Thursday, September 26, 2024

Kamala Harris urges ending Senate filibuster to pass abortion rights legislation

 Chris Benson UPI   

"Sept. 24 (UPI) -- Vice President Kamala Harris said this week she supports an "elimination" of the Senate's filibuster rule in order to push federal legislation to codify reproductive freedom.

" 'I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe, and get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom and for the ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body," Harris, the Democrat's nominee for president, said Monday in a Wisconsin Public Radio interview that aired Tuesday, "and not have their government tell them what to do."

"The current make-up of the Senate is complicated with 47 Democrats, 49 Republicans and 4 Independents -- some former Democrats -- and Harris as a tiebreaker vote per constitutional order.

"But the progressive wing is not able to codify the medical procedure into law. The filibuster requires 60 votes for any such effort to pass. That means that at least 10 Republican senators would have to buck their party to favor abortion-rights legislation, which is a hurdle in its own." . . .

Manchin won't endorse Harris over differences on filibuster, abortion rights

Eric Adams, former NYPD captain, becomes first NYC mayor indicted in office after being ensnared in federal corruption investigation

  Daily Mail Online  

"More federal investigations and resignations have ensued since, spurring Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to demand Adams to resign on Wednesday night." 

Adams initially welcomed the concept of New York being a sanctuary city - with the then campaigning mayor, just
days before he was elected, celebrating the then new arrivals as 'keeping our city running' during the pandemic

"New York City Mayor Eric Adams painted himself as a victim of persecution after being indicted on federal charges last night, saying he was singled out by the Biden administration for his stance on the migrant crisis.

"Adams, 64, became the first New York City mayor to be charged criminally while still in office on Wednesday. The indictment remains sealed. 

"In a pre-recorded video statement released on Wednesday night, Adams chalked it all up to a political witch hunt. He believes he is being unfairly cast out for speaking out against the Biden administration's disastrous handling of the migrant crisis. 

"While the indictment remains sealed, Adams has came under fire in the past for questionable donations to his 2021 campaign from associates of the Turkish government. 

"The New York Times reports that Adams' dealings with Israel, China, Qatar, South Korea and Uzbekistan are also under the federal microscope. 

"His indictment on Wednesday comes after a turbulent month of investigations and subsequent resignations from senior members of the NYC government." . . . 

A splendid little rat's nest of discord for Kamala Harris: Rashida Tlaib lays down a support-Hezb'allah-or-else marker for her

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker

Might Tlaib just queer it for Kamala on the Michigan matter as the terrorist war goes on in Lebanon? One can only hope so. It's delicious to see one's enemies get Medieval on each other. Fight and thrash away against Kamala, Rashida. Go get her.


"Now here's something we can assign to the binder called "Good Trouble":

"Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a full-blown Democrat squad member and Palestinian-American who represents a Detroit-area seat in the swing state of Michigan, is mad as heck about Israel bombing Hezb'allah in Lebanon and has laid down a marker for Kamala Harris: Stop Israel from bombing them ... or else." . . .

. . . "It reads like a Hezb'allah press release, given that Iran-backed Hezb'allah has been bombing and displacing Israeli citizens on their own land for nearly a year, most notably in the wanton murder of a group of Druze children as they played soccer on a field, in addition to displacing tens of thousands of Israelis in the north from their homes.

"They've getting away with it for years, they've stepped it up in the last year, Israel is tired of it, and has decided to take them out.

"Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's public approval ratings have soared as
a result.

"Now Tlaib is upset about these surgical strikes on terrorists in their nests.

"How anyone can defend Hezb'allah, without being Hezb'allah, is something of a mystery.

"But here we are -- she's as mad as an old wet hen about Israel taking care of business, and is demanding Harris do something to stop Israel, as if Bibi would pay any attention at all to the rude clowns in the White House who treated him so badly on his last trip to the states." . . .

Kamala delivers another load of evasive gibberish to fawning MSNBC interviewer

 Monica Showalter - American Thinker   "Kamala Harris doesn't have any idea what she's doing, let alone any idea about what she'll do if she gets into the Oval Office.

