Friday, July 12, 2024

Why Biden Is So Insistent on Running


Why Biden Is So Insistent on Running - The American Spectator   . . ."And so we come to Joe Biden. Why in the world won’t he quit on his own, even without being pushed out? For that matter, why didn’t he pass the word a few months ago that he would be passing the torch to a new generation? We all know that the Big Guy has millions upon millions, howsoever attained. He achieved his lifelong goal, the presidency of the United States. There have only been 45 such people. (Grover Cleveland took it twice.) Even the most avid students of American history cannot say with certainty, looking back into legacies, which president served two terms and which only once. John Adams only once. But his son made it, too. And he also served only once. James Polk did a heck of a job, expanding the country, and he served only once. Teddy Roosevelt opted not to seek reelection; by the time he changed his mind four years later, it was too late. William Taft only once. Others of greatness served only once.

"Biden could have gone down in history as a very successful president because, even though he was a miserable disaster, history would have seen his time as one of comparative peace because Ukraine and Gaza, though both came from his weakness, will be seen as irrelevant to him. The disgrace of Afghanistan will not be appreciated by history. The border calamity will be traced to Reagan’s mass amnesty and Obama. As much as he messed up the economy, there was no Great Depression or Panic of 1837 or Panic of 1873. History will not blame him for Iran getting nuclear. Biden could have slipped through, lucky as Clinton, not too bruised by history. And he even avoided a Monica Lewinsky — Paula Corbi Jones — Kathleen Willey – Juanita Broaddrick legacy.

"So he has the money. He has the legacy. For all his lifetime of lies to aggrandize himself, the one truth — that he held court in the White House for four years — would have outlived all the lies. After all, who really remembers that Andrew Jackson shot people to death in duels or that John Tyler turned coat and joined the Confederacy or Lincoln’s failures or cancelation of Habeas Corpus, Wilson’s racism and suppression of civil liberties, the scandals that pocked Grant’s and Harding’s administrations, and such? Biden made it through to the finish line. So why in the world did he keep running after he had no more breath, trudging forward until he would collapse on the track?" . . .

Joe Biden's Press Conference Fails To Stop Democrat Rebellion: 'Step Aside'

CBS News reports that dozens of Democratic lawmakers are to issue statements calling for Biden to end his campaign within the next 48 hours.

Biden is on course to be confirmed as his party's 2024 presidential nominee at the Democratic National Committee in Chicago in August.

Update 7/12/2024 6:43 a.m. ET: The headline has changed.


 Jill Biden's Ego and Arrogance...She Wanted Her Own Entrance Music?! With Tulsi Gabbard 


Jill Biden apparently has her own ‘Hail to the Chief’-style entrance theme, courtesy of the Marine Corps band - Washington Examiner

"Jill Biden apparently has her own walk-up music now.

"The Marine Corps band was instructed last fall to come up with an entrance theme for the first lady, a source told the Washington Examiner. The band now has in its repertoire an original composition titled “Fanfare for the First Lady.” The song, the source said, is essentially Jill Biden’s personal “Hail to the Chief,” in that it is to be performed and repeated at official White House functions, from her first appearance until she is ready to speak.

“Fanfare for the First Lady” has created both amusement and confusion within the band, with some remarking that in the many years they’ve played in the group, this is the first time the group has had to provide the first lady with an exclusive entrance theme.

"Someone in the White House apparently “had the bright idea, ‘Oh, tell the band that we want music for Jill,'” a source said. “The band had to provide music.”

"The band was “rushed” to provide the entrance song for the first lady, the source said, adding the Marine Corps band submitted a few options for the White House’s consideration. The first lady’s handlers settled eventually on the original piece “Fanfare to the First Lady.”

"Michael LaRosa, Jill Biden’s press secretary, says the entire story is bunkum.

“The first lady does not have a song anybody has written for her specifically. She has no ‘Hail to the Chief’ song. She has no song,” he told the Washington Examiner. “She never asked anyone to create a song.”

“The White House asked nobody, not one person, to compose an exclusive entry song, or any song, for the first lady,” LaRosa added. “None of that is accurate.” . . .

