Biden EPA Unveils Radical New Rule That Will Decimate American Energy (
The Biden EPA's new rule, Capito added, "is the Biden administration's most blatant attempt yet to close down power plants and kill American energy jobs."
"The Biden administration announced its latest move in the president's now long-running campaign to "end fossil fuels" and force Americans through an "energy transition" that has destroyed the country's energy independence, driven energy prices higher, and left Americans more vulnerable to blackouts.
"Something of a retread of the Obama-era "Clean Power Plan," the Biden EPA unveiled its new rule that would mandate most coal- and natural gas-fired power plants in the U.S. to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 90 percent over a five-year period beginning in 2035 or be shuttered by federal regulators.
"This new rule — one that is being inflicted without assent from Congress — will require drastic and expensive retrofits of existing power plants and a redesign of planned future plants in the United States if they intend to remain in or start operations. Currently, only one of the hundreds of coal-fired power plants in the country has carbon-capture technology in place, according to The New York Times.
"According to the Energy Information Administration, as of 2021, there were 269 plants using primarily coal to generate power and 2,020 using natural gas. Of all U.S. power generation, nearly 20 percent comes from coal-fired plants while almost 40 percent is from natural gas — meaning Biden's rule goes after plants responsible for around 60 percent of America's current electricity production system.". . .