"That was obvious enough from her second interview with Stephanie Ruhle on MSNBC, apparently the only interviewer she trusts won't make her look stupid, and still she looked stupid. No matter, though, Ruhle tried to spin for her afterward.

"Among other things, Harris repeated herself, like someone who doesn't know what to say, or who's used to not being listened to:

. . ."Joel Pollak at Breitbart News gave a comprehensive overview describing the extent of the problem:

Vice President Kamala Harris gave her first solo interview Wednesday on cable news as the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, and failed to answer questions even in a friendly interview by MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle.

"MSNBC's host asked better questions than she did last week, but after getting the ridiculous answers to them from Harris, tried to excuse it and explain it away: . . ."

And that is, in a nutshell, the Harris campaign. There is no there, there. It is a manufactured facade run by a cabal of Democratic Party insiders who have no perception of what life in America is actually like. Harris' "opportunity economy" is nothing but a consultant-driven catchphrase. There's no plan to implement it because it doesn't mean anything. A theoretical Harris administration would just be a continuation of Biden's policies, and everyone with a brain knows it.

Tim Walz is a fertile ground for this: 'We Can't Afford Another Four Years Of "...say what?

 'We Can't Afford Another Four Years Of This!' Shouts Running Mate Of Candidate Who Has Been Leading Country For Four Years | Babylon Bee

"BETHLEHEM, PA — The Democratic candidate for vice president issued a stern warning to Pennsylvania voters at a campaign rally today, telling the crowd that the country will not survive four more years of his running mate, who has been leading the country for four years.

"Minnesota Governor Tim Walz made the impassioned plea while speaking to supporters in the Keystone State, urging them to avoid making the mistake of putting the country through another term like the one served by his running mate on the Democratic ticket.

" 'We can't afford another four years of this!" Walz shouted while asking voters to continue supporting the same leadership that resulted in the last four years of failed policies. "The people in charge for the last four years have completely tanked this nation and put us on a fast track toward total destruction. That is why I'm asking you all to re-elect Kamala Harris for another four years!"

"Voters in the crowd seemed receptive to the plea. "He makes a convincing argument," said one rally attendee. "While asking all of us to vote for the person who has been in charge for the last four years, he reminded us that America simply won't last if we go through another four years of her. The evidence he presented made it abundantly clear that the lady who's been steering the ship the last four years would just completely wreck everything in the next four years."

"At publishing time, Walz issued a statement emphasizing the need for the country to return to the strong leadership, security, and prosperity it experienced before his running mate was elected."

Here’s How A Venezuelan Gang Was Able To Infiltrate The US And Wreak Havoc In Major Cities

 The Daily Caller  

“Once Biden came into office and offered catch and release policies, temporary protected status, you name it, the Venezuelans started fleeing to the U.S. from all the other countries as well,” . . .

"A notorious Venezuelan gang is extending its tentacles into the U.S. on the back of the Biden-Harris administration’s border crisis, and experts say that immigration authorities have no way of identifying the criminal group’s members before they hit American soil.

"The gang, known as Tren de Aragua, has made headlines in recent weeks with its criminal activities in multiple states, according to multiple reports. Yet, border authorities have virtually zero tools to detect Venezuelan migrants’ affiliations with the gang, as the U.S.’ diplomatic relationship with the beleaguered country is effectively on ice, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“ 'We have next to no vetting for the Venezuelans who are entering the country, because we have no relationship with the government of Venezuela and that’s true of other migrant nationalities,” Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, told the DCNF. “We have no way of knowing whether they were in prison in Venezuela. We have no idea if they’ve been living in a third-world country for years before they tried to come to the United States. We’re essentially letting them in on their word.”

"A hotel in El Paso, Texas, was shut down on Sept. 9 following an investigation into Tren de Aragua and other gangs’ use of the complex where alleged incidents of drug use and prostitution occurred, according to the El Paso Times. Additionally, the Dallas Police Department confirmed to the DCNF that there is an ongoing investigation into the gang’s activities in the area.

