Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Our Weasel of the Week Nominees!

"It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’ nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!

"Here are this weeks’ nominees…."   - See more

 More at New Zeal

Trust and have Obama verify

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

"Unfettered capitalism", the Pope calls us? Really?

What does it tell you when our enemies celebrate?

Hat tip to Bud Mecek
Iranians Are Euphoric After Nuclear Deal Reached   Meanwhile Obama said, ". . .  that he will “veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal.”
“ 'I welcome a robust debate in Congress on this issue, and I welcome scrutiny of the details of this
agreement,” Obama said. “But I will remind Congress that you don’t make deals like this with your friends.”
"Obama said that the deal “is not built on trust, it is built on verification.' ”

Netanyahu says Iran nuclear deal 'a bad mistake of historic proportions'   "Iran will get a jackpot, a cash bonanza of hundreds of billions of dollars, which will enable it to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region and in the world," the premier said.
. . . "The prime minister, coming under withering criticism from the opposition for what is being termed a colossal failure on his part to stop the agreement, called for Israel's political leaders to put party politics aside and unite around a most fateful issue for Israel's future and security."
. . .  “ 'It is impossible to prevent an agreement when the negotiators are willing to make more and more concessions to those who chant ‘Death to America’ even during the negotiations,” he said."

Defense minister reiterated his warnings over the Islamic Republic regional aggression, describing it as "the world’s leading exporter of terror." 
Israel Iran Deal
Reaction To Historic Deal To Curb Iran’s Nuclear Program 

 The agreement hangs on Islamic Iran's honoring agreements with infidels
. . . "This shows that the president's claims about what is in this agreement won't stand up against what Iran believes is in it. That much is certain. There is a fundamental difference between the two sides about an understanding of what the deal says. This isn't exactly unprecedented. Nuclear deals with the Soviet Union were often marked by differences of opinion over some of the details." . . .

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Obama Vows Veto of Congressional Iran Disapproval: ‘You Don’t Make Deals Like This with Your Friends’ . . .The deal, which lasts up to 10 years and is nearly 100 pages long, gives Tehran the right to challenge UN inspections of its nuclear program. An arbitration board, including an Iranian representative, would decide if access is granted.Iran said sanctions will be repealed, while the P5+1 powers said old sanctions will be repealed but they’ll impose new ones.

"The arms embargo that Iran wanted lifted will sunset after five years and could be lifted earlier if the International Atomic Energy Agency certifies they’re not developing nuclear weapons." . . .

Historic Iran Nuclear Deal Today, Even More Historic — and Terrible — Reckoning to Come
 . . . "So, yes indeed, this deal is historic. It is historic in ways that, for instance, President Obama’s 2009 chairing of a United Nations Security Council meeting on freeing the world of nuclear weapons was not (does anyone even remember that UN summit? It was the first time an American  president had stooped to chair a meeting of the UN Security Council; it did absolutely nothing to stop nuclear proliferation).

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell
"This deal is an historic disaster. Not only does it legitimize Iran’s nuclear program, but it goes far to confer legitimacy on Iran’s regime — the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. For the U.S., it’s a variation of running up massive U.S. government debt, and leaving the next American president — as well as America’s people, and our allies — to face the real cost. Which in this case involves nuclear weapons."

And when the deal falls apart, Obama will be going public with the claim that he left a peaceful world that was ruined by the later administration. He has spent years blaming his failures on George Bush, isn't it obvious that he will blame following administrations as well?

The Four Horsemen of a Looming Apocalypse

Victor Davis Hanson
" They could all be confronted. But by the Obama administration? "

. . . "If this administration is not careful, by next year it may find ISIS at the gates of Baghdad, Russian forces massing on the border of Estonia, Japan and China shooting at each other over disputed air and sea space, and Iran stockpiling its growing enriched-uranium supplies for a not too distant multi-bomb nuclear rollout.
"We think the world is growing tense; in fact, it is only the calm before the storm."

