Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Liberals cannot learn because they will not be taught; Obama administration pushes banks to make home loans to people with weaker credit

As leftists love to point out, fifty million people voted for Obama. That is, I'd say, the O.J. Simpson jury multiplied by four million. (So much for "I trust the wisdom of the American people")

"The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.
"President Obama’s economic advisers and outside experts say the nation’s much-celebrated housing rebound is leaving too many people behind, including young people looking to buy their first homes and individuals with credit records weakened by the recession."

Obama administration to banks: Why aren’t you making higher-risk loans?   "On one level, it’s almost unbelievable that anyone would ask this less than five years after the housing-bubble crash and the near-wipeout of Western financial institutions.  On another, it’s almost inevitable, given the efforts by the governing class and the media to ignore the central failure in that bubble, which was incentivizing increasingly risky loans with government cash and coercion, which created a false-equity trajectory that nearly ruined us.  If that core cancer gets overlooked, it simply keeps coming back:"....
John Wayne said, "Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid".
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Tunnel Wall published this back in December:
New Study Finds Democrats Fully to Blame for Subprime Mortgage Crisis that Caused 2008 Financial Disaster
For you low-information voters who re-elected Obama, here is a summary of this story:  Obama and other Democrats applied pressure on the mortgage industry. I believe charges of "racism" were leveled and the industry buckled, giving loans to people who went in knowing they could not pay for these.

 In spite of warnings from the Bush Administration, the housing industry collapsed, causing the US economy to fall into what is called "the Great Recession" at the end of the Bush Administration. This led to the mess that Obama has repeatedly said he "inherited". Obama has pushed this "inherited" excuse for over four years (accurately enough, save for who caused it), blaming it on President Bush, unfairly.

Find the economists in this picture.
All this has been absorbed by the low-information electorate (watchers of The View,Oprah, People Magazine readers, Obamaphone recipients,and all TV shows into the late evening,  et al) who number about fifty million.
I'm not sure news people on the networks, CNN and MSNBC could be classified as "low-information", but as collaborators. Rather than being "low-information" people themselves, they helped create those low-information voters.

I believe it is accurate to say that President Bush inherited this economic mess from Barack Obama. Obama is now doubling down on these actions, making them even more draconian, so we can expect the next administration to inherit a big mess from all this. TD

The mayor of Las Vegas calls Obama "a real. slow. learner."

Obama’s Appeal to Emotion Versus Reason

Jonathan S. Tobin  "Gun control advocates lament this change and say, as the president did today, that it is a function of forgetfulness. That’s why, as Seth wrote earlier, the Michael Bloomberg-funded campaign to promote the issue is seeking to rekindle outrage over Sandy Hook with emotion-laden commercials depicting the parents of the victims. But the problem here is not a lack of concern for the memory of the slain or callousness on the part of growing numbers of Americans. It is the fact that the case for the president’s proposals relies primarily on just this sort of emotion rather than reason. The longer we have to think about it, the less sense these restrictions make to people."

I discussed my problem with guns in this previous post: Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control
 Here, two respected writers discuss the case against taking away individual firearms from Americans. Yes, it is true that if guns did not exist everywhere in this nation those little children in Sandy Hook would be living right now and I only wish that were the case. But it is not and there are violent people out there in their thousands and they are armed; willing and lusting to watch innocent people die in bunches by their hands. How, exactly do you gun-control advocates plan to remove those weapons from their blood-thirsty hands?
I will honestly look for a reasoned argument FOR gun control that contains effective means for keeping us safe from those who carry weapons illegally and are willing to do us harm. Cartoons showing crazed, wild-eyed gun owners don't wash.

As yet, I have seen only politically correct, emotional responses to the issue that have no value other than simply making a politician look as if they are doing something. TD

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Brick" Obama: The President Who Can't Shoot Straight

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
American Thinker  "Know what I think? He choked. After missing the first couple in front of his young audience, he became so unnerved he lost his cool and flubbed the rest away. Other than providing those of us not among his admirers with something to chuckle about it, adds to the mounting evidence that this guy is not, and never has been genuine in any way, merely a construct of the liberal media and the Democratic political machine. As we have long held, he's a lightweight in over his head and trying to perform above his limited capacity in both politics and basketball." Russ Vaughn

Limbaugh says we have bigger things to worry about in America that Obama laying bricks  "Meanwhile, folks, we're in real trouble in this country. We've got cultural rot. We've got economic decay, and this kind of coverage of the president, right there in the middle of Limbaugh Theorem.  All of these destructive things are taking place in our economy, and he's totally divorced from it, not attached to it in any way, shape, manner, or form other than the perception that he's working hard trying to fix it all."

I think only North Korea has such a cult of personality as this:
Creepy: Image of Obama Adorns White House Basketballs
"Part of the festivities today at the annual White House Easter egg roll is a basketball challenge. The balls they’re using are adorned with the image of President Obama. It’s pretty creepy if you ask me. Jake Tapper has the report, but doesn’t mention who paid for these basketballs."
And  I thought Bill Clinton was self-absorbed!