Dems love for Biden

RealityBites by Broc Smith – Editorial Cartoons (

Democrats Have Never Really Loved Joe Biden Enough to Spare Him This Humiliation – PJ Media  "... Democrats don't love him that much, either. 

Bear with me on this one.

"Looking at the circumstances that got Joe Biden into the Oval Office, one can see that he wasn't carried there on a great wave of positive emotion. 

"Biden owes most of his political fortunes to his ability to keep getting elected to the United States Senate. He did that in Delaware, though, a state with a population similar to that of my favorite local brewery on a Saturday. 

"He hung around long enough to become useful to Barack Obama in 2008. His High Holiness the Lightbringer needed a running mate who was older and had better Washington connections than he did. Actually, "wanted" is a better word than "needed" in this situation. There is a very real possibility that Obama could have chosen one of Zsa Zsa Gabor's furs as a running mate and beaten John McCain. 

"In 2020, it wasn't a great love of Joe Biden that motivated Democrats but a deep, abiding hatred of Donald Trump. Biden had hung around longer than any other Dem in that race, so he was the safest bet for what Dem elites had planned. They knew he would be grateful for getting a third shot at the office and — because he's never been the sharpest tool in the Beltway shed — easy to control. 

"Now, all the Dem faithful who are asking him to step aside are telling us what a great guy he is for hanging around Washington all these years. It's crap. 

"Joe Biden has always been a combative, verbally abusive jerk. He's been tolerated because he was a great pit bull for the Dems. He may even be liked by many. But loved? 

"No way. 

"Because they really don't have any better options, all the power players in the Democratic Party are fine with Joe Biden getting mocked after every public appearance. Like his wife, there isn't one important Democrat who cares about Joe Biden enough to want to keep him from further embarrassment. The only ones who are sincere about him stepping aside are those on the B Team bench who are waiting to replace him.

"I think we know how they all feel about him." . . . 

CBS News ousts top exec accused of blocking correspondent’s Hunter Biden laptop coverage

Ms Herridge was an excellent journalist in the true sense of the word and not MSNBC-ish. She was sorely missed by the Tunnel Dweller.

 Alexandra Steigrad (  

"CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews — who was accused of sidelining white journalists and blocking an acclaimed correspondent’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop — is stepping down at the network, the company said Wednesday.

"The controversial news boss, who was named president just last August, is exiting after she made headlines in February over the firing of Catherine Herridge, a respected senior investigative reporter who had been doggedly covering the Hunter Biden laptop story for the network. 

"At the time, media insiders speculated that Herridge’s exit was linked to her reporting that President Biden may have kept evidence that he had foreign business dealings while in office.

"Another reason, according to sources, may have been Herridge’s role in a 2021 human resources probe of Ciprian-Matthews over favoritism and discriminatory hiring and management practices.

"As revealed by an investigation by The Post in January, Ciprian-Matthews had racked up HR complaints from staffers over unfair hiring and management practices, particularly against white female journalists. Among those who complained was Herridge, according to sources." . . .

Inside CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews' controversies

  • Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews, a 30-year veteran at the network, was promoted to president in August 2023 after her boss Neeraj Khemlani left in a storm of controversy.
  • Ciprian-Matthews has been accused of using her clout to promote minorities while unfairly sidelining white journalists at CBS, leading to several employee complaints and a major internal probe in 2021.
  • Current and former employees had revealed in January that two and a half years prior, Ciprian-Matthews was the target of a six-month human resources investigation by CBS parent Paramount Global into accusations of discriminatory hiring and management practices.
  • Among the explosive claims were that Ciprian-Matthews supported the promotion of an African American correspondent after she witnessed him verbally abusing a female colleague. 
  • In yet another instance, a white job candidate claimed Ciprian-Matthews told her it would be easier to hire her if she were a “different color” as she passed her over.
  • Ciprian-Matthews is reportedly stepping down from her role following a string of controversies over her management of the embattled network, including accusations of discriminatory hiring and management practices.