“ 'We’re really not seeing Tren de Aragua operate in McAllen or Del Rio, or anything else like that,” Ammon Blair, former Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent and senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, told the DCNF. “But they are operating in El Paso, because it’s a major city … there’s a large diaspora of Venezuelans there.' ” . . .

The hatefest that is "The View"

 Notice a pattern there? There’s no “intelligent debate” on “The View,” as Walters intended — just reckless lies about people on the right. Kelly Jane Torrance

Did you see the hate for Trump on the faces of Biden and Behar?

Why Joe Rogan Just Slammed 'The View' — And Didn't Hold Back   . . ."Rogan — who later called Hostin "intelligent but ideologically captured" in his conversation with Hughes — gave his own thoughts on The View.

"It is the show that people love to hate," he laughed. "They get so much hate-watching, and hate-watching viral clips of them saying ridiculous things."

"It is a rabies-infested hen house," Rogan said of the all women-led talk show, which also stars Joy BeharWhoopi Goldberg, Sara Haines and Alyssa Farah Griffin. (While he didn't name names, Rogan also called several of the moderators "dull-minded.")". . .

'The View' is the biggest source of misinformation in America  . . ."Some legacy, though: What Walters envisioned as “women of different generations, backgrounds and views” discussing “the topics of the day, mixing humor with intelligent debate,” devolved after she departed as co-host in 2014 into a four-against-one daily catfight with few laughs and even fewer smarts.

"The New York Times calls it “the most important political TV show in America.” If so, America is in trouble — because “The View” is the biggest source of misinformation in the country.

"More than 2.4 million people watch “The View” every day — and are less informed for it every day.

"The show’s moderator is one of its worst offenders. Whoopi Goldberg made headlines last year by declaring “the Holocaust isn’t about race.” Her co-hosts gave her little pushback. Sara Haines added a “No” in agreement while Joy Behar asked her what it was about. “This is white people doing it to white people. So, this is y’all go fight amongst yourselves,” Whoopi said. Sunny Hostin remained silent, and the show’s producers — recognizing a train wreck — played exit music and broke to a commercial." . . .

Janice Dean - Shame on the The View for allowing Joy Behar to spew...   View Audience Gasps at Joy Behar Victim-Blaming East Palestine Over Trump Votes (  . . ."As the show’s hosts were talking about the political ramifications of and culpability for the disaster in Ohio, as well as Republican criticism of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg‘s handling of the situation, Behar brought up the fact that residents of the district where the derailment happened voted for Donald Trump." . . .

ABC News: The Most Pro-Harris, Anti-Trump, Radical Broadcast Network in History    . . . "An MRC study published earlier this month found that throughout 100 campaign stories airing between July 2021 and September 6, Vice President Kamala Harris received a mind-blowing 100 percent positive coverage. Trump, meanwhile, was subjected to a more predictable 93 percent negative slant.

"When people accuse the news media of deliberately inciting violence against Donald Trump, this is what they’re talking about. The former President has already faced two assassination attempts since July, yet networks like ABC show no signs of letting up the gas. At best, they don’t care whether another attempt occurs, and at worst, they’re secretly hoping one does." ...

More on the women of "The View".

Why Is Kamala Still Losing?

 "The process by which Kamala obtained the nomination was decidedly un-democratic, and then the party … spent weeks hiding the candidate from media curiosity." Yet I can't help but recall our prediction of the "red wave" that wasn't.TD


