Monday, March 28, 2016

Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Theologian of Terror; Islam vs. civilization

The Anti-Defamation League
. . . "On October 12, 2010, through a recorded message played by the Hamas-affiliated Ministry of Religious Endowment in Gaza, Qaradawi told guests at the meeting that Palestinians must continue to raise arms against Israel. According to Gazan Radio station Al Aqsa Voice, Qaradawi stated: "Not one inch of the land of Islam must remain in the grasp of infidels and occupiers. We must irrigate the tree of freedom with our blood. We must not leave the Palestinians alone. Every Muslim fulfill [sic] his role supporting our brothers in Palestine until they obtain their rights." He reiterated even more clearly, "Arms must not be laid down”he who wants freedom must pay the price."

"Several days later, on his weekly "Shariah and Life" television show on the Al Jazeera network, Qaradawi was asked by the interviewer if Muslims should attempt to acquire nuclear weapons "to terrorize their enemies." Qaradawi, noting his pleasure to learn Pakistan had such a weapon to defend itself, replied that this goal would be permissible for Muslims and provided religious justification for "terrorizing the enemy.' " . . .

ISIS Celebrates Brussels Attacks, Belgian Members Vow to Drink Infidels’ Blood, Paint White House Black

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
A cautionary tale of terror, surrender  
"And then the pressure will begin, and under the new arrangement, other accommodations will be made in the West. Pork products really shouldn’t be sold or served because of health reasons, and alcohol sales, well, wouldn’t it be healthier for all if it weren’t readily available anymore?"
 . . . "American and British military commanders will be told, “Well, it’s nice you want to bomb A, B, or C, but there’s too much risk of hurting civilians. After all, we don’t want to help recruit more terrorists, now, do we?” Other counter-terrorism initiatives will be discussed and then discarded, because who wants to be called a racist, fascist or hatemonger?

"Then another attack will take place, and everyone will fall into his or her respective roles. Politicians will step forward to promise more of this or that, and the opinion makers and commentators will say we shouldn’t overreact, because these things happen in today’s world. We need to focus on the real threats, such as climate change, one’s carbon footprint, or the rise in ocean levels." . . .

News on the Immigration Front

So is this is an authentic view of Islam?   "Earlier today I read that Ballroom Barry is doubling down on his demands that Americans open their hearts and homeland to 100,000 Syrian refugees.  In his brief Easter remarks, Obama said:
"We have to wield another weapon alongside our airstrikes, our military, our counterterrorism work, and our diplomacy," Obama said. "And that's the power of our example. Our openness to refugees fleeing ISIL's violence. Our determination to win the battle against ISIL's hateful and violent propaganda -- a distorted view of Islam that aims to radicalize young Muslims to their cause."
Shortly I read that, a veteran friend out in Guam sent me this refugee pic:
"Notice the obvious: that it’s wet, possibly snowing, and the coats, hoods, and hands in pockets convey that it’s uncomfortably cold as well.  Then notice the less evident fact that the woman is shoeless, unlike any of the seven males.  Also, distinct from any of those males, she is carrying two small children, with the toil of her burden shown in the distressed expression on her face.  Notably, hers is the only face showing any strain within the group.  Seven healthy future American males, but not one will share the weight of the small children with this woman, much less see to it that she has proper footwear.
"Obama says ISIS presents a distorted view of Islam, so I’m compelled to ask: “Mr. President, is this an authentic view?' ” 

Man charged as Brussels bomber was ‘migrant rights activist’  "Faycal Cheffou has been arrested and charged with being the man in the hat captured on surveillance video entering the airport with two suicide bombers. He’s been identified by the taxi driver who picked up the bombers and dropped them at the airport. He is also a well-known “migrant rights activist” who has been on police and official radar for some time. Liam Deacon of Breitbart reports:"
. . . 
"Cheffou has a YouTube channel with videos decrying the treatment of Muslim colonists (a more accurate term than migrants, since they seek the transformation of Belgium into an Islamic state) in Belgium:
…recent topics include supposed police brutality against ethnic minorities, alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians, the Quran, and a report on Hasna Ait Boulahcen, a suspected terrorist who died in a raid linked to the Paris attacks.
"So who's the victim?

