Sunday, August 5, 2018

The American Art of Renewal

Victor Davis Hanson 

"The United States was torn apart politically between isolationists and interventionists. Fights broke out in Congress over whether the country could afford to rearm. The U.S. Army was smaller than Portugal’s. In almost every area of armament, America was far behind the armed forces of the Axis powers.

"Then the world again flipped upside down. After Pearl Harbor, the United States engineered the greatest economic expansion in history. Within four years, the U.S. economy was greater than those of all its enemies and allies put together.

After Pearl Harbor, the United States engineered the greatest economic expansion in history. Within four years, the U.S. economy was greater than those of all its enemies and allies put together.
"The U.S. Navy had become larger than all the navies of the world combined by 1944. A once virtually unarmed America now had more military aircraft than Germany, Italy, and Japan combined.
"A war that in early 1942 looked like it might either go on for years or end in an Axis victory was over less than four years after the U.S. entered the conflict. The Axis powers were not so much defeated as ruined.
"World War II was not the first instance of a rapid American turnaround in wartime. In the summer of 1864, pessimists warned that the North could not win the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln faced opposition for the Republican-party nomination, and even if he won it, he was considered likely to lose the November election to Union general George McClellan.
"General Grant’s Army of the Potomac was being bled white in Virginia in vain attempts to dislodge Robert E. Lee’s defenders from their entrenchments around the Confederate capital of Richmond. Gruesome encounters such as the Battle of Cold Harbor and the Battle of the Wilderness had given the depressed Northern public nightmares.

"Then, suddenly, fantasy became reality. The maverick General William Tecumseh Sherman unexpectedly took Atlanta on September 2, 1864. Euphoria swept the North. McClellan’s sure-thing candidacy crashed.
"The mercurial Sherman then headed off with his huge army on the famous “March to the Sea” through Georgia. He next plowed through the Carolinas to the rear of Lee’s army in Virginia.
"In less than nine months the entire Confederate cause collapsed. The supposedly endless Civil War ended with a sudden and absolute Union victory that no one had foreseen.
"Pundits should be careful with their sure-thing predictions, especially in the matter of a powerful, unpredictable, and explosive America. With the risk-taking and unconventional Trump — and the hysterical opposition to him — we are entering another unpredictable and volatile era in American history.
"Radical and unexpected economic recovery can happen at home and abroad. Such fundamental change in the status quo can swing the November election — quickly and in unforeseen ways." . . . Keep reading...

CNN sucks': A nice change of pace

Monty L. Donohew  "Hysteria over "CNN sucks" is ludicrous.  Yes, it is a breach in the decorum historically expected of presidents that Trump is leading the chant, but I for one think stripping the presidency and politics in general of the false façade of respectability is refreshing.  We have too long given adoration and respect to vile creatures who ascend to office on the backs of sophistry and lies, only to be betrayed to the duplicitous snakes they serve: the corrupt "corporate agenda served by establishment politicians."  The quoted words are those of Noam Chomsky, who correctly observed that both parties serve the same interests.

"This country is, perhaps, too recently deferential to royalty, and we have hopefully and naïvely instilled in our elected representatives an imprimatur of respectability and honesty that is scarcely deserved.  Presidents, politicians, pundits, and press have become royalty, living lives much removed from the lowly, unsophisticated rubes who struggle to understand the sanctity of their calling and mission.  The arrogance of these supposed intellectuals drips from their mendacious mouths as they preach to us who and what we are, what we need, and how they serve our need for order.  Trump, and those who elected him, have little respect for these characters." . . .

‘Shut up, racist’: Candace Owens wrecks Hillary so bluntly, James Woods eyes her for political run

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. . . Clinton posted the tweet just days after the opening of the I Promise School, a public school in Ohio for at-risk students funded by a collaboration between James and the local school district.
While James deserves praise for that particular move — not so much for his continued trash-talking of the president — Owens wasn’t impressed by Clinton’s clear-cut attempt at virtue-signaling and shameless pandering.
"Just look at the scorching tweet she unleashed:

This is rich. Your husband locked up more black men than any President in the history of the United States. You view Margaret Sanger (who wanted to exterminate the black race) as your idol and Robert Byrd (former Klansmen) as your mentor and dear friend.
Shut up, racist.

Check out this example from a current AP history text that high school juniors are forced to read across the nation.

DC Whispers

   "Public school textbooks are far left trash. It’s been that way for some time, but of late, especially with the stunning victory of Donald Trump in 2016, this bias now screeches from every page. Check out this example from a current AP history text that high school juniors are forced to read across the nation.
"Factual point of reference: Donald Trump earned more minority, female, union workers, and under-30 votes than any Republican candidate in generations. (His support among black voters in 2016 was DOUBLE that of John McCain in 2008) This “history” book neglects to mention any of that, describing the Trump victory as one made up of angry old white people. That is an outright lie – one being forced down the throats of school students". . .