My week of buying only Israeli goods

Odd, that this excellent article is in an anti-Israel site, devoted to boycotting all things Israeli. Their reasons for publishing it in their site? Here is their logic:
We thought we would include this article because in a way its a vindication of our research, that even our enemies have come to rely on it. Hopefully it will encourage our friends in the pro-justice camp, be they Muslims or non-Muslims, to make use of our research in the fight for justice.
Alex Kasriel, Jewish Chronicle  "Trades union Unison recently passed a motion to boycott Israeli goods until the country withdraws to its 1967 borders. It also proposed that the UK ends trade agreements with Israel. Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre chief executive Lorna Fitzsimons argued: “The whole thrust of rebuilding Israel and a new state of Palestine is about economic engagement, economic reconstruction. The area needs investment…”
"If she is right, we should all be embracing Israeli produce. So, in a symbolic act of defiance, I have pledged to use only goods produced by the companies the boycotters would have us avoid."

Want to support Israel? This article can lead you to many Israeli products you may not have known about. You should know that Rupert Murdoch, owner of Fox News invests in Israeli products.

FLASHBACK: Clinton in ‘96: ‘I Have Long Opposed Governmental Recognition of Same-Gender Marriages’

CNS News  "Former President Bill Clinton, writing in an op ed in the Washington Post last month, said that he signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996 because it would stave off efforts to amend the U.S.
Constitution to limit marriage to the union of one man and one woman."

That settles it. If Bill said it, it must be true. Depending on what "it" means, of course.

Breitbart on The Cult of Cesar Chavez

Big Government   "Time and again, the left is shocked when the freedom and prosperity-hating personalities that they idolize and the statist systems that they dream up descend into chaos, madness, and violence. As shown in the Stephen K. Bannon film Occupy Unmasked, the peace and love movement of the 1960s supported the killing fields of the Khmer Rouge, while Occupy Wall Street invariably became the Black Bloc rioters running though city streets and breaking windows.

"Given the documented trajectory of "well-meaning" leftist movements and their leaders, it should come as no surprise that the ugly truth about Cesar Chavez is just starting to seep into the public consciousness twenty years after his death."
But catch this:
"Obviously, the biggest impact of Chavez has been on the presidency of Barack Obama. On the Huffington Post, Chavez biographer Randy Shaw said that the Chavez organizing and fundraising tactics “are an integral part of the Obama campaign.”
"Three states celebrate Cesar Chavez Day as an official holiday. In 2011, President Barack Obama issued a proclamation declaring March 31st “Cesar Chavez Day.” Let’s hope that people begin to learn the truth about Cesar Chavez, the false god that Google chose to celebrate on Easter Sunday." 

Not an April Fools’ joke: Obama announces National Financial Capability Month

By Jim Treacher at the Daily Caller  Is this irony, hubris or just plain obtuseness?
President Barack Obama, who has increased the national debt by $53,377 per household, has proclaimed April “National Financial Capability Month,” during which his administration will do things such as teach young people “how to budget responsibly.”
“I call upon all Americans to observe this month with programs and activities to improve their understanding of financial principles and practices,” Obama said in an official proclamation released Friday…
The president is required by law to submit a budget proposal for the next fiscal year by the first Monday in February.
Here is the video that I expect to go viral as a symbol of the entire Obama administration:

President Barack Obama, the greatest man in the history of the world

While millions of Americans celebrated Easter and Passover, Obama took time out of his “busy” day to celebrate Barack Obama.
"Chris Matthews called Obama “the perfect man,” but at some point some serious questions must be asked of the man who the media still thinks created God in Obama’s image.
"Forget perfect. Is Barack Obama even good?  Read more:

Here is a related video from the 2009 grooveyard of Obama tributes which we offer up to him, er, Him as an offering to His Magnificence.
All sources we tried had the commercial at the end. Sorry.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Obama Image Machine Whirs as Press Access Narrows

NY Times  "A photo of the Obamas hugging that was released on Election Day 2012 has become the world's most popular tweet on Twitter. A dressed-up version of Barack Obama's State of the Union speech, packed with charts and graphs, is huge on YouTube. A playful picture of the president cavorting with a 3-year-old in a Spiderman costume is a favorite online. 
"It's all courtesy of the Obama image machine, serving up a stream of words, images and videos that invariably cast the president as commanding, compassionate and on the ball. In this world, Obama's family is always photogenic, first dog Bo is always well-behaved and the vegetables in the South Lawn kitchen garden always seem succulent.
"You'll have to look elsewhere for bloopers, bobbles or contrary points of view"

Foolin’ Around

ObamaCare; the worlds worst blind date

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie


White libs more racist than white supremacists

Mychal Massie  ...."They publicly resent women who do not ascribe to the mentality of the feminist agenda. When have you heard a white liberal speak praisingly of a woman who is pro-family, anti-abortion and who openly advocates that wives treat their husbands with biblical respect?
"White liberals are driven by grievances both real and imagined. Their solutions to problems they identify as injustices to blacks and inequality for women is to blame the historically white male establishment. Their solutions are reparations based, i.e., even if there were, in fact, one person injured as they define same, for them that is empirical evidence of a systemic racism and/or gender bias. Ergo, all persons of color and women are entitled to special dispensations based on a pandemic of social injustice.
"I am prepared to argue that the only reason white liberals bow before Obama is because he is half-Kenyan with a Muslim name who harbors the deepest of resentment for traditional America. I would further argue that the only reason they embrace his wife is because she behaves in a way that is commensurate with their low opinions of blacks."