Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Israelis size up John Kerry

Pundits hope for better things from Secretary of State Kerry, but say most nations know that he will not matter; that he is bound Obama's foreign policy. And that, the world is familiar with.
Charles Krauthammer asks of Hillary: Can somebody name one achievement she had in the four years that she has been Kerry's predecessor?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Brunswick, Maine in the Civil War

Tunnel Wall  We noticed people searching for this article were directed to a blank page and I do not know why. Perhaps it will help you if it is re-posted here. TD

Visit the Historic Home of Civil War Hero Joshua Chamberlain in Brunswick, Maine
"Lawrence Joshua ( I thought it was Joshua Lawrence .TD) Chamberlain was a quiet college professor when the Civil War began, but before it was over he became one of the Union's most celebrated officers - the hero of Little Round Top at Gettysburg and the man selected to accept Robert E. Lee's formal surrender at Appomattox."  More here at Gettysburg Daily

  • Harriet Beecher Stowe house.
  • Bowdoin Graduates Who Served with the Union
  • Bowdoin Graduates Who Served with the Confederacy
  • Maine’s Civil War Monuments
  • (Below) The charge of the 20th Maine on Little Round Top, Gettysburg, 1863 Don Troiani
    Brunswick Trivia:  "Brunswick, Maine has the widest main street in Maine because Indians burned down the town and in order for that not to happen again they made the main street very wide so that the fire could not jump from building to building."  More here.
  • More posts at the link
  • Jay Leno Eviscerates 'Snoop Obama' in Monologue

    Breitbart   "NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" Friday night monologue. Jay hits the feds from all sides: the NSA surveillance scandal; the IRS targeting scandal and the agency's extravagant, million-dollar conferences; and the exploding national debt. Notice the difference in audience reaction for a Mitt Romney tax joke.

    Mike Ramirez: Birds of a feather

    'Never heard of him’: Notable Columbia prof says he isn’t sure Obama attended Columbia University'   " “I taught every significant politician that ever studied at Columbia,” said Columbia Emeritus Professor of History Henry Graff, in an interview last week with Wayne Root, a contributor at The Blaze. “Between American History and Diplomatic History, one way or another, they all had to come through my classes.”
    "“Not Obama,” he continued. “I never had a student with that name in any of my classes. I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.” "

    Henry Franklin Graff, Professor Emeritus of History

    From Columbia News back in 2000; Historian Henry Graff Says American Presidency Is Losing Prestige
    ...."I don't think this is the way the Presidency should be conducted," said Graff. "I don't think the President should appear on talk shows." Graff's concern with presidential perception is rooted in fear for a leader who does not inspire trust. The question that needs to be asked, Graff said, is, "Do we have sufficient gravitas when the moment comes that the President says 'follow me'."....Little did he know back in 2000.

    Archaeologists find the bodies of 21 World War One German soldiers in perfectly preserved trenches where they were buried alive by an Allied shell

    UK Daily Mail   "The bodies of 21 German soldiers entombed in a perfectly preserved World War One shelter have been discovered 94 years after they were killed.
    "The men were part of a larger group of 34 who were buried alive when a huge Allied shell exploded above the tunnel in 1918, causing it to cave in.
    "Thirteen bodies were recovered from the underground shelter, but the remaining men had to be left under a mountain of mud as it was too dangerous to retrieve them.

    "Nearly a century later, French archaeologists stumbled upon the mass grave on the former Western Front in eastern France during excavation work for a road building project."
    "Archaeologists also uncovered the wooden sides, floors and stairways of the shelter.
    "The dead soldiers were part of the 6th Company, 94th Reserve Infantry Regiment.
    "Their names are all known - they include Musketeer Martin Heidrich, 20, Private Harry Bierkamp, 22, and Lieutenant August Hutten, 37, whose names are inscribed on a memorial in the nearby German war cemetery of Illfurth."   Full article here.

    WWI Grave Find Tells Story Germans Want To Forget

    More images here.  WW1 roster of German regiments, Links

    Archaeologists find First World War soldiers in preserved trenches
    "With very little light, water or even air penetrating the site, many items were extremely well-preserved. Boots, helmets, weapons, wine bottles, spectacles, wallets, pocket books and even the skeleton of a goat were found – this last assumed to have been present for the purpose of providing fresh milk for the men. Archaeologists also uncovered the wooden sides, floors and stairways of the shelter, big enough to shelter 500 men and occupied by the 6th Company, 94th Reserve Infantry Regiment."

