. . . 

Biden DOJ Fails to Enforce Federal Law Against Protesting Outside the Homes of SCOTUS Justices – RedState   "Shame on us, my fellow law-abiding Americans. Apparently, we missed the caveat allowing U.S. attorneys general, as America’s chief law enforcement officers, to refuse to enforce laws with which they disagree; including violations of federal law that pose direct threats to Supreme Court justices and their families.". . .

So on it goes, with neither Psaki nor Biden willing to condemn the illegal protests. Toss in Biden’s lackey attorney general, Merrick Garland for the trifecta. Speaking of Garland — the weaselly guy who conservatives can continue to count their lucky stars never became a SCOTUS justice — where the hell has he been? Other than crickets?

MSNBC Guest Wants to Have Sex With the SCOTUS Leaker and ‘Joyfully Abort Our Fetus’ ( 

Its the stupid economy!

 Faced with terrible economic news, Biden had a few things to say - American Thinker . . ."That's true for the "Remarks by President Biden on the Economy," which reminded us that the man in charge of America is a demented, weird buffoon.

"Biden acknowledged that he was addressing "the number-one challenge facing families today: inflation."  But first came the boasting.

"For example, Biden boasted that "8.3 million jobs [were created] in my first 15 months in office — a record."  Anyone who hasn't drunk the Kool-Aid knows that ending the lockdowns and allowing Americans to return to the jobs previously barred to them is not "job creation," and it had nothing to do with Biden.

"Biden's boast about the diminution in unemployment is also untrue.  Allowing Americans frozen out of work to start working again is nothing to boast about. ". . .

Biden Randomly Starts Screaming About Food Shortages... Currently Happening Under His Administration, Rips Into "MAGA Crowd" (VIDEO) (  Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Illinois to deliver remarks on inflation and food supply shortages.

"Biden addressed the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers 40th annual conference at McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago after visiting a family farm in Kankakee, Illinois.

"Joe Biden began shouting out of blue (dementia) about food shortages caused by Democrat lockdowns during the Covid pandemic.

"Apparently Biden forgot there is also a food shortage happening under his administration.". . .

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Here comes Joe to "Whip Inflation Now"!


AfterMath - Home (

Faced with terrible economic news, Biden had a few things to say - American Thinker  . . ."Because it's truly painful to listen to Biden speak, I prefer the White House website's transcripts.  They are always surprisingly honest in that they almost never clean up his gaffes and incoherence.  That's true for the "Remarks by President Biden on the Economy," which reminded us that the man in charge of America is a demented, weird buffoon.

"Biden acknowledged that he was addressing "the number-one challenge facing families today: inflation."  But first came the boasting.". . .

Joe Biden blames high inflation on COVID and Vladimir Putin (

. . ."Biden had attempted to preempt the latest inflation data with a Tuesday speech in which he sought to shift the blame for the politically dicey issue."

. . ."A poll released last month by CBS found that 69% of US adults disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation. Even among Democrats, 41% disapprove of Biden’s response."

Hump Day Cartoon: Spinning for Biden's Inflation Is a Cat 5 Hurricane of Lies – RedState   "Jen Psaki has faithfully blamed everything and everyone, save for her soon-to-be ex-boss. Biden blames everything and everyone but not himself. Joe remains blameless and brainless."

Why It’s Good That Americans Don’t Dominate Basketball

 The Atlantic

The U.S.’s most successful sporting export has achieved its greatest success.

"During the 1996 NBA All-Star Game, the commentators on the television broadcast began discussing the chances that Jason Kidd, then a second-year guard for the Dallas Mavericks, would make that year’s U.S. men’s Olympic basketball team.

"Kidd was a prodigious young talent, the commentators agreed, but his outside shooting remained a problem. “It might be the one thing that could keep him off,” Matt Guokas, one of the commentators and a former NBA head coach, said on the broadcast. Guokas’s broadcasting partner, Steve Jones, laughed. “They’re winning by 40-something points,” he said, referring to the typically lopsided victories of the “Dream Team,” “and we gotta worry about outside shooting?”

"So dominant was the U.S. men’s basketball team in the 1990s that player selection mattered little, strategy and tactics were irrelevant, and rule changes made no difference—the Americans would win anyway. More than that, winning alone was insufficient. They were expected to destroy their opponents.

