Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Way Out of Soviet-Style Health Care

Milton Friedman "."Depersonalized," "doctor and patient as enemies"—those are the key phrases in the growing body of complaints about health maintenance organizations and other forms of managed care. In many managed care situations, the patient no longer regards the physician who serves him as "his" or "her" physician responsible primarily to the patient; and the physician no longer regards himself as primarily responsible to the patient. His first responsibility is to the managed care entity that hires him. He is not engaged in the kind of private medical practice that Dr. Oreschenkov valued so highly."

Don't Mess With the Texas Board of Ed

WSJ "Indeed, outrage against the conspiracy of intellectuals seemed to lurk just below the surface during last week's deliberations, breaking into the open during moments of rancor. "I see no need, frankly, to compromise with liberal professors from academia," railed board member Terri Leo when someone challenged the move to nix the word "capitalism." "That's part of the problem of how we end up with distorted and liberal biased textbooks is because that's who's writing them." "

No 'Deem & Pass' - Now Demand 'NO' Vote on Health Care Bill

ACLJ "But here's the challenge. Now that there will be an up-or-down vote on the pro-abortion Senate bill - we still need to reach those House members who are undecided and call on them to reject the Senate bill directly - vote NO on the pro-abortion health care bill. "

House Opts Against 'Deeming' Health Care Bill Passed

Fox News "The stage is now set for three big votes on Sunday: the first to bring the "fix-it" bill to the House floor. The second on the bill. Then the final vote would be on the Senate bill itself. If the final bill passes the House, the Senate plans to take it up next week. Rep. David Dreier, R-Calif., cheered the decision by Democrats to abandon "deem and pass,"calling it a sign that Democrats are buckling under pressure." Hey, don't thank me; they made me do it.

CIA Outraged Over Outing of Agents

Frum Forum "Hopefully word will get out and the silent majority will be awakened. A former high-ranking CIA official sarcastically commented that he wanted the American public to “understand that there are some monumentally dumb people working to help the terrorists. I am certain they THINK they are working for justice, but they have standards quite different than most Americans.” " Emphasis added with great relish. Then this: Former CIA Directors’ Letter to Obama:Stop Investigation that Harms Our Agents and Our Nation from September 18, 2009.

Morris: Negative ads to hit Dems who vote 'yes'

Dick Morris "Imagine, for example, that you are Rep. Jason Altmire, Democrat from Pennsylvania. You voted against healthcare on the first pass, but now it seems you face weak opponents in November, so you are under great pressure from Queen Nancy to vote yes. She begs and pleads that she has to save the allocated “no” votes for the likes of your neighbor Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper, who is more vulnerable to defeat. You cave in and vote yes. Then an independent expenditure group comes into your district and begins to pile on with negative ads, like this:"...

Predictions: Our future under Obamacare.

National Review "But more important, once an entitlement is in place, it becomes virtually impossible to take away. The fact that Republicans have been criticizing Obamacare for cutting Medicare shows that they are not really willing to take the heat for cutting people’s benefits once they have them — no matter how unaffordable those benefits are. Paul Ryan put forth a serious plan for entitlement reform — and attracted just six co-sponsors at last count. Enough said. As Scrooge asked in A Christmas Carol, “Are these the shadows of the things that will be, or are they shadows of things that may be?” By Sunday night, we should know."

In Wal-Mart Intercom Incident, AP 'Forgets' To Mention Critical Story Element in Company's Defense

Newsbusters You just can't make stuff like this up.

Another Obamic Jihad Appointment: Nawar Shora Tapped for TSA

Atlas Shrugs "Another jihadist appointment by the subversive in the White House. This time it's ....TSA. The TSA. Nawar Shora, legal director of the anti-infidel, anti- semitic ADC, has been tapped to serve as senior adviser. The Muslim community is triumphant. Muslim blogs blared headlines: 'Nawar Shora takes battle for Arab and Muslim rights inside the TSA, (body scanner & other rights violation) USA ' "

Obama and Israel: Making the Same Mistake Again and Again

American Thinker "In less than six months, President Obama has manufactured two political crises against Israel, a strategic ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. Each of the crises set back rather than advanced his goal of moving the "peace process" ahead. Both crises could have been avoided with a little understanding of the people with whom he is dealing. " Jeff Dunetz

Putin scolds Clinton, US, as if we were children

Rick Moran "Three more years of this. Three more years of unilateral embarrassment. Three more years of having to put up with foreign leaders who laugh at us, scold us in public, and dismiss us as if we were - are - a paper tiger. ABC News reports about a humiliating diatribe by Vladmir Putin that the Russian strong man laid on Hillary Clinton - in public."

Media ignoring Obama 'gotchya moment' from Fox News interview

American Thinker "Inheriting Sarah Palin's strategy on answering questions you don't know the answer to, President Obama proceeded to beat around the bush (pun intended again), proving beyond a doubt, that he doesn't really know what's in the health care bill. So where is all the mainstream media coverage of that "gotcha" moment with the smartest person ever elected President of the United States of America? "