Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Trump: a Third Party? UPDATED

 Donald Trump: I'll stay a Republican 'if I'm treated fairly' - otherwise I could still run a third-party White House bid  . . . "The businessman-turned-politician has indicated all along that he could seek the Oval Office as a third-party candidate, no more prominently so than at last week's presidential debate, where the admission was met with boos by a feisty audience.
He said earlier this summer that he did not want to go that route, however, because he feared he could play spoiler to the GOP and hand the election to presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

"As his GOP competitors have ratcheted up their attacks on him, Trump's warnings that the Republican Party better play nice with him - or else - have taken on a more serious nature."

 Ross Perot's try at a third party gave us Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton for over  two decades.
Trump's Bridge Over the River Kwai   "Should circumstances arise, will Trump check his ego for the good of the country or build a bridge to victory for the enemy?

"Bill Clinton learned a thing or two in 1992. He was elected by only 43% of the vote. Reason: Ross Perot garnered 19% of the vote to George H.W. Bush's 38%. The turnout was just over 55%. Though Perot won no electoral votes to the Electoral College, he skewed the vote in such a way as to thwart the reelection of his perceived nemesis for, of all things, disturbing his daughter’s wedding. Small man. Yet, he didn't start out that way." . . .
Third parties have often given the victory to the lesser in U.S. history.
Read more.  Emphasis added.


The Iran Deal Update

All The Right Snark   "Wow, a lot has happened in the few weeks since the Iran nuclear weapons deal was signed.  Some standouts include some more random shootings, Donald Trump’s braying at the ‘Pubs, Obama’s war on coal sends another volley via the EPA, Miss Piggy and Kermit breakup, and Planned Parenthood is selling the organs of aborted unborn babies.
"And I wonder why I drink…
"So what’s happening in the Iran “deal”?  Democratic senator Chuck Schumer has come out against the deal. (read here) and Mohammad Ali Jafari, the Iranian military chief has come out in support of the deal. (read more here).
"I’m no rocket scientist or some sort of answer man, but ol’ Reiuxcat is still thinking His O’liness, Obama, has sold out the free world again."

Megyn Kelly on Trump: ‘I certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism’; former aide says he still supports Trump

Ann Althouse introduced this post with the following commentary:
 . . . "So I'll continue doing my job without fear or favor."
"Said Megyn Kelly, on her show last night, taking the least time possible to kick Donald Trump to the side. Watch the clip, because her good humor and style shine.
"For some reason — and for the first time — she reminded me of Katharine Hepburn."
NY Daily News  . . . "Trump had called for her to say sorry for asking an “inappropriate” question on quotes he's made in the past about women. Trump’s top advisor left his campaign over the weekend after the candidate bashed Kelly.
"She told "Kelly File" viewers Trump is “an interesting man who has captured the attention of the electorate” but won’t be getting any apology from her."

. . . "Former Trump aide Roger Stone also agreed to disagree with him. The longtime GOP operative says he quit Trump’s campaign over the “diversion to food fight” with Kelly even though his former boss says he fired him. Stone submitted a resignation letter to Trump after running a draft by five friends, he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper Monday night.
"But regardless of the quarrels over his departure and the candidate’s tactics, he still supports Trump, Stone said."

Report: Obama Admin Taking the Side of Palestinians Over U.S. Citizens in Terror Case

Debra Heine   . . . "Note that this is the same administration that is apparently considering charges against a Navy officer for defending himself and other military personnel during a terrorist attack on the Navy Operational Support Center in Chattanooga, TN, last month. 

"It is the same administration that traded five dangerous Taliban commanders for one pot-addled Army deserter in the spring of 2014.

"It is the same administration that sides with the Islamist government of Turkey over the secular Kurds who are fighting the ISIS terrorists."

World on Fire – The Obama National Security Legacy

 “If your legacy is a World on Fire, you have failed,” says a new video released by Center For Security Policy.

Monday, August 10, 2015

American silliness; 8/11/2025

Black Lives Matter activist calls Bernie Sanders supporters 'white racists
 "At a Bernie Sanders event. Not exactly the brightest bulbs in the box..."   Joe Newby

 Third Degree Bernie
 obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, black lives matter, michael brown, bernie sanders, protestors
. . . " The crowd, albeit annoyed and whining, actually did exactly what Johnson told them to do because white liberals would rather burst into flames than challenge a black person, even one who's disrupting a public event. Which is why, following the period of silence, Johnson launched into a seemingly endless tirade against racism and other perceived injustices."   
Well, this behavior did pay off:

Bernie Sanders Unveils Plan To Appease The Black Lives Matter Movement
The bullies win again.
Two, TWO Women warn Megyn Kelly: Back off Trump!  "Suffice it to say there are at least two women who support Donald Trump for president.
"A duo of black women — hosting a YouTube “show” called “The Viewers View” — eviscerated Fox News debate moderator Megyn Kelly for her questions related to Trump’s statements on Twitter concerning women." . . .  Video  Drudge made this his top post? Really? 