Pocahontas and Krazy Kamala shamelessly pander for Nutroots Support

Ed Straker  . . . "Warren warmed up the crowd, saying she is for "economic justice."  The crowd went wild because they know that "economic justice" is a code word for redistribution of  income.  Then Warren tossed another buzz phrase: "reproductive rights."  None of the women in the audience has ever been prevented from reproducing, unfortunately.  Warren said she was worried about a "mom" getting shot during a traffic stop.  Police bad!  The crowd went wild.

"Warren said the rich are getting richer while people are holding down four jobs "just to pay the rent."  I would have liked to see a show of hands from her audience of holders of four jobs.  Warren complained that "corporate giants" are controlling "more and more and more."

"The entity that controls the most, the federal government, escaped Warren's notice.  Big companies don't have the power to tax.  They don't have the power to regulate.  They don't have the power to force people to buy things, like health insurance.  Only government does.  Government has gotten bigger and bigger, but more government is not the problem, Warren assures us – it's the solution." . . .

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Cory Booker Pictured With Anti-Israel Radicals, Holds Sign Calling for Elimination of Security Borders in Israel

Free Beacon

"The picture of Booker was posted by the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a radical activist group that supports anti-Israel campaigns such as the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) movement and was recently found to be financially tied to designated terrorist groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
" 'Excited to be here at Netroots Nation talking with progressives like Sen. Cory Booker about our shared commitment to freedom, justice, and equality for all people," the group wrote.
"Booker's senate(sp) office did not initially respond to an inquiry on the picture and whether he believes security barriers that prevent terrorists based in the West Bank and Gaza Strip from entering Israel should be removed, but after publication sent a statement claiming the New Jersey senator didn't know what was written on the sign he was holding.
" 'Just before delivering a speech in New Orleans, Senator Booker was approached by dozens of people for photos," said spokesman Jeff Giertz. "In one instance, amid the rush, he was posing for a photo and was passed a sign to hold—he didn’t have time to read the sign, and from his cursory glance he thought it was talking about Mexico and didn’t realize it had anything to do with Israel.' " . . .
OK, so he didn't know what the sign read, but he did know what group he was with. TD

Dem Candidate Says ‘If Elected, I’ll Be the First Native American Woman in Congress,’ Right Before Warren Speaks

Free Beacon

. . .Warren has refused to answer whether she would take the test and instead insists that her family story proves her Native American identity.
" 'know who I am because of what my mother and my father told me, what my grandmother and my grandfather told me, what all my aunts and uncles told me and my brothers. It's a part of who I am, and no one's ever going to take that away," Warren said.
"The New York Times even notes that no Native American woman have served in Congress.
Now, she is among a historic number of Native American women running for elective office. None has ever served in Congress, but that could change this year if Ms. Haaland wins.
"There are currently only two members of Congress with Native American heritage, Oklahoma Reps. Markwayne Mullin and Tom Cole, both Republicans."
'Toon added by TD

Hey, Media, You Started It

What's also appalling is that reporters answered Sanders by reminding her of the tragic shooting of journalists in Maryland. But that had nothing to do with Trump. It was the personal grudge of a madman. Even when these knuckleheads are protesting being called Fake News, they are purveying Fake News.
Andrew Klavan

. . . "But, like virtually everything Acosta reports, this is just a reflection of his small-minded biases. The fact is, having a group of people scream at you and denigrate you is exactly what it feels like to be in America — if you don't happen to be a coastal elite. It has felt this way for the last twenty years at least. Every television show you watch, every movie, every woman's magazine, every comedian, and, yes, every news program tells you you suck. Your country sucks. Your culture sucks. Your religion and your morals suck. And you personally are one of those dumb-ass racists who clings to his Bible and talks funny.

"If you believe your country should vet its immigrants, you're racist. If you voted for Donald Trump, you're racist. If you make a joke about Barack Obama on Facebook, you're racist twice. If you think motherhood is a woman's highest calling, you're sexist. If you take it ill when Islamists blow you up in the name of their nasty little god, you're Islamophobic. If you know that a man is a man even if he says he's a woman, you're transphobic. If you think it's fair to debate whether homosexual actions are moral or not, you're homophobic." . . .

Related, in fact, it inspired the above:  CNN bears a lot of blame
. . . On Friday morning, I had breakfast with some businessmen from Mexico.  They think that the U.S. is falling apart, even though the economy is doing so well.  They watch CNN!  I told to watch something else.
"Again, I prefer to turn off CNN rather than waste my time with Jim Acosta or anybody else at that network.  
"My suggestion to Jim Acosta is to stand back for a few seconds and wonder why people are angry, or more importantly, why they are not watching.  
"Doesn't feel like America, said Acosta?  A network averaging less than 1 million viewers per hour in a nation of 320 million is what does not look America."