Monday, July 13, 2015

Report: ISIS Blows Up Baby as Part of Explosives Demo

Jammie Wearing Fools  " Yes, this is pretty much rock bottom. But nobody cares, so can we get back to talking about Donald Trump and the Confederate flag?"

Islamic State thugs have committed one of their cruellest acts so far in their bid to shock the world, it was claimed today.
Senior Iraqi sources say IS forces wired up a baby with explosives and then blew the poor child up as part of a training exercise.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s terror network wanted a human victim to illustrate how best to strap explosives to a human being.
Having executed the baby’s father weeks ago because they claimed he killed one of their friends the sick gunmen wanted to kill his child.
Staggeringly they wired up the victim before detonating the explosives in front of dozens of recruits, in a bid to dehumanise them.
The murder happened on Friday July 10 in Iraq’s violent Diyala Province, North East of Baghdad, the war-torn country’s capital.
It was reported by Diyala’s Provincial Security Committee Chairman Sadiq el-Husseinim who told a local news service: “The organisation booby-trapped the baby in front of dozens of armed ISIS men and then detonated it from afar.
“The organisation doesn’t care about the most basic human values.
"Gee, you think?"
 The killers will go on to use children extensively in its sickening propaganda

Muslims Take Christian Girl And Tell Her To Deny Christ. She Refuses; They Bury Her Up To Her Neck, Crush Her To Death

Nkeki Mutah, pastor who praised his daughter's martyrdom
Nkeki Mutah, pastor who praised his daughter’s martyrdom

Theodore Shoebat   "Muslims in Nigeria — all members of Boko Haram — kidnapped a young Christian girl and demanded that she deny Christ. She refused. They buried her up to her neck and crushed her to death with rocks. Her father, a local pastor named Nkeki Mutah, took pride in his daughter’s resilience, and said:
I was told that my daughter refused to change her religion. I was told that they dug a hole and buried her from the neck and stoned her to death… To die for the sake of Christ, that’s the happiest thing for me. I’m grateful that she didn’t change her religion. She trust[ed] in God.
. . . 

The Muslim world has Sharia; Democrats have political correctness

Political correctness is an attack on the 1st amendment and the advocates won't be happy until everyone is in conformity with their agenda.

Democrats and the Iran negotiations

Mounting alarm in Israel as negotiators inch toward Iran nuke deal  " As Western powers give in on the last points of contention with Iran over their nuclear program, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning that, having come this far, negotiators are likely to accept a deal "at any price."" . . .

Iran Made Illegal Purchases of Nuclear Weapons Technology Last Month
" The question is not whether Iran can be trusted to uphold the nuclear deal now being negotiated in Vienna (it can’t), but whether the Obama administration and its P5+1 partners can be trusted to punish Iran when it violates the agreement? " . . .

 They hate us no matter what. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei: "Evil Never Sleeps"   " 'The campaign against arrogance is one of the principles of the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the Holy Quran mandates the drive against arrogance' .” . .

Hillary Clinton is the X-factor for the Iranian nuclear deal’s congressional survival
 “ 'A parade of concessions to Iran,” was Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s comment on the nuclear accord expected to be announced and fully revealed later on Monday July 13 in Vienna. He underscored his point by playing back President Bill Clinton’s words upon signing the nuclear deal with North Korea 21 years ago: "North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program,” Clinton announced then. “South Korea and our other allies will be better protected. The entire world will be safer as we slow the spread of nuclear weapons.”

"Despite Bill Clinton’s pledge of carefully monitoring, Pyongyang broke through to a nuclear bomb in October 2006, twelve years later. By comparison; a ten-year limit on the period during which Iran is allowed to develop a bomb is believed to be incorporated in the Vienna accord. Its full text of100 pages plus is still to be fully disclosed." . . .


 Obama may have forgotten about “war with Islam,” but war with Islam has not forgotten about him.