The American Spectator   "Nobody wants Kamala Harris to win this election more than do her celebrity media friends, who are willing to forfeit their credibility to drag her across the finish line. ABC News, whose blatantly one-sided “fact-checking” during Harris’s debate with Donald Trump was widely criticized, has seen its ratings tumble in the aftermath.
"What’s remarkable is not just the absolute shamelessness of the media’s pro-Democrat bias — they’re so far in the tank for her, their “news coverage” is just an endless campaign ad for Harris — but the fact that it doesn’t seem to be helping. The one story they’re not reporting is the most important of all: Kamala Harris is losing this election.
"Don’t take my word for it. Go look at where Harris stands in the polls today, and then compare her numbers to what the polls showed for Joe Biden on the same day in his 2020 race against Trump, and for Hillary Clinton in her 2016 race against Trump. In both of those previous two elections, most polls were slanted in favor of the Democratic candidates, so that Trump did better in the final official vote tallies than he did in the polls. This track record of error in favor of Democrats provides the proverbial “grain of salt” with which everyone should consume public polling.
"Fortunately, Tom Bevan, Carl Cannon and the rest of the crew at RealClearPolitics (RCP) have made it easy for anyone to compare current presidential poll numbers to those in 2020 and 2016. These comparisons show Harris to be underperforming Biden and Clinton to such an extent that a Trump victory in November is the most likely outcome." . . .
. . ."Nothing quite like this had ever happened before, and the top-down imposition of Harris as the candidate was done by the same party that had spent years claiming that Trump must be defeated (indeed, must be sent to prison!) because he posed an existential threat to “our democracy.” What kind of democracy is it, where party insiders force the incumbent to quit his reelection bid and then pick a substitute candidate who never got a single primary vote for president?" . . .

Momala Harris and the expanding maternalistic state - Burton Abrams

"Momala is on record saying she would abolish the Senate’s 60-vote rule needed for closure on a filibuster to enact the Green New Deal to save the planet from climate change. The Green New Deal is one of Kamala’s dumbest economic policy suggestions. (Huge economic costs with little if any benefits.)" 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

FCC Fast-Tracks George Soros Purchase of 220+ Radio Stations Before Election

  The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor 

"Soros has funded the ‘defund the police’ movements on the left, as well as the caravans of illegal immigrants flooding into America. Soros has also been a generous donor to the movement to normalize transgender operations on children."

 "The mainstream media keeps saying that the 2024 presidential election is over and that Trump has already lost to Willie Brown’s mistress, Kamala Harris.

"So why is far-left billionaire George Soros trying to buy 220+ radio stations before the election, the Audacy radio network, reaching 165 million Americans?

"And why is the Federal Communications Commission allowing him to do it, in an unprecedented move?

The FCC just fast-tracked George Soros’ purchase of 220+ radio stations before November’s election.

The stations reach 165M Americans.

This has never been done before.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 24, 2024

"FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr is bringing this to light in a House Oversight Committee last week, noting that it is a violation of the FCC’s most basic rules against monopoly interests.

"The New York Post first reported this pending Soros sale of a large portion of the nation’s radio stations.

"Soros will have control over 40 media markets after this deal goes through.

"Soros is a far-left megadonor, supporting efforts nationwide to support Democrats and fund destructive and divisive far-left social movements. Soros makes his money from currency speculation, including complex financial maneuvers that have resulted in the national bankruptcies of England in 1992, Thailand and Malaysia in 1997, Russia in 1998, and Indonesia in 1997-98." . . .

Joe Biden's disastrous legacy of crime at home and war abroad on full display in his final UN speech

 Michael Goodwin (  

"He tried to sneak Afghanistan into the memory lane mix, saying, “I was determined to end it, and I did,” before saying he thinks “every day” of the 13 service members who died in his chaotic withdrawal. As always, he ignores the inconvenient fact that every military leader warned him that the complete and sudden abandonment would be a disaster — and it was." 

"In 1980, the Boston Globe put a place-holding headline on an editorial about a speech by President Jimmy Carter. 

“ 'Mush from the wimp,” the headline read — and it appeared in more than 150,000 copies of the paper before editors caught their error and removed it. 

"I thought about that headline as I watched Joe Biden’s UN speech Tuesday.

"The similarities go far beyond another mushy speech from another wimpy president. 

"Biden now rivals Carter as the worst American president of the modern era — and maybe of all time. 

"Both men were one-term Democrats felled by inflation and disorder at home.