Prince: ‘Record Contracts Are Just Like — I’m Gonna Say the Word – Slavery’ 
. . . "Purple One justified his line of reasoning by saying that the typical record contract offers an artist almost no control over how their music gets used. . . "

Emma Watson Has Filmed A Video Calling For Equality In The Fashion Industry

$15 Minimum Wage Causes Seattle Restaurants To Suffer Worse Job Loss Since Great Recession

Feminists Outraged Over Billboards Featuring Nerdy White Guys Trying To Look Sexy… 

Hillary No Longer Portrays Herself As A Coal Miner’s Great Granddaughter… 
 "In her 2008 bid for the White House, Hillary Clinton cast herself as a blue-collar Democrat who was unabashedly pro-coal, a stance that helped her beat opponent Barack Obama easily in primaries in states that produced or were reliant on coal.
"Eight years later,. . . the great-granddaughter of a Welsh coal miner is now talking about the coal industry in the past tense."


“ 'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!” Upton Sinclair."

When a petulant, vindictive president speaks, this is what you hear

 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

An evil and ugly speech  . . . "It is an evil and ugly and dishonest speech — not from beginning to end, but at key points, with premeditation and intent to do harm. I challenge readers to find its like by any president in our history. It represents a nadir in presidential oratory and rhetoric. It warrants the closest attention." . . .
"Obama has jammed this deal down the throats of the American people. With the mechanics of the Corker bill in place and Obama’s Democratic adherents reliably in line behind him, Congress will present no serious obstacle to the deal. Obama’s Jew-baiting is the gratuitous act of an extraordinarily vindictive and, to give him the benefit of the doubt, misguided man. It should be nevertheless be recognized for what it is.
"Obama’s real problem is not with Israel or Jews, but rather with the American people."
 President Obama stands by comments linking Republicans to Iranian hard-liners 
"Obama said he was talking to the Democrats who were unsure of their vote “all the time.' ”

George Will On Fox News Sunday: Obama's Comments On Iran Deal "Extraordinarily Unpresidential"   Video here.

Obama and the Iranian Revolution Guard Corps
. . . "Just because the sanctions regime allowed the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) more control over the Iranian economy does not mean that the lifting of sanctions will lessen the Revolutionary Guards’ economic power." . . .

Is Obama’s Smear Campaign to Defend the Iran Deal Backfiring?
 The basic idea is simple: to oppose the president’s Iran deal means you want war with Iran, you’re an Israeli agent, you are in the pay of Jewish donors, and you are abandoning the best interests of the United States. So Dan Pfeiffer, senior political adviser to Obama until this winter, tweeted that Senator Charles Schumer — who announced his opposition to the Iran deal last week — should not be Democratic leader in the Senate because he “wants War with Iran.”

RedState comments:    . . . "The criticism of Republicans is about what America can expect from a man who was elected to be a divider instead of a uniter. His followers expect the road to Hell to be paved with dead Republicans and this issue is just one more opportunity to serve up the read meat to rabid ideological pit bulls." . . .

 Ugliness: Iran deal supporters call Schumer a greedy, disloyal Jew   "Ever since the White House leaked Thursday night that Sen. Chuck Schumer would be coming out against the Iran deal, the progressive movement has foamed at the mouth with vitriol directed Schumer’s way.
"Much of it is just the plain old progressive vitriol of the MoveOn.org, Daily Kos and netroots types. Schumer is a warmonger, wants war, loves war, and so on."

Brutal new ad featuring wounded vet: Why are we making nuclear deals with a country that tried to kill me?
"Hawks have tried to persuade them. Now it’s time to shame them. Via Iowahawk, according to one estimate, the deaths of more than 500 U.S. troops in Iraq can be directly linked to Iran."

Don’t get spun by Internet rumors.

 Take a look at your inbox. All those chain emails riddled with suspicious political claims. And what about social media? Odds are, those claims are bogus. Learn how to spot the "Key Characteristics of Bogusness."

"Just because you read it on somebody’s blog or in an email from a friend or relative doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s probably not, as we advised in our special report “That Chain E-mail Your Friend Sent to You Is (Likely) Bogus. Seriously,” on March 18, 2008.

"On this page, we feature a list of the false or misleading viral rumors we’re asked about most often, and a brief summary of the facts. But click on the links to read the full articles. There is a lot more detail in each answer. If you’re looking for articles about other viral claims, please use our search function."