    Obama's scandals later; right now lets discuss the Obama leadership in the world

    The Good and Bad of Obama’s Counterterrorism Strategy "Finally, the president curiously omitted any reference to America's efforts to prevent terrorist groups from acquiring weapons of mass destruction – a pillar of America's efforts in the Global War on Terror since President George W. Bush's 2002 State of the Union address . As North Korea continues to increase the size and effectiveness of its own nuclear arsenal, and terror-sponsoring Iran draws perilously close to obtaining nuclear weapons-making capability, the United States must work to actively thwart the nuclear ambitions of rogue nations."

    The course President Barack Obama has set may lead to a direct war with Iran  "Because it is transparently obvious that U.S. assistance is are too little, too late and will pose no real deterrent, it seems that the main purpose of the aid is not to help the rebels win but to increase pressure on rebel groups to join multilateral peace talks."
    US News; Obama's Absentee Foreign Policy   "There have been some actions taken, like the use of military force in Libya, but even that appears to have been more of an accident, a distraction if you will, than something growing out of a well thought out tactical and strategic vision. Even the Clinton administration had a more muscular foreign policy than the current occupant of the White House."

    Obama’s increasingly muddled Syria policy  "Does he care that he has let this crisis get out of hand? .... Does he care that after saying Assad had to go, Assad didn’t? Does he care that after calling the use of chemical weapons a “red line,” he lackadaisically responded by offering the rebels small arms that will do them not much good? Finally, does he care that he seems not to care?"
     The U.S. has tragically misplayed Syria  "It has only succeeded in weakening the moderates in the Free Syrian Army (FSA..."

    A Half-Measure in Syria  
    This president’s foreign policy seems to be oriented around not letting it get in the way of his domestic and political priorities — more action in Syria will require expending political capital, risking mistakes, angering some of his domestic allies and some of his opponents, too, but there are also costs to inaction that starts to look impotent (and to letting Assad gain the upper hand again). So the administration tries to make it look like they’re doing something, without doing anything
    Obama Doctrine: America Allies with Muslim Brotherhood to Promote Middle East ‘Stability’  "Two and a half years ago, who would ever have thought that the United States would enter an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood? There were hints in President Barack Obama’s Cairo speech, yet now it is clear that this is the new basis for regional security sought by the Obama administration."

    Jennifer Rubin; Obama’s multiple national security untruths  "In foreign policy, the credibility problem plagues him. Consider all the things Obama has asserted that simply aren’t true:"....


    The Scandals of Obama; The Office of President Forever Tarnished?

    Bloviating Zeppelin has brackets to help determine the winning scandal Can be hard to read, but certainly gives you a perspective.
     Obama's upside down enemies list   "Hanson concludes his tour of the upside-down world of Obama's friends and enemies with the observation that Obama's "most pernicious" legacy "will be the creation of a rogue government that has cut off and terrified half the population - and for no other reason than that they seem to represent things that Mr. Obama simply does not seem to understand."
    "Or want to understand."

    Obama’s Climate of Intimidation  "Beyond the fact that biased reporting shapes public opinion to favor the left, it may also have an effect on law enforcement. The persistent lies that have been told about right-leaning political groups by leading Democrats, including President Obama himself, may have led to the IRS abuses of power that we’ve heard so much about in recent weeks."

    Trey Gowdy On IRS Targeting – We Should Look At Obama/Biden Reelection Team (Video)

    Do You Trust This Man?  "There is a common element to the so-called Obama scandals—the IRS targeting of conservatives, the fatal attack in Benghazi, and widespread spying on U.S. journalists and ordinary Americans. It is a lack of credibility."

    Thomas Sowell asks the same question  "But we the voters are not blameless. Having chosen an untested man to be president, on the basis of rhetoric, style, and symbolism, we have ourselves to blame if we now have only a choice between two potentially tragic fates — the loss of American lives to terrorism, or a further dismantling of our freedoms that has already led many people to ask, “Is this still America?” "

    The New American Enemies List

    Note that the IRS is not interested in leaking to Democrat senators or former administration official rumors about George Soros’s income or the details of the tax returns of Warren Buffett, Steven Spielberg, or Bill Gates.

