Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Texas High Schoolers Chant ‘From the River to the Sea’ During Anti-Israel Walkout

  Mary Chastain (

The school gave the poorly-educated kids an excused absence, too.

"We saw San Francisco students walking out of school yelling, “From the river to the sea.”

"McMillen High School’s Muslim Student Association (MSA), located in Plano, TX, also staged a massive walkout.

"The students also chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

"The school even gave the students an excused absence. I wonder if the school would give the students an excused absence if they participated in a pro-Israel rally.

"Parents, if your kid is singing “From the river to the sea,” you have a major problem." . . .

Hamas supporters on campus.

When your students have no original thoughts of their own, a simple non-stop chant will do for any lack of knowledge. The Tunnel Dweller

Hamas supporters on truck bed

More here: Texas High Schoolers Chant ‘From the River to the Sea’ During Anti-Israel Walkout (  

Below:  "We're with you, McMillen High School"!

"Of course it is George Soros who is funding the Pro-Hamas protests that shut down major highways yesterday. 

"It's almost as if the guy enjoys being considered a supervillain even more than he wants to destroy Western culture.. . .

. . ."I have never understood Soros' hatred for the West. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was all about "Open Societies," and early on I assumed he would be a good guy despite his rather nasty way of making his money. 

"Boy, was I wrong. Admittedly, I caught onto his shtick pretty quickly, but I am still ashamed that I never thought nice things about him. 

"These days, Soros has his fingers in every poisonous pie, working diligently to destroy all that is good.

That billionaires are funding the closure of our cities tells us everything you need to know about the sickness enervating our culture. Our Elite has chosen a side, which isn't you or me.  They may come to regret that choice, but if and when they do it will be too late. 

 Full article here.

David Strom is a reformed academic, which means he has a modicum of common sense. He has been a political and policy advisor as well as a speechwriter in 3 gubernatorial campaigns, several Congressional campaigns, and a US Senate campaign. He has also advised numerous state legislative candidates on policy issues. Over the past 25 years he still hasn’t figured out that Minnesota is a terrible place to be a conservative. 

Black Women in Charge - Ann Coulter

Why can we not have more in Congress like Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Bernice King, Harris Faulkner, Kevin Corke, Lawrence Jones (who was told to "pick cotton" by an "anti-Trump liberal"), Tim Scott, and Larry Elder, to barely scratch the surface? TD

 "I think we’re all on board with the idea that one shouldn’t be denied a job because of his race or sex. What we’re learning the hard way is that no one should be given a job for these characteristics, either." Ann Coulter 

“The powerful Jews are my enemy,” declared Farrakhan, who once
 openly praised Adolf Hitler. Maxine Waters embraces him here.

Ann Coulter     "The Claudine Gay affair reminds me that we need a reckoning on how the “intersectionality” project is going.

"The idea was that after centuries of being kept down by racism and sexism — although that didn’t seem to hurt accomplished black women like Barbara Jordan, Condi Rice, Jessye Norman, Zora Neale Hurston and on and on — black women would finally be given a fair shot. Think of all that untapped talent!

"But so far, intersectionality has mostly placed a lot of black women in high-profile jobs far beyond their abilities. Or as the former Harvard president once said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

"This will be the first in a series of columns I will issue periodically reflecting on the accomplishments of those at the top of the “intersectionality” heap. We’ll start with two heroic black lady prosecutors.

"Marilyn Mosby started the trend of fabulous black women saving America by becoming prosecutors. One of her first cases involved a notorious Baltimore heroin dealer, Freddie Gray, who sustained fatal injuries while being transported in the back of a police van. A mere 10 days later, Mosby charged all six officers involved (three black and three white) with crimes up to murder and manslaughter, after summarily blowing off the police investigation, but without having completed her own investigation first.

"For this, Mosby was instantly acclaimed as a national hero! She was photographed by Annie Leibovitz for Vogue, invited onstage at a Prince benefit concert, featured on the “Today” show, named the 2015 Junius W. Williams Young Lawyer of the Year by the National Bar Association, given a Woman of Courage Award from the National Women’s Political Caucus that same year, and chosen as 2016 Newsmaker of the Year, among the nonstop accolades." . . .

Katie Couric is a prime example of the 'rot' in the liberal media: Gutfeld

  FOX (

" 'The Five' co-hosts discuss former TV anchor Katie Couric's criticism of the MAGA base and NPR suspending a veteran editor who exposed the liberal bias at the outlet."