" Is Jade Helm 15 a government attempt to create martial law in the U.S.?
"No. It’s a joint military training exercise lasting for two months this summer.
May 11, 2015"

. . . 
 "Has President Obama canceled the May 6 National Day of Prayer?
"No. This widely circulated falsehood echoes similar claims made last year when the president issued a pro-prayer-day proclamation but didn’t hold White House services as President Bush had done."

"Is the ACLU suing to have cross-shaped headstones removed from military cemeteries?
"The ACLU has filed no such suit, and it hasn’t sued to “end prayer from the military” either.
July 5, 2009"

More at the link. This subject is discussed at length as well:

 ‘He Lied’ About Bill Ayers? McCain cranks out some false and misleading attacks on Obama's connection to a 1960s radical. 
 . . . "McCain says in an Internet ad that the two "ran a radical ‘education’ foundation" in Chicago. But the supposedly "radical" group was supported by a Republican governor and included on its board prominent local civic leaders, including one former Nixon administration official who has given $1,500 to McCain’s campaign this year. Education Week says the group’s work "reflected mainstream thinking" among school reformers. The group was the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, started by a $49 million grant from the Annenberg Foundation, which was established by the publisher Walter Annenberg, a prominent Republican whose widow, Leonore, is a contributor to the McCain campaign." . . .

Vetting Carly

When one becomes enamored with a political candidate, that is when it is most important to consider their cons. Obama voters did not -and do not - vet intelligently so we wound up with this petulant man controlling our lives. Before setting ourselves on fire for Ms. Fiorina, lets consider opinions of her as a total person, if only to be wiser than Obama-Hillary voters have been. TD

Carly Fiorina: Islamic Civilization was “Greatest in the World”  "Lots of people are losing their minds over Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, but apart from her terrible record at Hewlett Packard, the 60-year-old seems to believe the Islamic Ottoman Empire civilization was the greatest in the world. "

Carly: a Flawed Candidate  . . . "Well, Boehner's "tactics", which ended up being employed, was to fully fund ObamaCare, which is what we still have today. Carly was clearly against putting up a fight to defund ObamaCare. What kind of a fighter will she be for limited government as President? Not very much of one, based on the evidence.
"Carly supporters, please tell me why these comments are irrelevant and/or why views such as these only have a statute of limitations of two years."

Refuted by a commenter:  "As a Matter of Fact Carly DID Get That Phone Call "
. . . "One of her more memorable lines, perhaps the one most often repeated, came in response to a question about Donald Trump: “I didn’t get a phone call from Bill Clinton before I jumped in the race. Did any of you get a phone call from Bill Clinton? I didn’t. Maybe it’s because I hadn’t given money to the foundation, or donated to his wife’s Senate campaign.”
. . . 
"There’s just one small problem: Carly Fiorina not only received a call from Bill Clinton (or someone working for him), she answered that call and appeared on stage with both Bill and Hillary when she spoke at an event sponsored by the Clinton Global Initiative in June of last year.

Diane Tavarez Strain from Bonsall, California commented:
"Did you actually watch it? She's against the minimum wage, she's for fracking, she wants more entrepreneurialship, says the Gov shouldn't be involved, calls out Clinton on Dodd-Frank, calls everyone out on Crony-capitalism. The only thing I saw was she said the Clinton Foundation was helping minorities in start up businesses, which is how they were selling themselves at the time. She was NOT there representing Clinton, but was part of a panel on Meet the Press." "Watch the whole damn thing!!"
So Fiorina was not there to advocate CGI; she was on a panel discussing it.  This report is on her appearance with the panel.

Fiorina blames income inequity on Obama's "crony capitalism" policies
. . . " But other panelists, including Republican and longtime business executive Carly Fiorina, disagreed on that solution. She blamed "crony capitalism" - supported by the financial policies of President Barack Obama's administration — for persistent income inequality in the United States. "The rich are getting richer," she said, "and the poor are getting poorer." . . .

#BlackLivesMatter SUPPORTER: Has Shot 8 Black People In The Head

Clash Daily   "Black lives matter, but not all of them? This is straight up demonic.

HOUSTON, Texas – Eight people were found dead inside a home in north Houston Saturday night. Police officers entered the home after receiving a call asking them to perform a welfare check on the residents. Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) deputies entered the home after seeing a dead child lying on the floor when looking through the windows of the home.
David Ray Conley III, 49, was charged with multiple counts of capital murder, in the deaths of six children and two adults.
 "David Ray Conley III, 49, had recently moved out of the family home and came back to find the locks were changed, he told police.
"So he shot them all in the head.

"Today Conley III was arrested for mass murder."

"David Ray Conley III is a black lives matter supporter.
"He posted this last week.
Via GotNews

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Has the U.S. Treasury Department announced that Michelle Obama will be the new face on the $10 bill? No, No, a thousand times NO. Um, at least not now.