Cartoons added by TD

Dinesh D’Souza’s Death of a Nation

. . . Today’s leaders were the rebels of the 1960’s.  We must remember that they have distorted traditional American values through their pampered, self-indulgent youth.  If we as parents inculcate our young with our values, then we can save this nation.  We cannot delegate this critical job. . . .

Howard J. Warner

. . . "As an optimist, I trust that Trump will be re-elected.  I expect that the Congress will remain Republican and might gain several seats in the Senate.  Draining the swamp is difficult since the number of dwellers within Washington is enormous.  The American people elected Donald Trump because too many feared the damage Hillary and her minions would inflict.  There are still enough Americans who wish to keep our Enlightenment freedoms (though imperfectly articulated in the Constitution) and refuse to accept the Marxist view of communalism and classism. " . . .

"The future of our nation depends upon teaching civics, capitalism (instead of crony capitalism) and ethics or morality.  This is the job of our parents.  Conservatives, libertarians, and fair-minded people must create schools that teach these values.  Liberty does not come cheaply.  In the history of mankind, it is a rare event.  Some of us are not ready to give up our freedom.  Federalism runs counter to statism, but it is not taught.  We cannot expect that educators will do the job of families.  The education system will take away our rights as surrogate parents, for they are the progressives that indoctrinate our youth."

Socialism can't flourish without ignorance

These are the true believers, standing on a foundation of near religious fervor, willing to risk life and limb to prove to the world that socialism can work, if only operated by the right people, with the right funding and the support of right-minded people.

American Thinker  "The capacity of human beings for making the same mistake again and again is exceeded only by the capacity of their governments to enshrine those mistakes in law.

"To err is human; to forgive, divine – but what are we to do when a significant segment of our population has grown so enamored of an error that they lose the capability to recognize it as such?  Indeed, they become violently defensive at the mere mention of reassessing their beliefs.

"A difficult situation is made untenable when the error involved has dangerous ramifications for everyone, not just those making the mistake.

"This is where 21st-century America finds itself today, relative to that perennial error known as socialism.

"The base of support for this long discredited ethos is multi-layered, with each layer supporting the error from a different foundation.

"The largest element stands on a foundation of ignorance – they are simply unaware of the history and track record of collectivist schemes in general and socialism in particular." . . .

MAGA hats, 'Fake News' shirts are hot sellers at Newseum, irritating reporters

Via Fox News The Newseum is selling MAGA hats and 'fake news' T-shirts
"If you’re looking to stock up on the famous red hats that bear Donald Trump’s favorite slogan, look no further than the Newseum’s gift shop.
"On its website, the interactive news museum in Washington, D.C., sells $14.99 “Make America Great Again” hats alongside American flag accessories and ties that bear the preamble to the Constitution. A T-shirt that says “You are very fake news” sells for $24.99, but it’s on sale for $19.97."

Now wait just a minute here: A note to the Newseum about its 'Fake News' t-shirts  . . . "The Newseum, despite its financial struggles and uncertain future, remains my favorite museum anywhere. It first captured my attention in 2000, when my eighth-grade class visited the museum at its previous home in Rosslyn, Virginia. As someone who was a news consumer at an early age, the museum appealed to me. 

"This week, we learned that the Newseum is selling "Fake News" t-shirts online. As of this writing, the t-shirts are still available (and on sale) on the museum's website. 

"In a statement provided to CNN, the Newseum's spokesperson, Sonya Gavankar, explained the decision to sell the "Fake News" t-shirts. 

" 'Fake news is a word that is in our popular culture now and this is intended to be a 'satirical rebuke' and appears in our store with T-shirts that include a variety of other 'tongue-in-cheek' sayings," Gavankar said." . . .

Death with dignity in the Netherlands: Elderly Woman Forcibly Euthanized

Daily Wire

"The doctor ordered her own family to physically hold her down"

"One inherent consequence that so-called "Death with Dignity" advocates seem to ignore is the possibility that doctors and family members will pressure people into euthanasia or assisted suicide for convenience. A case in the Netherlands takes that one step further, as an elderly woman was euthanized against her will by family members eager to move on with their lives.

. . . 
When the doctor came in to euthanize her, the patient was not informed of what was going to happen to her, to 'avoid unnecessary distress.' She was given coffee with a sedative in it, but she refused to drink it — and then struggled as the doctor tried to kill her. She fought so fiercely that the doctor ordered her own family to physically hold her down, and she was forcibly euthanized.
. . . 
"Last year, 83 people with mental illness were killed in the Netherlands."