When Biden says "Don't", they all do.


AfterMath - Home (

Nothing Is Going to Bump Jill Biden From the Elder-Abuse Train     ". . .yes, this is another discussion about joe biden being addled, embarrassing, and a detriment to the security of the country. these are tough to avoid because joe biden is, after all, addled, embarrassing, and a detriment to the security of the country. 

"I'm going a little easy on him there. He's actually a detriment to the security of a lot of people all over the world. 

"Joe Biden had already mentally lost a step or three thousand when he got into office in 2021. He was never the sharpest tool in anyone's shed in the first place, so the drop-off was disturbing once it was paired with access to the launch codes." . . .

Republicans slam Biden’s ‘Don’t’ deterrence: ‘Every time he says Don’t, they do’     . . ."Biden’s "Don’t" comment was slammed by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo even before the Iranian attack, with the former Trump administration official arguing that Biden’s response was "really dangerous" during an appearance on Fox News.

"Well, he said, ‘Don’t’ multiple times, and ‘Don’t’ isn’t a national security policy," Pompeo said. "It’s not even a deterrent.". . .

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Megyn Kelly Destroys Jeffrey Toobin With Perfect Response When He Goes After Clarence Thomas Over Jan. 6

 Nick Arama – RedState  "We've seen Democrats push a lot of craziness over the years to attack folks on the right. 

"But one of the worst is the effort to try to somehow attack Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over the riot on Jan. 6. 

"Case in point? This ridiculous smear from CNN's Jeffrey Toobin. How does anyone want to have anything to do with this guy?" 

 "In oral argument today, Justice Thomas is minimizing the severity of the 1/6 insurrection at the Capitol," he claimed. 

"Perhaps that's because his wife was part of the conspiracy. What a disgrace that he's sitting on this case. #SCOTUS."

"First, there was no insurrection, and second, there was no evidence that Thomas' wife Ginni was involved in the riot. This is just a liberal conspiracy talking point. And it's disgusting that they do this. 

"But hey, why should Toobin let facts get in the way? 

"Far from a "disgrace," Thomas has served for years, adhering to the Constitution despite the virulent hatred and attacks from the left since he was nominated. But they have ramped up the attacks even more under Joe Biden. 

Toobin obviously didn't want anyone to reply to his post since he cut off regular replies to his tweet. Of course, that doesn't stop people from quote-tweeting replies, and as many people pointed out, perhaps Toobin should be the last one to talk about anyone else being a "disgrace." 

"Now, you had to know the replies to his post were lit. Megyn Kelly had the perfect response, speaking for the rest of us. 

Warning for graphic language:

"Kelly was referencing the incident where Toobin was on camera during a Zoom call. After that, he should have just slunk away and hid himself, because that's not something people are ever going to forget. That's if he has any shame at all, which clearly he doesn't. And it says so much about CNN that after that, they are still somehow having him back on their network. A report last month said that he was a "guest" still at that point. He's made several appearances since the beginning of the year. But who can look at him and hold him in any kind of respect after that? Maybe he should handle his own affairs and put his own house in order." . . . 

‘This Seems to Be a Major Strategic Error on the Part of Iran’ -

 Michael Hirsh - POLITICO

“I like to quote Napoleon’s dictum: When your enemies are making a big mistake, don’t interrupt them,” he says. “Iran interrupted its enemy at a time when Israel was increasingly isolated and on the defensive, both internationally and in its relationship with the U.S.”

"Like many Americans, Richard Haass is still trying to understand why Iran decided to attack Israel directly over the weekend with a barrage of more than 300 missiles and drones, most of which were shot down. The attack was a retaliation for an airstrike by Israel earlier this month that killed a top general with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Damascus. But Haass believes Tehran has miscalculated and will come to regret its decision to shift from its longtime strategy of using proxy forces in places like Syria and Iraq into launching a direct attack on civilian areas in Israel, which has only rekindled sympathy for Israelis.
"'The Iranians have lost control of the narrative,” Haass says.
"Haass, the author of multiple books about foreign policy, retired as president of the Council on Foreign Relations last year after nearly 20 years. Previously he was director of policy planning at the State Department under Secretary of State Colin Powell in the run-up to the Iraq invasion in 2003. Today Haass publishes a weekly substack called “Home & Away.”
"The question for the Middle East now is whether Iran’s miscalculation will be followed by an Israeli one." . . .
. . ."The principal strategic beneficiary of the Iraq war was none other than Iran. And one of the things that struck me the other day when the missiles and drones were being shot at Israel was, look where they were coming from. They were coming not just from Iran but also from Yemen and Iraq. This is the new Middle East. This is the Greater Iran. And to me, that was a reminder of how the Iraq war so imbalanced the region in Iran’s direction. So yes, we are and will continue to pay a real price for the strategic blunder that was the Iraq War." . . .