Exclusive | Former Israeli hostage sues US group that employed captor

 Isabel Vincent (

"A former Israeli hostage freed last month in a daring Israel Defense Forces raid in Gaza is suing a US non-profit which employed his Hamas operative captor as a war correspondent, The Post has learned.

Almog Meir Jan, 22, filed the lawsuit Tuesday in Seattle federal court against People Media Project, a non-profit based in Olympia, WA.

The organization runs a pro-Palestinian news website and had frequently published the work of Abdullah Aljamal, a Gaza-based journalist and former spokesman for the terrorist organization. He began writing articles for the website in May 2019, according to court filings.“It is indisputable that defendants provided Hamas operative Aljamal, whose connections to Hamas were publicly known, with a US-based and taxpayer subsidized platform to publish Hamas propaganda and to pass the material off as independent journalism,” the lawsuit says.

“Moreover, the compensation defendants paid Hamas operative Aljamal for his propaganda directly enabled him to imprison plaintiff in his home.” . . .

"Jan was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 last year while he attended the Nova Music Festival. He was held hostage for 246 days, along with Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 41, at Aljamal family’s home in Nuseirat, according to the Israeli Defense Forces.

"Jan claimed he was “abused and mistreated” by his captors, according to legal papers.

"Aljamal, who wrote articles for the website lamenting the evils of war and had also worked as a spokesman for the Hamas Ministry of Labor, continued to have his work published by the Palestine Chronicle until just before the June 8 rescue operation.

"He and his family were killed during the raid, according to reports." . . .

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Debunking the Remaining Myth: Biden Has Never Been a 'Decent Man'

 Jim Thompson – RedState

"Biden has insulted constituents who have questioned him. He claimed to be a uniter, then stood in front of cameras at Independence Hall bathed in blood-red lighting and delivered a hateful rant insulting half the country." (Emphasis mine) ...  

"The last embedded myth about Joe Biden is that he’s a decent man. Like the rest of his life’s story, his “decency” is a made-up contrivance.  

"Biden has a habit of abusing the dead to his own end. Biden’s first wife Neilia and infant daughter died in a car crash. Neilia Biden was holding their daughter while driving. The accident was entirely her fault. She had a stop sign that she either blew through or didn’t check left and right before proceeding. The Biden car was broadsided by a truck driven by Curtis Dunn. It didn’t take long for Joe to blame Dunn, who was immediately determined to be blameless.  

"But Joe has never needed facts or evidence to back up his myths. Joe is infamous for puffing his résumé and his life’s history. Without a shred of evidence, Joe claimed Dunn was drunk when Neilia drove into Dunn’s right-of-way.  

“To the loved ones of the victims, there is nothing really we can say to erase this tragedy. And, those of you who think it's presumptuous of me to say that ... in a different circumstance, I got one of those phone calls ... I got a phone call saying, "Your wife's dead; your daughter's dead." And I've only said that three times in public before. But, I say it here because it's so important for you to understand. I got one of those phone calls. It was an errant driver who stopped to drink instead of drive and hit a tractor-trailer, hit my children and my wife and killed them.  

"Whenever he thought blaming a blameless man would advance his credibility, he would repeat that lie. “Dead men tell no tales,” and for Biden, it became a convenient lie because the only people who could correct that myth were dead. (Dunn passed away in 1999.) 

"His eldest son, Beau, died of brain cancer. Tragic, yes. Did he die as a result of military service? No. Biden has repeated that lie ad nauseam, and cravenly in front of troops in uniform. " . . .

 "No, he is not a decent man. He’s never been a decent man. Before Joe Biden drifted into complete incoherence, he was a nasty, vindictive "Queen of Hearts" who fell upwards his entire career. And he’s lied all the way while doing it. He’s abused the truth like a wife-beating drunk beats his mate. He’s always been a miserable human being, but now he’s a cognitive mess who can’t be prosecuted because he’s a befuddled old coot.  

"Sorry, not sorry, libs. Joe Biden has never been a decent man." 

It Has Dawned on Some That Biden Never Liked Black People - Which May Explain Trump's Black Voter Bump

  Jennifer Oliver O'Connell – RedState

"Black voter support for Trump up from 4% to 23%, poll finds. President Biden secured overwhelming support from Black voters in the 2020 election, but a recent New York Times/Siena College poll shows support for former President Trump among Black voters has risen 19 points in the last four years."