 Expect to find this urban legend in your email any day now
Snopes  "Claim:    Michelle Obama has been chosen by the U.S. Treasury Department to be the new face of the $10 bill."
Fact Check doesn't mention this at all


"There is no truth to this item, as Fox News The FB Page (although designed to look like an official Facebook page for the Fox News Channel) is one of many online purveyors of fake news stories.

"Although the above-quoted story is false, the U.S. Treasury Department did announce that a woman would be featured on a newly redesigned $10 bill. The person to be so honored has not yet been selected, but Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said that that person would be “a woman who has contributed to and represents the values of American democracy.”

"Another publication has similarly falsely suggested the new face on the $10 bill will be that of Hillary Clinton:" Read more
"The law prohibits portraits of living persons from appearing on Government Securities. Therefore, the portraits on our currency notes are of deceased persons whose places in history the American people know well."
However Bill Clinton did appear on this currency:

The torches and pitchforks are out for Megyn Kelly

Petition to Ban Megyn Kelly from Hosting Future Debates Goes Viral  "I’m not surprised in the least. I was offended as well by Kelly’s conduct at the debates. Not only did she vehemently attack Donald Trump and try to set him up to be taken out, she set the candidate’s at each other’s throats. The ‘esteemed’ panel also knocked Ted Cruz for having the temerity to call Mitch McConnell out as the liar that he is. Shame on them. Who’s calling the shots here? I bet it is Carl Rove and the Bush team. Bet on it. Everyone should sign the petition requesting that Megyn Kelly not host future debates for Fox News. She was biased, vicious and manipulative. I’m very, very disappointed in her."


 Look who's No.1 in NBC poll after GOP debate  "A brand-new scientific poll taken in the wake of Thursday’s Republican debates and Donald Trump’s war of words with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly shows the billionaire developer increasing his lead at the top position, with GOP establishment candidates such as Jeb Bush and Chris Christie in a downward spiral.

Independent Sentinel : We Took a Different Look at the Debates Because We Hate the Media 
. . . "People just want fairness. Even many non-Trump supporters were unhappy about the way Trump was handled.
"It probably took away from the candidates because everyone was waiting for more sparks to fly or stewing over the opening questions.
"It wasn’t boring, I’ll give them that.
"Actually, listening to the questions individually in the clips below might change your mind somewhat.
"Each of these candidates is intelligent, knowledgeable, and deserves credit for being willing to serve the country and put themselves out there to be ridiculed and reviled – some are more worthy than others but that is for you to decide." . . . Videos at the link.

'It wasn't an attack': Defiant Megyn Kelly maintains she was 'fair' with 'nervous' Donald Trump in the lead up to 'bloodgate' 
 . . . "Kelly, the only female moderator on the panel, also revealed that she told her male colleagues, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace, before the debate not to defend her, should Trump attack. 
" 'I'm a big girl, I can handle it,' she said.
" 'My job is not to feel passionately about these candidates.
" 'My job is to go out there and ask probing questions that are hopefully smart and that help the people learn something about this person.
" '(Baier and Wallace) are both gentlemen and I didn't want them to in any way feel they needed to somehow come to my rescue.
" 'I didn't want them to feel if anybody started to attack me that I would be wondering where my compadres are.
" 'I'm a big girl. I can take it.' 

Do Trump supporters care what part of Megyn Kelly's body he was thinking of?
. . . "How do you feel about his comments?  Does your judgment of Trump depend on what part of Kelly's body  he was really referring to?  Do you think his sometimes offensive style will be a turn-off to voters in the general election...or just the breath of fresh air to get elected?"

Jonah Goldberg: Asking Trump Whether He’d Support the GOP Nominee Was Anything but ‘Unfair’ . . . "Donald Trump is the frontrunner in the polls for that nomination and he has, several times in recent weeks, suggested he might take his marbles and go if he’s not the nominee. But it was unfair to ask him about it?" . . .

NYT: This Wasn’t a Debate, It Was an Inquisition  . . . "They took each of the 10 Republicans onstage to task. They held each of them to account. They made each address the most prominent blemishes on his record, the most profound apprehensions that voters feel about him, the greatest vulnerability that he has.
"It was riveting. It was admirable. It compels me to write a cluster of words I never imagined writing: hooray for Fox News."

Salon:  Fox News’ vicious Republican power grab: Why Megyn Kelly vs. Donald Trump was just the beginning    "There were many on Twitter who seemed surprised that the moderators were asking such tough questions of the candidates. But they shouldn’t have been. Just because Fox News may be soft on Republicans when comparing them to Democrats doesn’t mean its journalists will simply roll over for them when it’s an intra-family affair."