"During one orgy in King's room at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., according to FBI summaries of the tapes, he watched and laughed as one of his ministers raped a parishioner. Another time, he jokingly referred to himself as the head of the "International Association for the Advancement of P***y-Eaters." There's more, but you get the gist.
"With every statue in the country of Robert E. Lee being hauled off and sold for scrap, first, I would like to say that I oppose the removal of MLK's statue from the Washington Mall.
"But the latest revelations also present me with a fantastic opportunity to renew my proposal that we replace Martin Luther King Day with Thurgood Marshall Day!
"I say this knowing full well that Black America has been waiting with wild anticipation for what this white girl has to say about a national holiday celebrating an African American civil rights icon. But it is a national holiday and, most important, Marshall is a much cooler African American civil rights icon.
"In addition to the fact that Marshall worked closely with J. Edgar Hoover to expel communists from the NAACP -- while King's organization was bristling with them, to the immense annoyance of President John F. Kennedy -- Marshall redeemed blacks' civil rights the American way: by winning his battles in court." . . .
. . . "And we had the principle that all men are equal before God. For about a century, it was a principle often honored more in the breech than in the observance. That is, until the clever barrister Marshall came along, went to court, and demanded that America live up to its ideals.
"King's protests had the unfortunate effect of giving violent street agitation a halo. Now every idiot smashing a Starbucks window thinks he's a civil rights champion. But it was Marshall, doing it the American way, who changed the world. " . . .
Photos added by TD
I have to believe President Trump would love this idea. TD