"On the global stage, they pursued policies that too often treated American power as a problem rather than a solution, and were rewarded with mayhem and murderous aggression. 

"There are differences, too, with Carter constrained by his faith-based moral imperatives, while Biden’s family got rich by selling his name to foreigners, some of them adversaries. ". . .

Nancy Pelosi's Husband Dumps Over $500K in Visa Stock Weeks Before DOJ's Antitrust Lawsuit

 The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

"In 2022, Paul Pelosi exercised $1 million to $5 million Alphabet call options before Democrats proposed a congressional stock trading ban. In the same year, Paul Pelosi sold all of his NVIDIA stock just one day before Congress was set to vote on a bill that would boost domestic production of semiconductors."

Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, dumped over $500,000 worth of Visa stock just weeks before the Department of Justice slapped the financial giant with an antitrust lawsuit, according to the New York Post.
"The timing couldn’t be more suspect. Visa, one of the most dominant players in the debit card market, is now facing charges of monopolizing the industry.
"The DOJ’s antitrust unit claims Visa has abused its market power, forcing financial tech companies to work with them while penalizing those who try to go with competitors.
"According to the press release:

According to the complaint, more than 60% of debit transactions in the United States run on Visa’s debit network, allowing it to charge over $7 billion in fees each year for processing those transactions.

The complaint further alleges that Visa illegally maintains its monopoly power by insulating itself from competition.

For example, Visa wields its dominance, enormous scale, and centrality to the debit ecosystem to impose a web of exclusionary agreements on merchants and banks. These agreements penalize Visa’s customers who route transactions to a different debit network or alternative payment system.

In so doing, the complaint alleges, Visa locks up debit volume, insulates itself from competition, and smothers smaller, lower-priced competitors.

Visa also induces would-be competitors to become partners instead of entering the market as competitors by offering generous monetary incentives and threatening punitive additional fees.

As the complaint alleges, Visa coopted the competition because it feared losing share, revenues, or being displaced by another debit network altogether.

"And what was Paul Pelosi doing while the DOJ built its case? Selling off massive chunks of Visa stock." . . .

 MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhl will be the choice to interview Nancy; she will come out just fine. TD

NEW: Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters

 Bonchie – RedState  

"What does that say about Harris' confidence level as we enter the home stretch of this election? It certainly doesn't project confidence. A campaign that believes it's winning going away doesn't have to use fake news sites to promote false headlines about made-up endorsements. Yet, that's exactly what Harris is doing." 

"Surprise, surprise, Kamala Harris is using a network of fake news sites to help prop up her campaign and mislead voters about her level of support.

"On Monday, the official "Kamala HQ" account posted a headline that read "Polish Pennsylvanians Endorse Kamala Harris Over Putin, Ukraine Concerns." The source was a supposed news outlet named "The Keystone Newsroom." 

"What the Harris campaign was trying to do was clear. Local news outlets are typically more trusted than national outlets by the residents of a given state. By pushing a headline bragging about a major endorsement from "The Keystone Newsroom," an air of credibility is given to the claim. The truth of the matter is far more insidious, though. Greg Price did some digging and figured out how the money is flowing and who is coordinating with who.

"The game being played is simple. The Soros-funded "Courier Newsroom" starts a bunch of "local" news sites that are presented as completely unbiased and non-partisan. Those dark-money sites then publish positive headlines about Kamala Harris based on objectively false claims. In this case, the headline states that "Polish Pennsylvanians," a community of nearly 800,000 people, have endorsed her. The truth is that the "endorsement" was just a letter written by four Democrat politicians. At that point, the only thing left is for Harris' official campaign account to share the headline and pretend it's a huge win. 

"Is what they are doing illegal? No, but it's incredibly dishonest and unethical, and it shows just how astroturfed Harris' presidential run is. From the very beginning, everything undergirding her campaign has been fake, fake the glowing proclamations of "joy" from the mainstream press to the idea that she "won" an open primary, as proclaimed by Nancy Pelosi.