Obama reiterates refugee promise  . . . "Admitting entry to Syrian and Iraqi refugees has become a divisive issue in the U.S. as well as Europe, but Obama made clear he has no plan to back off his promise to admit 100,000 to the U.S. this year." . . .

US Muslim Anti-Discrimination Group ‘Demands’ FBI Cancel Informant Program…
Arab Commitee

ISIS 'crucifies Catholic priest on Good Friday'

. . .  after kidnapping him from old people's home where four nuns were shot dead
Indian Catholic priest Father Tom Uzhunnalil was kidnapped by ISIS gunmen in Yemen three weeks ago and was reportedly crucified on Good Friday

"The Indian Catholic priest kidnapped by ISIS-linked terrorists in Yemen earlier this month was crucified on Good Friday, it has been claimed.
"Father Thomas Uzhunnalil, 56, was taken by Islamist gunmen, reportedly linked to ISIS, who attacked an old people's home in Aden, southern Yemen, killing at least 15 people, on March 4.
"The terrorists reportedly carried out the heinous murder on Good Friday, after threatening to do so earlier in the week, according to the Archbishop of Vienna. . . 
Yemeni pro-government fighters gather outside an elderly care home in the southern city of Aden after it was attacked by ISIS-linked gunmen on March 4

"Four gunmen posing as relatives of one of the guests at the home burst inside, killing four Indian nuns, two Yemeni female staff members, eight elderly residents and a guard."

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Use "weapons of love" to fight evil of terrorism, pope says on Easter

A general view is seen of Pope Francis leading the Easter mass in St. Peter's square at the Vatican March 27, 2016. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi

Reuters   " 'With the weapons of love, God has defeated selfishness and death," the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholic said from the same balcony from where he first appeared to the world on the night of his election on March 13, 2013.
"The 79-year-old Argentine pontiff urged people to channel the hope of Easter in order to defeat "the evil that seems to have the upper hand in the life of so many people".
"The pope condemned the Brussels attacks several times during the past week, including at a Good Friday service where he said followers of religions who carried out acts of fundamentalism or terrorism were profaning God's name." . . .
"He urged Europe "not to forget those men and women seeking a better future, an ever more numerous throng of migrants and refugees - including many children - fleeing from war, hunger, poverty and social injustice.' " . . .

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Did a North Dakota community really name its landfill after President Obama?

North Dakota Names Landfill After ObamaIn an overwhelming 35-10 vote, the state Senate advanced a bill naming a 650-acre site currently under construction after the nation's 44th president. Governor Jack Dalrymple is expected to sign the measure into law Tuesday. 

When completed, the Barack Obama Memorial Landfill will be the largest waste disposal site in North Dakota, and the 17th largest in the United States. It will be especially rich in toxic waste from the local petroleum and medical industries. 

"We wanted to do something to honor the president," says Republican State Senator Doug Perlman, who was the lead sponsor of the bill. "And I think a pile of garbage is a fitting tribute to Obama's presidency."

. . . "This article, like all articles on the Daily Currant, is a piece of fiction. A disclaimer on the Daily Currant web site clearly states that "our stories are purely fictional." Of course, that disclaimer is not included when the story is shared via email, Facebook, or Twitter. 

"In addition to the disclaimer, the article is plainly false due to the use of fictitious quotes from imaginary people. Doug Perlman and Allison Mitchell, two politicians quoted in the article, are not senators from North Dakota. " . . .

Obama's 'National Lampoon Latin American Vacation'

. . . "Indeed, the majority of Obama’s speech essentially was meant to lower the esteem and prestige of the United States and to reduce its stature in the eyes of the Cuban people to curry favor and conform more closely to the communist nation of the Castros.' .  .  . 