Bruce S. Thornton


"President Obama recently gave a speech at the Pentagon about our efforts against ISIS that confirmed he has little awareness of the real world our enemies inhabit. The talk reprised the usual received wisdom and unchallenged orthodoxy that comprise most of the foreign policy establishment’s ideas about Islamic jihadism and how we should fight it. Consider the following particularly egregious examples:
Ideologies are not defeated with guns; they’re defeated by better ideas–– a more attractive and more compelling
"This statement is a classic either-or fallacy. Anyone familiar with history would have added the adverb “just” before “with guns.” Obama is indulging stealth pacifism, a variation on the “violence doesn’t solve anything” and “use your words” mantras of the junior high playground monitor. Such a stance is politically convenient when the voters are against the use of force, and a leader doesn’t have the will or ability to convince them why force is necessary." . . .

Digging Up Confederate Bones Would Only Make America Worse

"To no one’s real surprise, the national Confederate-flag debate turns out not to be about flags alone. It’s not even truly about history. And it’s certainly not about dealing with the issues of crime and poverty that still disproportionately impact the black community. It has now moved entirely into the realm of raw cultural and political power. It’s an identity-politics hammer that is “heads, I win; tails, you lose” for all too many conservatives. With the Left in the lead, you’re either a racist for refusing to bulldoze history or — if you go along — you’re still a racist, but at least the Left has you under control." . . . Read more

 Related discussions at NRO:

 Watch: Debating Confederate Flag Displays on CNN 

 On Lowering the Confederate Flag      . . . "You can pass any gun law you want. The 1994 assault-weapons ban was allowed to expire after ten years because, as a Justice Department study showed, it had no effect. There’s only one gun law that would make a difference: confiscation. Everything else is for show." . . .

The Shameful Liberal Exploitation of the Charleston Massacre. . . "And yet the Democratic elites, from President Obama on down, opportunistically turned Roof into a stand-in for white America, linking his rampage to the Left’s standard grab bag of institutional racism that allegedly poisons black life." . . .
Obama cautioned “us” (read: whites) about other manifestations of “our” potentially lethal racism. Once we “realize” how we are “infected” with bias, he said, we will be “guarding against not just racial slurs, but . . . also . . . against the subtle impulse to call Johnny back for an interview but not Jamal.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Southern Culture and Experiences: Indelibly American!

Voice of Lillpop  "To say that the Confederate flag symbolizes slavery and a legacy of racial discrimination is about as simple minded and myopic as claiming that infant babies are all about dirty diapers!
"There is so much more there!
"Just some of the thoughts that pop into my mind when I think of life in the Deep South are:

  • Southern hospitality: Warm, sincere, gracious, honest, caring, & loving “down home” people---people you can trust!
  • Charming Southern accents, colloquialisms, and humor
  • Slower speech, more relaxed, lifestyles, less conniving
  • Politeness, perfect manners & courtesy
  • Warm summer evenings, rain & thunder storms
  • Amber waves of grain
  • Elvis Presley and Graceland, TN
  • Sunday school in May
  • Vacation bible school
  • Gospel music sung so passionately by African-American choirs
  • Blue grass and country music
  • Sunday dinner
  • BBQs, horseshoes,
  • TV show He-Haw
  • Andy Griffith & No Time for Sergeants, Mayberry, RFD; Beverly Hillbillies TV show
  • The Grand Old Opry
  • Superstar country  performers like Loretta Lynn, Tammy Wynnete, Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, & other women of renown
  • Cold watermelon, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, potato salad, hot buttered biscuits, corn on the cob, iced tea, cherry cobbler pie
  • Magnificent parades on 4th July,  Veterans Day, & Memorial Day
  • Open, proud love for America, unabashed patriotism
"There is so much to enjoy and love in and about the Deep South….why would anyone waste time fretting about slavery and a war that was fought 155 years ago?

"Time to heal and live!

"Respect and love the Confederate flag for what it is…an indelible part of our blessed American heritage and culture!   May it ever be so!
"   John W. Lillpop.