. . ."What is most telling are the Black faces used to justify his behavior and prop him up: South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn (D), VP Kamala Harris' former senior advisor Symone Sanders, The Breakfast Club host Charlamagne tha God, etc., all excusing Biden's clearly racist comments, and lying to convince their base that Joe is down with the Blacks. Much like the unmuzzling of the truth that Joe's brain is indeed broken, what has followed is the unmuzzling of the truth that Joe Biden is indeed racist, and has been for the 50 years he's been on the national stage. The difference this time is that no one is coming to his rescue. In fact, it is being affirmed, called out, and even mocked.

"Case in point: On Wednesday night's episode of "Gutfeld!," Fox Business host Charles Payne completely skewered Biden's Sunday visit to a Philadelphia Black church. The Biden team's goal was for him to pander and resurrect his image. It did not go well, and Payne said out loud what many Blacks who have watched Joe Biden in action for decades have always thought." . . . One unfortunate mention was that Biden neglected a young black girl in a rope line, but another video shows him greeting and even hugging that very young woman. We saw her moving down to greet Biden a second time. TD

Inside the B-17 Flying Fortress

 Blue Paw Print

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Handy Guide to University Codes of Conduct - The People's Cube

  Political Satire (

"Red Square wrote: According to Marx, the meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism. And since Islamic supremacists are the allies and fellow travelers of the socialist movement, the new Current Truth™ is this: Peace is the absence of opposition to Hamas."

"Elite Universities like University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and MIT have strict codes of conduct to make sure the students respect one another, while allowing civilized and intelligent discussion about their different opinions.

"Legal scholars from these Universities met this week to create the handy guide below.  It was created so students, Congressional leaders, and the average 'they/them on the street' are absolutely clear about what statements are allowed and what are not."

"All Jews should die"
It depends on context, but nearly always allowable in the interest of reasoned debate.

"All Muslims should die"
Islamophobia at its worst - prohibited speech 100% of the time.

"Abortion is murder"
Absolutely false and a violation of the code of conduct.  How can you 'murder' a clump of cells that just happens to look like a human baby?

"Meat is murder"
Not a violation (unless the 'meat' in question happens to be a baby-shaped clump of cells).

"Men should not be allowed to compete in women's sports"
Violation of the code of conduct.  This falls under the Bullying and Harassment section and is therefore prohibited.

Not a violation.  The speaker is attempting to educate."

"That's not a woman!  That's just a dude in a dress.  Why do people keep calling him by the wrong pronouns?"
Not just a violation of the code of conduct, but probably a violation of state and / or federal law.

"Make American Great Again"
Ugh, do we really even have to answer this?  NO NO NO.  Most codes of conduct actually have a specific section for this.

"America was founded on racism and all the Founding Fathers were in the KKK"
Allowed.  We can debate the specifics (the KKK wasn't formed until the Civil War and well after the Founding Fathers were already gone), but this is all part of the free exchange of ideas elite Universities are trying to foster.
Hopefully this eliminates any concerns taxpayers might have about free speech on University campuses.

More Bad News on the Electric Vehicle Front: UPDATED: Issues & Insights

 Chris Talgo - American Thinker

. . ."As they say, you only have one chance to make a first impression. And, based on Americans’ reluctance to purchase EVs, I think it’s safe to say at this point that the EV rollout has been a disaster so far . . ."

. . ."Aside from the lackluster sales figures and alleged scams, the EV industry is facing several vexing problems that seem almost insurmountable at this point in time.

"For instance, over this summer alone, there have been numerous reports of people being trapped inside EVs due to dead batteries. In some of these cases, toddlers have been locked inside of sweltering cars.

"In one example, on June 20, Renee Sanchez was eager to take her two-year-old granddaughter to the Phoenix Zoo. Early that morning, Sanchez strapped the toddler into the backseat of her Model Y Tesla. After closing the rear door, Sanchez attempted to open the front door. However, it would not open because the battery was dead.