Larry Klayman
.. . . "It is now even more apparent that Obama, being in his last year of an arrogant, belligerent, divisive and highly destructive presidency, believes that he can do whatever he wants, regardless of appearances. He is consciously disparaging the United States as his final payback for what he views as hundreds of years of continuing racial discrimination toward African-Americans and, more recently, his fellow Muslims. Like the low-class staffs of Bill and Hillary Clinton that vandalized computers and furniture on their way out the White House door, to show their disdain for incoming President George W. Bush after his victory in the court case challenging the ballot count in Florida, Obama’s persecution complex and latent hatred has caused him to trash our Judeo-Christian national heritage and national security as his final days in the peoples’ house hopefully comes to an end.
"This president, put simply, is a national and international disgrace. Nothing more needs to be said. We the People must now go forth to rebuild our great nation and seek justice for the severely damaging and frequently “criminal actions” of Obama and his comrades.

Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment."

David Kupelian explores what it really means to 'take up your cross'


World Net Daily
“And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”– Mark 8:34-37
“And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”– Luke 9:23
“And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”– Matthew 10:38
 . . . "No, if God wanted to demonstrate His love for us, and at the same time provide us with the perfect, ultimate example of real love for our fellow man, what could be a more perfect expression of love than the willing suffering and death of His Son – Who while dying asked God to forgive His tormentors? The sheer beauty, logic and power of it is transcendent. If you’re looking for love in this loveless world, that’s it." . . .

Grayson: Reid 'lied about me'. Karma or what?

A plague on both their houses.

The Hill

. . . "In the statement, Reid accused Grayson of using his position as a congressman to “unethically promote his Cayman Islands hedge funds, and he should drop out of the Senate race immediately.”
“ 'It’s pathetic that somebody would make a statement like that based upon a false accusation,” Grayson told The Hill’s Molly K. Hooper. “My goodness, it’s in Ten Commandments — thou shall not bear false witness*. And that’s exactly what he’s done; he lied about me.”
"The House Ethics Committee is considering whether to open an investigation into Grayson and has said it will make a decision by April 5. The Florida Senate primary — in which Grayson is seeking to upset the establishment choice, Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Fla.) — will be held on March 15." . . .
*Ask Grayson how much he enjoyed Reid's made up public claim that Mitt Romney hadn't paid his taxes in years. Alan Grayson might be a good choice for a Sanders ticket. "False witness" Grayson says? What about this statement of his: "Republicans want you to die quickly"?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Thomas Sowell: Black and White, Left and Right

Thomas Sowell had a doctorate, so is indeed referred to as "Doctor". His pen name is simply "Thomas Sowell", but I had a conundrum: if I left out the honorific 'Doctor", would liberals have called me racist for diminishing Dr. Sowell? Or by referring to him as "Dr. Thomas Sowell", am I being patronizing and showing my racism?  Michelle Obama's response would have depended on her mood, er,...wait! Have I just been sexist? (Her mood swings decided her descriptions of a short lady asking for something on a top grocery shelf as funny on one TV talk show  and racist on another). What do I do? What DO I do?  TD
Oh, sorry; I forget why we were on this subject. Anyway. . . 

"The biggest difference between the left and right today, when it comes to racial issues, is that liberals tend to take the side of those blacks who are doing the wrong things -- hoodlums the left depicts as martyrs, while the right defends those blacks more likely to be the victims of those hoodlums."
Dr. Thomas Sowell   "Much is made of the fact that liberals and conservatives see racial issues differently, which they do. But these differences have too often been seen as simply those on the right being racist and those on the left not.
"You can cherry-pick the evidence to reach that conclusion. But you can also cherry-pick the evidence to reach the opposite conclusion.
"During the heyday of the Progressive movement in the early 20th century, people on the left were in the forefront of those promoting doctrines of innate, genetic inferiority of not only blacks but also of people from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, as compared to people from Western Europe.
"Liberals today tend to either glide over the undeniable racism of Progressive President Woodrow Wilson or else treat it as an anomaly of some sort. But racism on the left at that time was not an anomaly, either for President Wilson or for numerous other stalwarts of the Progressive movement. . . . 
"Progressives spearheaded the eugenics movement, dedicated to reducing the reproduction of supposedly "inferior" individuals and races." . . .

