The Not-CNN News via Drudge.
"CNN was slammed for hypocrisy over the weekend when the network glorified President John F. Kennedy’s many infidelities after spending significant coverage painting President Trump as a monster for an alleged affair that occurred prior to his political career.
"While promoting “The Kennedys,” CNN hailed the 35th president's “legendary love life,” before asking, “Did one of his affairs connect him with the mob?” The tweet featured video detailing JFK’s relationship with actress Judy Campbell, who was allegedly intimate with the head of the Chicago mafia while also having an affair with the president.
“ 'Hypocrisy at its finest,” one user responded.
"Author Joshua Kendall responded that “legendary love life” is a poor choice of words because it makes JFK’s infidelity sound “glamorous” and attached a link to a recent Los Angeles Times op-ed headlined, “JFK may have been a worse philanderer than Trump. Does it matter?”
"Daily Caller media reporter Amber Athey quoted CNN’s promotional tweet and wrote, “That’s certainly an interesting way to describe having numerous affairs while president. I think we need to get Anderson Cooper on this to find out if JFK was wearing a condom.”
"After seeing the promo, pundit Stephen Miller sarcastically channeled his inner CNN and asked, “Why does no one take us seriously when we constantly talk about Trump’s behavior with women?”
"Cooper, who is CNN's biggest star, had sat down with both Playboy playmate Karen McDougal and porn actress Stormy Daniels in recent days to ask detailed questions about their alleged affairs with Trump. CNN has spent significant time analyzing all aspects of the alleged affairs including questions about intimate details." . . .
"CNN was slammed for hypocrisy over the weekend when the network glorified President John F. Kennedy’s many infidelities after spending significant coverage painting President Trump as a monster for an alleged affair that occurred prior to his political career.
"While promoting “The Kennedys,” CNN hailed the 35th president's “legendary love life,” before asking, “Did one of his affairs connect him with the mob?” The tweet featured video detailing JFK’s relationship with actress Judy Campbell, who was allegedly intimate with the head of the Chicago mafia while also having an affair with the president.
“ 'Hypocrisy at its finest,” one user responded.
"Author Joshua Kendall responded that “legendary love life” is a poor choice of words because it makes JFK’s infidelity sound “glamorous” and attached a link to a recent Los Angeles Times op-ed headlined, “JFK may have been a worse philanderer than Trump. Does it matter?”
"Daily Caller media reporter Amber Athey quoted CNN’s promotional tweet and wrote, “That’s certainly an interesting way to describe having numerous affairs while president. I think we need to get Anderson Cooper on this to find out if JFK was wearing a condom.”
"After seeing the promo, pundit Stephen Miller sarcastically channeled his inner CNN and asked, “Why does no one take us seriously when we constantly talk about Trump’s behavior with women?”
"Cooper, who is CNN's biggest star, had sat down with both Playboy playmate Karen McDougal and porn actress Stormy Daniels in recent days to ask detailed questions about their alleged affairs with Trump. CNN has spent significant time analyzing all aspects of the alleged affairs including questions about intimate details." . . .
Here is a marvel of CNN's journalistic softballism in this Dan Lothian question to Obama. You can hear someone in the press gaggle loudly enjoying Obama's reply:
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