Here's the REAL Reason the Soros-Bought NYC Prosecutor Put Trump on Trial. Try Not to Laugh.

 Victoria Taft - PJ Media

Why aren't the cases of black men punching white women in the face on New York streets prosecuted as "hate" crimes? Bragg's office actually freed one of those suspects, who then committed more assaults. 

Tony Branco

  "There's nothing at all funny about putting a former president of the United States of America on trial for misdemeanor record-keeping offenses and turning those into felonies through a badly done magic trick. The underlying reason why the George Soros-selected prosecutor put Donald Trump on trial starting Monday, however, is yet another reason why this case should be laughed out of court. 

"The avowed Trump-hating prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, is part of the effort by the left to tie up the former president in court so he can't campaign for president. Additionally, they hope that by ringing up all manner of charges against Trump, they'll smear his reputation. Indeed, Marc Elias, 65 Project, Media Matters, and all of David Brock's smear machines, with the consent of the Biden Justice Department, have been put into service to get Trump. 

"There are many problems with Bragg's case, among them the statute of limitations issues, the unethical way he stacked the indictments, duct-taping a federal statute onto these New York misdemeanors to create a "criminal" case, the fact that non-disclosure agreements are legal instruments unless they attempt to cover up a crime, and reporting that work done by Trump's attorney, Michael Cohen, was laid out as work done by an attorney. 

"Quick! Get the cops! 

"But wait, Bragg doesn't want the cops involved in any misdemeanors (or felonies, for that matter) because, as a Soros DA, there's almost no crime he's willing to prosecute. Note the illegal alien thugs who recently beat up New York cops and walked out free men within hours. This is the kind of prosecutor we're dealing with here." . . . 

Joe Biden’s Wars


Issues & Insights (  

And when thinking about terrorism and the Middle East, never forget that Biden, according to Obama, “weighed in against the raid” that killed Osama bin Laden.

Toon added by TD

"It’s long been known around Washington, as former Defense Secretary Robert Gates once said, that Joe Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four” – now five – “decades.”

So the conflicts raging around the world and forecasts of World War III should have been expected.

But, hey, at least we didn’t elect in 2020 the guy who sent impetuous tweets that upset elites and snowflakes.

"As president, Biden has projected American weakness in a Carter-esque fashion, starting with his chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan, which a State Department report said suffered from “constantly changing policy guidance,” and a top general described as a “strategic failure.”

"He’s been no Ronald Reagan. He’s not even been a Donald Trump. So it’s no coincidence that Russia invaded Ukraine a little more than two years after Biden took office. And we all knew it was coming, because three months after Biden stumbled into the Oval Office, Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, as Sen. Tom Cotton noted just before the invasion, “sent tens of thousands of soldiers, tanks, and munitions to the Ukrainian border.”

"In response, Biden proposed a presidential summit in Geneva, which, says Cotton, elevated “Russia in the eyes of the world” and “allowed the image-obsessed Putin to strut on the international stage and pretend that Russia was once again an equal to the United States.” Apparently, the hotline between Washington and Moscow was soon thereafter cut. Putin recently said he hadn’t spoken to Biden in two years, according to Richard Grenell, acting director of national intelligence for the Trump administration." . . .

"Alvin Bragg’s office is now asking the court to impose sanctions and threatened Trump with jail time.

 BREAKING: Manhattan DA's Office Asks Court to Impose $1,000 Sanctions For Each of Trump's Social Media Posts for 'Violating Gag Order' - Threatens Jail Time  "Prosecutors on Monday will be seeking to hold President Trump in contempt for ‘violating’ Judge Merchan’s gag order in the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ trial.

"Jury selection was underway on Monday morning for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s lawfare case against Trump. Last April Trump was hit with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and conspiracy.

"The far-left judge overseeing the Stormy Daniels trial trampled all over Trump’s First Amendment rights with a strict gag order.

"Juan Merchan earlier this month expanded Trump’s gag order and barred the former president from criticizing his family members.

"The judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan, is a far-left political operative who worked for the Biden-Harris campaign.

"Earlier this month Trump threw down the gauntlet and blasted Judge Merchan in a series of Truth Social posts.