"But in those destructions, the seeds had been planted, working with a confluence of other factors—the proliferation of the internet, more televised broadcasts globally, and the NBA sending its players around the world to increase their profile—to raise the standard of international play.

"And in the process, America’s most successful sporting export has achieved its greatest success: Americans are no longer the best at it. The U.S. has long cultivated the narrative that it is a place for immigrants, the best and the brightest, to create amazing things and generate extraordinary wealth, and that the example the country sets can inspire people the world over. The story is not entirely true, nor is it so simple. Yet it is a narrative the country seeks to promote nevertheless, and the standard by which I’m suggesting we judge the changes in basketball.". . .

Musk Explains How the Never-Ending Circle of ‘Left-Wing Bias’ Works At Twitter

 Analyzing America   "In an image shared on Twitter, billionaire Elon Musk shows how a never-ending circle of left-wing bias operates at Twitter.

"The company has been widely condemned by critics who say they unfairly censor and shadow-ban users, which prevents the platform from allowing for free speech. For example, according to a report from media outlet Quillette, 21 out of 22 high-profile bannings during a calendar year were all against “only on one side of the cultural debate.”

"In fact, Twitter chief legal officer and general counsel Vijaya Gadde has become known as the “chief censor” for her instrumental role in banning President Donald Trump and censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story, which possibly cost Trump the election. Gadde was reportedly paid $17 million by Twitter in 2021.

"Musk posted the following flowchart, which mocks a discussion between Gadde and conservative journalist Tim Pool on “The Joe Rogan Experience.” Here’s how it works:

Keep reading...

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The strange evil that has possessed the Democrat Party

 There is Something Demonic Happening in the Democrat Party - Todd Starnes

   . . ."A few days ago I caused a bit of an uproar when I said on “Fox News at Night” that there was an evil in the Democratic Party. After what I saw on Tuesday night — I absolutely stand by those words. There is something demonic happening within the ranks of the Democrats.


2020: The Democrat Party is irredeemably evil (  "In this election season, it has become very apparent that the Democrat Party is an instrument of wickedness and has no redeeming value. This is a bold statement, one that logically leads to the requirement that Matthew 18 ultimately be acted on just as it needs to be for those who are going woke. But the mantra here is “Theologically Sound. Culturally Relevant.” And it would be a dereliction to not address how evil one major party is.". . .

The perils of mobocracy - American Thinker  . . ."The overturning merely leaves that decision on abortion to individual states.

"This is how federalism works.  This is exactly what the Founding Fathers intended.  Hamilton, Madison, and Washington advocated for the federal system in order to balance order with liberty, prevent tyranny, and allow more participation in politics.  They knew that states passing laws according to their requirements were closer to the spirit of democracy than the capital passing federal laws that uniformly apply to citizens living in disparate conditions in various states.

"But the Democrats and their rabid activist base are not going to allow facts to interfere with their narrative. 

In response to the leak, there were "demonstrations" outside the Supreme Court.  Far-left groups such as Planned Parenthood, MoveOn, UltraViolet, and the Women's March led "protests" across the U.S.  Several other "protests" are planned in at least 200 additional cities, from Anchorage to Wilmington.  A virtual event is also scheduled.

"Pro-abortion radicals also "protested" outside the homes of the conservative Supreme Court justices.". . .

The View's Sunny Hostin Lets An Accidental Truth Slip Out During SCOTUS Protest Rant – RedState  . . ."With the thought in mind that Democrats and their rabid supporters are fomenting riots and possible insurrection after some 16 months of falsely accusing Republicans including former President Donald Trump of “inciting” an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, we turn to Monday’s “The View” program, where the hot topic of the day were the protests that were organized in front of the Justices homes.". . .

As I’ve said before, people could do this country a world of good by simply doing one thing: stop watching The View. Those ladies are poisonous to our nation’s discourse, adding nothing to it but more toxicity and stupidity — oftentimes of the dangerous variety — that it doesn’t need. 

Jen Psaki:  WH: We Understand Passion Of People Who Harassed Catholics At Mass On Sunday… | Weasel Zippers

 Pelosi Applauds “Righteous Anger” Of Abortion Rights Activists… | Weasel Zippers