Cadbury Drops The Word “Easter” From Their Easter Candy

"UPDATE: Cadbury Responds: “Easter Is On The Back Of The Treats”

Weasel Zippers


"PC claims another victim. Via Irish Central:"
Cadbury’s, Ireland’s leading chocolate manufacturer, is denying that the word “Easter” has been dropped from the packaging of their famous chocolate eggs this spring in an attempt to market their products in a more secular way.
A spokesperson from Cadbury’s told the Irish Independent that “Easter” was not prominently displayed on the chocolate egg packaging because they felt that “Easter” was implied by the product itself, denying that it was down to political or religious correctness.
“Most of our Easter eggs don’t say Easter or egg on the front as we don’t feel the need to tell people this – it is very obvious through the packaging that it is an Easter egg,” said the spokesperson.
Not only is “Easter” nowhere to be seen on the front of the boxes this year, but “Cadbury’s Easter Egg Trail Pack” has been replaced with “Cadbury Egg Hunt Pack” and the chocolate manufacturer’s Creme Egg product – commonly known to disappear from the shelves after Easter – shows no references to Easter in warnings of the deadline by which to scoop them up.
Beam me up, Scotty. 

America's humiliation by Obama's Latin America trip.

To think, I had hoped if we just got Obama out of Washington that he could not damage this nation more. How could I have thought that?
If you elect the choice of Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, Al Sharpton and most of Hollywood, this is the kind of president you get. In fact, if Rev. Wright himself was POTUS, how could he have been more of a tool for dictators? The Tunnel Dweller.

Obama Embarrasses Nation with Visit to Cuba  "All the people that have risked their lives to come to the U.S. from Cuba were told that America is just as bad as their former country... and they were told this by President Obama no less!" Watch this video:

. . . "But as he finished I was truly horrified at what I’d heard." . . .

. . . "'Anything less will invite more aggression not only from Cuba, but others adversaries as well, who will see once again there’s no price to pay under President Obama for humiliating the United States,' he said."

And finally, just as we had predicted, President Ayres speaks:

. . . ""In the 1970s, Soviet communism and socialism was spreading rapidly throughout South America and the CIA created Operation Condor to help local right-wing groups such as the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance repel the Russian influence.  Politics aside, trying combat the spread of communism has never been easy and CIA agents did what was necessary to protect the United States.
"But rest assured, Obama, who swept in to save the day, gave a most sincere apology to Argentina on behalf of the "early dark days" of the CIA and the United States." . . .
"I will leave it up to you to decide who Obama was referring to when he said, "commemorate those who fought side-by-side with Argentinians for human rights.' "

Friday, March 25, 2016

Cheap grace and American hedonism

Patrice Lewis stresses Christians' need to 'work in the vineyard'
" .  . .anyone who objected was intimidated into silence, including many churches. An exception was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who helped found the Confessing Church in Germany. Since he refused to be intimidated into silence, he was imprisoned, sent to a concentration camp and later executed.
"But his words live on, especially his searing analysis of what he called “cheap grace” where he rebukes nominal Christians: “Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline. Communion without confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ.”
"Repentance is working in the vineyard. Discipline is working in the vineyard. This is God’s way, not our way. We can’t choose to do whatever we want as long as it feels good and expect to be rewarded for our decisions. We need repentance and discipline.
"Just some rambling thoughts on this Resurrection weekend. May you all be blessed by Jesus’ sacrifice."