“ 'I could not get in. My phone key wouldn’t open it. My card key wouldn’t open it,” Sanchez told a local news network. In a panic, Sanchez called 911. Within minutes, thankfully, the fire department showed up.

“ 'The first thing they said was, ‘Uggh, it’s a Tesla. We can’t get in these cars,’” Sanchez said. “And I said, ‘I don’t care if you have to cut my car in half. Just get her out.’”

"Fortunately, the firefighters used an ax to break the back window. Then, they climbed in and unstrapped the toddler, literally saving her life.

"Although the toddler was okay, Sanchez said they both were traumatized by the incident. After her granddaughter was rescued, Sanchez couldn’t help but think, “oh my God, this could have been so much worse.” She was angry. And rightfully so." . . .

I admire Elon Musk and wish him well, but tend to associate EVs with Liberal-Hollywood-Biden-Newsom and lose the warm fuzzies. TD

Chris Talgo (ctalgo@heartland.orgis editorial director at The Heartland Institute.

. . .The lack of progress cannot be explained away by the challenges faced by any infrastructure buildout, though Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg tried to do exactly that when he said the project is more involved “than just plunking a small device into the ground.” No, what we have is an administration that is insisting that the contractors hired to do the work fall in line with the Democrats’ political demands. . .

. . ."A “survey among leaders in the EV charging industry” recently found that 75% “of electric vehicle charging station developers and operators say electric grid limitations present a significant barrier to deploying commercial EV charging infrastructure,” says Utility Dive. Apparently “a large number” of these businesses “have been unable to secure the energy they need for their projects and have resorted to installing fossil fuel-powered generators to run their chargers.” . . .

The Election FIX IS IN, Democrats REFUSE To Bar Illegal Immigrants Voting, Trump DEMANDS GOP Act

 Who Would Have Believed The Singularity Would Be So Stupid?: (

"The Election FIX IS IN, Democrats REFUSE To Bar Illegal Immigrants Voting, Trump DEMANDS GOP Act"

Get Ready For Big Media To Make Another Biden Pivot

  Issues & Insights (

"Late night comics such as Steven Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel will probably try to make his ramblings kind of lovable — Joe says the darndest things." 

"Now that the mainstream news outlets have been forced to admit that President Joe Biden is suffering serious mental decline – something we’ve been tracking here since March 2020 – they’ve decided that Joe must go. But Biden is so far refusing to step down.

"So, what will the media do if Democrats can’t kick Biden to the curb? We have no doubt that they will suddenly go right back to saying: “He’s sharp as a tack! Better than ever! And all that talk about mental decline is just right-wing cheap-fake propaganda.”

"As J. Peder Zane, an editor for RealClearInvestigations and a columnist for RealClearPolitics, put it:

If it becomes clear Joe won’t go, the party and its propaganda outlets will quickly pivot. Discussions of his physical and mental capacities will be shoved down the memory hole. His continuing gaffes and incoherence will be largely ignored, cast as boring facts that are already ‘baked in the cake’: Voters know about his limits so what’s the point of harping on them? Late night comics such as Steven Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel will probably try to make his ramblings kind of lovable — Joe says the darndest things. If Biden bows out, his replacement will be cast as the second coming of well, Jesus Christ, offering a path to salvation for an imperiled land.

"Zane is absolutely right. And the Media Research Center is already seeing signs that “the networks have begun to fall back in line.”

"Doing a 180 will be easy for the mainstream media since they’ve already done it once. Remember that just moments before the debate, any talk about Biden’s mental health was strictly verboten.

"Sure, the White House staff did whatever it could to keep Biden carefully stage-managed. But reporters, who knew all along how bad Biden was, refused to tell the public the whole story – and accused anyone who dared point out Biden’s decline of “carrying water for Trump.”

"That alone is a huge scandal. But there will be no accountability. The media have already given themselves a pass by claiming that they were Shocked! Shocked! to discover how damaged Biden is.

"Democrats and their corporate media propaganda arm have made it abundantly clear that they will do anything and everything to keep Donald Trump from reclaiming the presidency. For now, they think casting Biden aside is the right move." . . .