"President Trump said he will continue to tell the truth and will “gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela,” and is willing to “sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause.”

“ 'Now, we have Merchan, who is not allowing me to talk, thereby violating the Law and the Constitution, all at once. It is so bad what he is trying to get away with – How was he even chosen for this case??? I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also! If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the “clink” for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela – It will be my GREAT HONOR. We have to Save our Country from these Political Operatives masquerading as Prosecutors and Judges, and I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause. We are a Failing Nation, but on November 5th, we will become a Great Nation again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump said on Truth Social a couple of weeks ago." . . .

"Alvin Bragg’s office is now asking the court to impose sanctions and threatened Trump with jail time."

Trump Trial: At Least 50 Potential Jurors Excused from First Pool (  . . ."Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged Trump with 34 felonies, accusing him of falsifying documents to conceal a sex scandal. The trial is the first criminal trial of a president. Trump could face jail time if convicted.

"New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan will prevent Trump from campaigning, appearing at the Supreme Court, and celebrating at his son’s graduation, Trump said Monday." . . .  Did Mr. Trump doze off?

Vivek Ramaswamy SLAMS Soros-funded DA Alvin Bragg for "Embarrassing" Case Against Trump - Elon Musk Chimes in: "This Case is Obviously a Corruption of the Law. LAWFARE" (VIDEO)   . . ."Vivek, in his statement on Bragg’s ridiculous and legally flawed indictment, cited Bradley Smith, Institute for Free Speech Chairman, Capital University law professor, and former Federal Election Commission Chairman. Smith noted earlier in an op-ed for The Federalist that the made-up felony charges against Trump are completely baseless, setting aside the clear conflicts of interest with the prosecution and the judge." . . .

Vivek might be in line for a job in any Trump Administration. TD

Rashida Tlaib Wraps Herself in Terrorist Keffiyeh Scarf: Wraps Dog in an American Flag


 Rashida Tlaib Wraps Herself in Terrorist Keffiyeh Scarf: Wraps Dog in an American Flag

"Apparently, yesterday was World Keffiyeh Day, “to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause and struggle.” And given the Keffiyeh is a symbol of palestinian terrorism, we all know what those who wear it mean by “struggle.”

"One of those to post in honor of it was (predictably) congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, who tweeted this.

"Note that there is also an American flag … draped around the dog licking out of someone’s hand.

"I don’t believe this is a coincidence. Remember, she once held up a painting of her wearing a keffiyeh, with the keffiyeh draped around the Capitol building."

Well, it isn't the flag of those who murder and burn whole families alive in Israeli villages, so who cares? Those are Tlaib's voters. TD

If you enjoyed the Hamas GoPro videos, Rashida, you may want to bookmark this article. (TD):  Facebook censors Auschwitz Museum photograph and flags images of death camp victims for 'promoting adult nudity and sexual activity': Historians blast move as 'hurtful and absurd' | Daily Mail Online

. . .In a statement the museum said: 'The posts, which serve as tributes to individual victims of Auschwitz, have been unjustly targeted by this platform's content moderation system, citing absurd reasons such as "Adult Nudity and Sexual Activity," "Bullying and Harassment," "Hate Speech," and "Violence Incitement.". . .

American Thinker on the Hamas conflict

 Aww, Israel -- Don't hurt 'em - Mark C. Ross  . . ."Perhaps the true essence of this conflict is about the tension between the modern world and the 12th century. Israel is an outpost of modernity amidst an imposed remnant of a dark age, hence their ability to, thus far, defend themselves against a massive aerial bombardment. Female refugees from Iran will eagerly confirm this.

"Meanwhile, as this is being written, pro-Palestinian protests have broken out across the land. They are tying up traffic and chaining themselves to light poles. Again, inflicting misery is supposed to be a good thing. Really? Sounds kind of like the 12th century to me.

"The Europeans are largely compromised on this issue as well. Why else would they have “no go” zones? Domestically, Biden is paying lip service to evil in order to get votes from Dearborn… so he can harvest Michigan’s 15 electoral votes." . . . 

Jerusalem Post photo of cars abandoned by those attacked by Hamas at the Nova music festival on Oct 7th:

Hamas Wants The Land of Israel, But It Also Wants Much More Than That - Sha'i ben-Tekoa    "As I write this, more than one hundred, (mostly Israeli) Jews are still being held hostage. They have been imprisoned and are tortured 24/7. They are deprived of food; the males are beaten just for fun, and the girls, women, and boys are raped.