    Victor Davis Hanson   "There is currently a climate of fear growing throughout the United States. Millions of Americans are terrified of the IRS, the Department of Justice, the EPA, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and even perhaps the FBI, CIA, and State Department.
    "These government agencies have never been bigger, more powerful, and more ideologically driven. Citizens fear them for understandable reasons: those who do nothing wrong, whether in filing tax forms or trying to buy a rifle, are considered suspect and deserving to be the target of either federal scrutiny or presidential slurs.  But those who do a great deal of wrong, either by illegally entering the country, disrupting polling, trafficking in weapons in Mexico, eavesdropping on American citizens, pulling tax information for partisan purposes, subverting a government agency, or lying to the public about government activity, seem exempt from punishment — and, more chillingly, sense that they are so exempt."
    IRS: 'Tea Party' Was Shorthand for Political  "Internal Revenue Service director of rulings and agreements Holly Paz explained that the IRS simply used “tea party” as shorthand for politically-involved groups in profiling non-profit applicants. She said that when tax agents in Cincinnati referred to tea party groups as requiring special scrutiny, they simply meant all groups with a political activity level."

    Monday, June 17, 2013

    In case Big Brother wants to talk to you

    "Once installed, AMBER and Emergency alerts are automatically sent to your phone unless you switch them off via Settings, but you can't disable Presidential alerts."

    Federal Alerts Have Invaded Your Phone  "The presidential alert is any time Obama wants to talk to you.  I remember when the federal law was passed, and it was not that long ago.  But if Obama ever wants, or any president now, ever wants to issue a presidential alert, it's thought of as very, very rare, and only in the most dire emergencies.  But that ability now exists for the president of the United States to send out emergency text messages essentially to every telephone." 

     I don't know why, but this film just came to mind

    Now you know where the term "drink the Kool-Aid" comes from when referring to devoted followers.

    Students will learn anti-Israel tactics at Quaker-subsidized camp

    Alana Goodman  "Anti-Israel college students will trek to a scenic campsite in upstate New York this summer to learn how to launch campus boycotts against the Jewish state at a program subsidized and run by one of America’s largest
    Quaker faith groups.
    “It doesn’t help a single Palestinian. It doesn’t improve the quality of life for Palestinians. It is simply anti-Israel,” the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Abraham Cooper told the Washington Free Beacon. “Unfortunately, the community of the people associated with this particular church have embraced [the BDS campaign] completely, so much so that they are using up whatever moral capital they have to do training for an immoral, hypocritical, and anti-Semitic undertaking.”
    Via Allyson Christie at Allyson’s Geo-Political Inspections, focusing on Israel, The West and Political Islam

    A Letter to the Quakers  ...."The massacre of this harmless family, all residents of one of the settlements you so despise, is only the latest in a long line of atrocities that have been carried out against Israeli civilians. Palestinian terrorist attacks have no excuse, yet I have never seen a supporter of the Palestinians march or protest against the very great evil they represent."
    By Teresa Parker in A Liberal Defence of Israel

    Moonbat Icon Barbra Streisand In Israel: Slams Jewish State’s Treatment Of Women… Says Nothing About Severe Repression Of Women In The Islamic World…
    "Slamming Israel for its treatment of women while in the Middle East, doesn’t get any more hypocritical than that."

    Meanwhile the Russians support Palestine on "moral grounds"   "One does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines in front of the public and cameras,"  says Putin. (He's referring to this)

    Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2013

    Raymond Ibrahim  "The Islamic jihad against Christians in Nigeria is proving to be the most barbaric.  A new report states that 70% of Christians killed 41 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack at a bus station in a predominantly Christian neighborhood.  According to the Christian Association of Nigeria, these attacks “were a signpost of the intended extermination of Christians and Christianity from northern Nigeria.” "
    around the world in 2012 were killed in the African nation.  Among some of the atrocities committed in March alone, at least

    SHAME ON ABC! They can’t find any Americans with justifiable anti-Muslim sentiment to report on so they use actors to play redneck ‘Islamophobes’ 

    "Inside a deli they have an actor pretending to be an anti-Muslim bigot berating and insulting an oh-so-innocent sounding Muslim clerk to see what the reactions of other people in the store would be. They even use an actor dressed up like an American soldier to stick up for the Muslim clerk."

    Nigerian Jihadist Group Boko Haram Attacks Four Churches, Slit Throat Of Pastor After He Refuses To Convert To Islam… " He said: “as the gunmen threw some explosives at our church, they forced the retired Reverend to renounce Christianity and be converted to Islam, but Rev. Jacob defied the gunmen’s threats of being killed, as he insisted on being a Christian among his people on the hills of Hwa’a. They slit his throat with sharp objects; and we started to flee for safety, as we don’t know the next targets of these gunmen.” "