"We know this thanks to Arabic language documents IDF soldiers found when they cleared out Hamas nests. The documents contain explicit instructions about how to torture and maim and the best way to kill a Jew with a knife by stabbing him in the neck and/or spine. The same orders tell the captors to keep the captured Jews on the most meager rations.

"These instructions also order the captors to show no tolerance to any hostages who show even the slightest resistance or objection to doing what they are told. If they do, they must be killed.

"The inhumanity of these orders illustrates the culture behind the people carrying out these cruel rituals: Domination and submission, and “oppression and humiliation,” are what the Koran demands." . . .

Israel's right to defense in the face of unprecedented challenges - David Rubin  . . ."The chants of "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free," heard on college campuses (most of whom have no idea which river and which sea they are talking about), echo a call for the eradication of Israel. This rhetoric, left unchecked, fosters an environment where antisemitism can flourish under the guise of political activism.

"The situation presents a distorted picture where the victim of aggression is blamed for defending itself, while the aggressor is portrayed as the victim. This narrative fails to acknowledge the existential threats faced by Israel. This ignores the historical reality that Israel is the only country that has even been sovereign in the land of Israel, which much of the world mistakenly calls Palestine.

"It is essential to recognize that peace and security in the region cannot be achieved by undermining the right of any nation to defend itself or by ignoring the legitimate security concerns of Israel." . . .

Monday, April 15, 2024

The bad faith nature of the “Free Palestine” movement. . .

A Black Lives Matter chapter posted a graphic on Instagram of the Hamas paragliders who murdered hundreds of young Israelis at the Nova music festival. A Cornell professor said he found the massacre “exhilarating,” and demonstrators rallied in his support.

 Opinion | The Appalling Tactics of the ‘Free Palestine’ Movement - The New York Times  "Last week, Susanne DeWitt, an 89-year-old Holocaust survivor who later became a molecular biologist, spoke before the Berkeley, Calif., City Council to request a Holocaust Remembrance Day proclamation. After taking note of a “horrendous surge in antisemitism,” she was then heckled and shouted down by protesters at the meeting when she mentioned the massacre and rapes in Israel of Oct. 7." . . .

"And not too much of what passes for a pro-Palestinian movement but is really pro-Hamas, with its calls to get rid of the Jewish state in its entirety (“from the river to the sea …”), its open celebration of the murder of its people (“resistance is justified …”) and its efforts to mock, minimize or deny the suffering of Israelis, which so quickly descend into the antisemitism on naked display in Berkeley." . . .

It’s true that in nearly every political cause, including the most justified, there are ugly elements — the Meir Kahanes or the Louis Farrakhans of the world. But the mark of a morally serious movement lies in its determination to weed out its worst members and stamp out its worst ideas. What we’ve too often seen from the “Free Palestine” crowd is precisely the opposite.

 Opinion: Don't Be Fooled -- 'Free Palestine' Is a Call for Ending Israel (Times of San Diego)  . . ." “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free!” This is not a rallying cry for a two-state solution and it is not about freeing an oppressed group to live peacefully in the world order."

. . ."The chant specifically calls to rid the land of Israel from the Jewish people. The Hamas charter explicitly states to “fight Jews and kill them” and to “obliterate” Israel “in the name of Allah.” Their mission became as clear as ever this past week when terrorists raped women and children, murdered parents in front of their children and murdered children in front of their parents, and burned and decapitated babies." . . .

What “Free Palestine” Should Actually Mean   "Hamas leaders call for a mass uprising, urging Arabs and Muslims into the streets against Israel. What would help the Palestinian people the most, however, would be a mass uprising of Gazans against Hamas, a coup that might succeed now that Israel is intent on destroying Hamas leaders and capabilities.

"In 2006, Hamas gained power in Gaza by winning a parliamentary election against the Palestinian Authority, whose corruption was well-known and unpopular. Hamas soon expelled PA officials from Gaza, beating some with clubs, shooting others and notoriously tossing at least one off a roof. Since then, Hamas has ruled Gaza tyrannically, with cruel punishments for political opponents, no free speech, no free elections, and no respect for other human rights."... 

One of the cruelest comments ever made about politics is that people get the leaders they deserve. Gazans have the strongest possible interest to show that this does not now apply to them. 
Protestors in the US blocked our freeways to support the murderers of this young girl and others. Their angry faces seem to say she had it coming. TD